Only three days left......

We have been preparing the children for the next stage of the Foundation Stage, Reception. Mrs. Hartley came for a play on Wednesday and had a lovely time. She can’t wait to see the children in September!

The nursery ladies can’t believe it’s nearly time to say goodbye, we are all so sad.

Key person blog

We’ve had a lovely week in nursery enjoying the sunshine playing in our wonderful garden. We have made full use of the sand pit and our wonderful water area. In preparation for our Pirate Party on Monday morning we constructed a huge pirate ship and have been firing the canon, walking the plank and singing pirate songs. We have also made lots of treasure maps to hunt for buried treasure.

The children made a huge bed from crash mats and had a whopping game of ‘there were 10 in the bed’! No one went to sleep, especially with the rock band that was taking place on the stage!

To practise our catching and throwing skills we hung some large hoops in the trees. We had to throw bean bags, balls and loopies through the hoops. We are getting very good!

The children have been of measuring the height of many different things around nursery, so look out for a piece of string coming home!

The obstacle courses and whacky races have been great fun and the children have been moving our bodies around in lots of different and creative ways.

The children have been enjoying assembly with the whole school, something we haven’t done for such a long time. It was so lovely to be together again!

On Monday we watched the Year 6 production of Mary Poppins.. The children have really loved singing the songs especially “Let’s Go Fly A Kite”, which they sang on the way back from a trip to the beach.

The children have been tending the garden every day and we have now seen the fruits of our labour (no pun intended). We have harvested some pea’s and strawberries and our beanstalks and sunflowers are getting ever taller and taller.

As always we loved our trip to the beach! The photos show how much we love it!

 Barbara, Michelle, Colette, Stephanie and Frances

We had a visit from our friend Supercroccy this week. He is our helpful Super Hero. We all made Ninja headbands and went on an adventure to capture a lion that had escaped from the zoo. We all chose our special super power and were ready to go! What great fun!!!!!!

May I remind everyone that on Monday it is our Leavers Pirate Party. All the children (and nursery ladies) are invited to come wearing their pirate costumes…..arghhhhhhh! We will be having a fish and chip lunch, so no need to send a packed lunch that day! It starts at 10.00 am and finishes at 12.30 pm!

Also, school will be finishing at 2.00 pm on Wednesday for the summer holidays.

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you on Monday for our last few days.
