It's time for us to say goodbye...until September.

It never gets any easier saying cheerio to all our wonderful children and their families at the end of the year. It has been an exceptional year at nursery, where our learning has known no bounds. The children’s sense of self and duty to others is quite remarkable. Each time we have worship their contributions to our group discussions brings a tear to our eyes. Every single child is truly magical.

As you know we had our Pirate Party on Monday… was sooooo very hot we had to split our time between indoors and outdoors. A regular dousing down with the hose pipe kept us cool, and soggy!

We had games such as walk the plank, pass the cannonball, finds the treasure, musical spots and many many more pirate themed games. One of the children said “it’s the best party I’ve been to”. Job done!!!!

So you can share in our fun we have put some photographs together for you. Here goes……

Finally, I would like to say thank you for choosing to send your child to Our Lady’s. We all feel very privileged to have been able to work alongside your child and yourselves. We have watched them blossom and grow and we are all so very proud of their achievements.

I know they will continue to grow as they move through the school and rest assured I will always have my eye on them. Please continue to keep in touch with us….. you belong to Our Lady’s!

Have the most splendid summer and remember to stay safe and well. We look forward to seeing the children in their school uniforms and also to the children who will be returning to nursery in September.

God bless

Barbara, Colette, Michelle, Stephanie, Justine and Frances