Year 1 Blog 30.09.22

When we arrived a school we discovered a crime scene in our classroom, somebody had snuck in during the night and destroyed the fruit and vegetables! We noticed sand on the table and on the floor so we think the intruder came in from the back door!

We thought about how the fruit and vegetables would feel and why. We then decided we should make posters to see if anyone had information about the crime scene.

We put some of our posters up around the school, we let lots of people know what had happened in our classroom. So they can tell us if they find out any information.

In Maths we have loved completing lots of practical activities with numbers up to 10. We ordered them drew pictures to represent the number, counted out a specific number of objects, matched the words to the numerals and found the missing numbers.  


During RE we have learnt about Adam and Eve we acted out the story. We thought deeply about why God was disappointed by their choices and thought of some questions to ask them:

  • Why did you listen to the bad serpent?

  • How did you feel when you ate the fruit?

  •  Why did you eat the fruit when God told you not to?

  • Why did you not listen to God?

  • Why did you hide from God after you ate the apple?

We thought of a time when we made a good choice and discussed it with the class.


Well done to our awardees:

Tommy Turtle for having a go at being Eve in RE, you did a brilliant job well done!

Kiki Chameleon you were a super Mr Broccoli and gave some great answers to all the different questions. Well done!

Henry is going home with this person for always working hard, super listening on the carpet and for excellent work in his RWI sessions well done!

 Harvest Plea

With Harvest time fast approaching, we are looking forward to celebrating as a whole school community once again for the first time since the pandemic. As in previous years, as a school, we will be collecting food items for local food banks. Year 1 are collecting Long Life Milk, so please donate if you can, before Friday 14th October.


  • School dinners are free up until Year 3, if your child would like a school dinner, they can let us know in the morning.

  • Please ensure your child has a spare set of clothes, just in case of any accidents (not just toilet accidents) such as falling in a puddle or spilling something over themselves.

  •  If you have any spare boys underwear, we would be grateful if you could donate them to our class, as we do not have many spare at the moment.

  •  Please can you return any borrowed uniform back to school as soon a possible.

    Thank you

     Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson