‘Be the reason someone smiles.’

We’ve had another wonderful week in Reception and the children continue to amaze us with their resilience and their care for one another. We have continued to practise our classroom routines and are gradually beginning to introduce some new ones. The children already remember that each morning they need to take their water bottles and reading packets out of their bag, put their bag in their tray, then they find their picture and stick it on our ten frame to ‘sign in’ to school and finally, they sit on the carpet in their house teams ready to say good morning!

On Monday, each child was given a reading packet with a yellow reading record and a library book inside. They were very proud and excited to bring it home and share it with their grown ups! We talked about the different ways we can use our library books at home and that it is very important that they bring it to school with them each day as we might read with the teachers in school. Next week we will share a home reading guide suggesting some different ways the books can be used and shared at home; we hope you will find this useful. Library books will be changed every Monday.

We have put together a video to share our exciting first days in Reception; you will find this at the bottom of the page. We hope you enjoy watching it!
Well done Reception, what a wonderful start we have had to our learning journey!

Focused Cooper Crab and Determined Sadie Spider

The children have really enjoyed meeting our school characters and they have impressed us with how determined they have been show demonstrate these characteristics within school. This week we met Focused Cooper Crab and Determined Sadie Spider.

Important Forms

Thank you very much for the forms and photographs that have already been sent. If you have not done so already it would be greatly appreciated if these could be completed and returned as soon as possible.

In addition to the forms below, please could you send a photograph (and corresponding name) of all the adults who are on your childs’ authorised pick up list as discussed at the parent meeting earlier this week. Please send these pictures to s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

House Teams

Please see below for your childs’ house team:

Gates and Drop of Times

From Tuesday 19th September Reception will start their full days in school.
We have some wonderful Year 6 helpers who will be at both gates in the morning ready to welcome Reception and walk them round to their classroom - thank you Year 6!

Please see below for a reminder of gates and times:

Morning drop off: Home time pick up: (One way system)
Marsden - 8:45 - Kenilworth Gate Marsden - 15:15 - Kenilworth Gate
Harcourt - 8:45 - St Patricks’ Gate Harcourt - 15:15 - Kenilworth Gate

Bamber - 8:50 - Kenilworth Gate Bamber - 15:25 - Kenilworth Gate
Plessington 8:50 - St Patricks’ Gate Plessington - 15:25 - Kenilworth Gate

Important Reminders:

The children are already remembering some of their classroom routines and have impressed us with their determination and independence.
Please have a look through the polite reminders below as this will greatly support the children to become more independent over the upcoming weeks.

  • Please ensure that all uniform items are clearly labelled

  • Please send your child to school with a full water bottle (clearly labelled)

  • As we already have rainy weather, it would be useful for your child to bring a pair of wellies (labelled) into school, these can stay in school

  • Snacks are provided by school however, should you choose to send a snack in with your child, large snacks such as grapes should be cut in half length ways

  • PE will start WB 19th September. Our PE days will be Wednesday and Thursday, your child can come to school in their PE uniform, suitable PE trainers and will stay in their PE clothes for the remainder of the day

Thank you for your support.

As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful weekend!
God bless,

The Reception Team