Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone and welcome back. I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and you were on the good list!!!

All the children have been happy to be back at nursery and to tell us all about what Father Christmas had brought for them. You will be pleased to know that the nursery ladies were on the good list too…phew!

Over the past three days we have been reminding ourselves of the routines of the day and refreshing our numeracy and phonics before we continue on our learning journey next week…it will be all systems go! You may want to go on to Purple Mash to reinvigorate the children’s number and sound knowledge!

For our learning thread this half term will be finding out about…dinosaurs!!!! Before Christmas we had a whole group discussion about what we would like to learn more about and dinosaurs were a unanimous decision.

If you click on the button below to look at our planning. You will be able to join in with our learning at home. We are all sooooo excited!

Remember to have a restful weekend!

We will see you on Monday ready to ‘find out’ about dinosaurs!

God Bless
