This week...

I hope that everyone has had a lovely half term break and has managed to get some family time. Thank you to those who have sent in photos of their adventures.

What a soggy week! It’s been so wet nobody has wanted to play in the garden, we had to wait for little glimmers of sunshine and then race outside!!

We have devoted this week to firework safety and colour. The children have made the most wonderful splatter pictures using paint and also using a computer programme.

We watched a short video which told us about Guy Fawkes making a bad choice and Bonfire Night Celebrations Click here to watch.

Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone. Welcome back. I hope you all had a wonderful half-term 

After our rest we have got straight back to growing our brains and this is what we have been up to. 

We have been learning about why we celebrate bonfire night and have talked about being safe when going to see a bonfire. To link in with our leaning, the children have had so much fun creating their own firework pictures by using watered down paint colours and flicking their paint brush onto paper whilst making the sounds of fireworks. There has been a lot of sparkles thrown in there too. The children have been busy making some fabulous sound's and art work.

We have also linked this in with looking at the 3 primary colours; red, yellow and blue, and talking about how the colours make new colours by mixing them together.  

You could make your own colour wheel spinner at home and watch how all the colours mix together when you spin yours. Its so much fun to make and watch.  

Here is a link to have a go at home:

This week we have started a new sound 't,d s'. As the children practice writing this sound, we say, 'slither down the snake'.

We have also moved on to learn a new number, 3. As the children learn to write 3, we say, 'make a curve just like me, then one more and you've got 3'. This really helps the children to understand how to form the numbers and letters.

As the cold weather is here, it's that time of year for coats, hats, gloves and scarfs. If you could please ensure you put their names inside their items as this will help the children to recognise their name and help to build their independence (as well as helping us of course!) this would be really helpful, thank you.

Enjoy and stay safe if you are attending any bonfires this weekend and see you all on Monday. 


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome back after our half term break. 

Our learning continues this week as we have been exploring colour. We  learnt that there are 3 primary colours as we watched this video 

We have been very artistic as we have painted our firework pictures using florescent paint. We also made firework pictures on the interactive white board, trying to fill all the space with colour. We then learnt how to stay safe around fireworks, bonfires and sparklers. Remember sparklers are not recommended for young children.

We have worked really hard this week learning to write the number 3. We used the interactive white board as well as really long lengths of paper on the floor. If you are practising at home remember it's " make a curve just like me, then another one makes a 3". We have also explored how 2 plus another 1 makes 3 and have used our fingers to show this.

In PE we have continued to practise our hopping and our jumping as we had to collect different colour cones. We also wowed Mr Nay with our ball control as we rolled them along the floor to hit the cones. He could tell we have been practising.

We have also been practising our independence skills by putting our coats on and trying to do the zip up. Any practise that you can do at home getting dressed independently will benefit your child immensely.

Finally, we have met 2 new letter sounds this week 's' ‘d’ and 't'. As well as learning the sounds we are also learning how to write them. We are remembering to use our 'duck fingers' when writing.

Have a safe bonfire weekend and we will see you next week



On Wednesday we celebrated All Saints Day. First of all we had to find out what a Saint was. Click here to find out.

We all decided that it would be a good idea to try to be a Saint for the Day. It’s really tricky, we really wanted to be more like Jesus. We are going to try every day.

Travelling Nativity

Starting next Thursday each child will be coming home with a Travelling Nativity sack. It contains Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus along with a book about the birth of Christ. We want every child to have the opportunity to take this special sack home so your child will only be able to have it for one night. It is important to return the sack the following day to ensure nobody misses their turn. Thank you as always for being so understanding.

If you visit the school blog on the main page Mrs. Gregan will tell you more.

Read Write Inc.

If your child is learning to read at school with Read Write Inc. Phonics, they will be at one of the following stages: We are following Stage 1

Learning Set 1 Speed Sounds

These are the Set 1 Speed Sounds written with one letter:

m  a  s  d  t  i  n  p  g  o  c  k  u  b  f  e  l  h  r  j  v  y  w  z  x

These are the sounds written with two letters (your child will call these ‘special friends’):

sh  th  ch  qu  ng  nk  ck

Check if your child can read these sounds. Make sure they say sounds like ‘mmm’, not letter names like ‘em’. Watch the Sound Pronunciation Guide video to help you. Click here

If your child is learning Set 1 Speed Sounds, help them to:

  • Complete the Speed Sounds practice sheets for the Speed Sounds they have learnt.

  • Scroll down to the bottom of this page until you reach the Speed Sounds practice sheets Click here. This is a wonderful webpage but remember we are only learning at Stage one.

    This week we have been learning these sounds only m,s,t,a,d. If you could focus on these sounds that would be a great start. Remember ‘duck fingers’!!!

    I am sending home a Read Write Inc word mat and a Speed sound chart so that you will be able to follow our sequence of learning at nursery.

Maths Mastery

This week we met Number Three!

We have:

  • found out that 3 is one more than 2

  • been counting to 3

  • comparing numbers 1,2,and three -’bigger’ and ‘smaller’

  • ordering numbers 1 to 3

  • found out that 3 is made of 2 and 1

Three arrives with a bang and a song and dance about her favourite number:1,2,3, Everybody Look at Me. Click here to watch.

We have also been writing number three. Here’s the rhyme, try and have a go at home.

3 Make a curve just like me, then one more and you’ve got three!! Good luck

Christmas Nativity

This year the Foundation Stage Nativity is as follows.

Dress rehearsal for the whole school 5th December

Parents performances will be on the 6th and 7th December. These are a ticket only events with an allocation of 4 tickets per family over the two performances.

As I receive more details I will let you know….keep watching the blog!

Remembrance Day Poppies

Sticker poppies are now on sale in nursery. Please send your donation in if you wish to help the Royal British Legion Charity.

Lastly, I am hopeful for a brighter weekend but as yet it is not looking too promising. Try and have a lovely weekend whatever the weather. If you are having fireworks at home or attending an organised event please keep safe.

God Bless
