Year 5 weekly blog 30.09.22- 'Legends are not born, they are created'

Another week finished! Hard to believe we have been back for four weeks now. This week our sports fixtures began with football and netball. The attitude shown by all the children has been amazing and their commitment and passion has been a pleasure for myself, Mr Nay and Mrs Lavelle. The netball team and year 5 football team lost unfortunately, whereas the year 6 football team won, which included some year 5 pupils.

In Maths, we have finished our numbers up to a million and are ready to move onto decimals next week. The children showed their understanding of number by comparing and ordering numbers and completing stem sentences for each digit.

In English, we have begin to dig further into our new legend story of Gelert by inferring the characters feelings and discussing the main themes. The children have started to use their imagination and knowledge of legend stories to create their own sequel to the story. They have come up with some brilliant ideas and choice of language, which will set them up well for when it comes to them writing their own story from scratch.

In History, we have been looking into the rise of Athens and researching how it became the most powerful city in Ancient Greece. The children have been able to explain their answers in detail which is showing that they are adapting to Year 5 nicely. We have just looked into presenting this information via a non-chronological report, in which the children have become familiar with and they will then plan and write their own reports.

Music lessons began again with Mrs Maddocks. The children have now learned how to put together their clarinet completely and again practiced finding their sound, whilst maintaining a unison beat. Mrs Maddocks is happy for the children to start taking their clarinets home from Monday as soon as the permission slips have been handed in. All children have been given a permission slip today.

Let’s Celebrate

Angel for being a co-operative learner- As we began our sports fixtures this week, children got back into the feeling of representing the school and working together to do the school proud. Angel was asked to play in the A team, which was made up of Year 6 children. Despite never playing football with the year above, Angel showed that he is a brilliant teammate and helped Our Lady’s to an opening win of the season in which he scored a great goal. Keep it up Angel.

Ruby Lilly for being a creative learner- Ruby Lilly shows such enthusiasm throughout our English lessons and really runs away with her imagination when writing narratives. Her creativity and expression is really shown in her legends story writing which has been a pleasure to read. I can’t wait to see more of Ruby-Lilly’s work as she progress’ through Year 5. Brilliant work Ruby-Lilly.

Compassion Butterflies- Every week we will be looking for acts of kindness who children who display moments of compassion. Our inaugural winner last week was Rosa for being the first person to always console pupils in the class when they are upset, regardless of the reason, which shows what type of person she is. Our winner this week goes to Nicola for showing kindness towards all children on the playground and is always seen playing with lots of different people. A delightful person to be around.


NHS Flu Vaccinations-These are available for children. Please see this on the school blog for more information.

Homework- Deadline date will now be on Wednesdays. If you are struggling then please let me know so we can discuss this before the deadline.

After school clubs- Please check the sports timetable on the school blog for times regarding football, netball , dance and choir.

Clarinets- Permission slips to be handed in on Monday. Child can not take their clarinet home without the slip being handed in.

Medical and consent forms- Please can any parents who haven’t already, fill in the medical and consent forms for your child. At the moment I have 24 medical forms and 17 consent forms. Here are the links for each of these: