Year 5 weekly blog 16.09.22- ' Leadership is not about titles, positions or work hours. It's about relationships'

This week has been our leadership week. Each class has been listening to speeches from candidates and voting for our new Year 6 House Captains and also our new Year 5 Class Councilors. The children stood at the front and gave some lovely speeches, explaining the reasons why they should be picked and the qualities they bring to the class.


This week the children began their music lessons with Mrs Maddocks, including their new instrument! The children were exhilarated to have their own clarinet and begin to know the sound of the instrument. The children will learn how to put together their clarinet safely come their next lesson. In the next few weeks, they will be aloud to take them home to practice.

In Maths, the children have shown a great retainment of knowledge from Year 4 as we moved on to rounding. The children have started to develop how to round to higher numbers without using manipulatives.

In English, we have continued with our focus of Greek myths and legends and have completed our first piece of story writing about the Minotaur and the Labyrinth.


Bank Holiday- School will be closed on Monday 19th September due to Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral. School will reopen on the Tuesday.

Football - Due to school being closed on Monday, football training will be on Tuesday at 3:30pm. Please can Code of Conduct forms be handed in on Tuesday.

Choir and Netball- On Thursdays at 3:30pm

Dance- There will be no dance session on this week.

Induction Evening- Will take place Wednesday 21st September at 6pm. I am looking forward to meeting all of you and for you to get the chance to see the children’s new classroom and to meet the staff.

Homework- Has been set online for the children. All information regarding homework has been posted on the Year 5 home learning blog and is to be handed in by Tuesday 20th September.