Year 2 Weekly Blog 30.9.22 - "Let all that you do be done in love"

Unfortunately I was struck with a dreaded sickness bug on Monday and Tuesday so was unable to come into school at the beginning of the week. However, it was Mrs Hotchkiss to the rescue who said that she had loads of fun starting the week with lots of fantastic learning. She enthusiastically told me when I returned on Wednesday that all the children are now able to recognise the minute hand on a clock when placed on one of the 5 minute intervals past the hour. She was also incredibly impressed by the children’s confident speaking and wonderful singing as they went through our assembly script together. Map skills have also been the focus with Mrs Hotchkiss in Geography.

When I arrived to school on Wednesday, I couldn’t wait to hear how well the children had rehearsed their lines ready for our assembly practice - and my, they certainly didn’t let me down! We’ve been busy acting and singing this week to ensure that our assembly is ready for you to enjoy on Tuesday.

We’ve also been looking at non-fiction texts in English as we have explored about wolves further. The children have learnt all about the contents and index pages and now know that non-fiction books don’t have to be read from front cover to back like fiction books do. We’re going to use these non-fiction books to help develop our reading comprehension skills next week.

In Science, we’ve learnt all about the basic needs of survival for living things and created a poster for these in our books. We had a wonderful ‘Curious Clara Clownfish’ discussion about the things we NEED to survive and the things we WANT or would like which make us happy. It was wonderful to hear that although not needed for survival, the children recognise the importance of friendship, hugs and love to help them to get through each day. We also had lots recognising the importance of having fun. What a jolly bunch you are Year 2!

Let’s Celebrate

Nathan – what an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee you are!  You absolutely love learning which shows in your focus and hard work during lessons.  You can always been relied on to be making super choices and your work is always finished to such a high standard.  Keep working hard Nathan and your brain is just going to continue to grow and grow! 

I am so proud of you Albert!  Already throughout the short time you have been in Year 2, I can see so much progress in your learning.  You are trying really hard to stay focused during lessons and are now starting tasks straight away in order to get them finished.  It is wonderful to see that confidence oozing from you, knowing that you are able to achieve anything when you put your mind to it.  Well done! 


Don’t forget, our class assembly will take place on Tuesday 4th October at 9:10am and 9:35am. You are welcome to stay for both performances if you wish. Please do keep practising those lines over the weekend!

Please check the home learning section for this week’s homework.

With Harvest time fast approaching, we are looking forward to celebrating as a whole school community once again for the first time since the pandemic. As in previous years, as a school, we will be collecting food items for local food banks. Year 2 are collecting tinned tomatoes, so please donate if you can, before Friday 14th October. We will be collecting these in class around our worship area.

Please let us know if you wish for your child to receive the NHS flu vaccination in school or not. This form can be found on the Year 2 page.

Let’s hope for some lovely sunshine for us all to enjoy this weekend before the colder days and dark nights set in!
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the year 2 team.