Year 2 Weekly Blog 10th February - No Matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.

Year 2 Weekly Blog 10th February - No Matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.

At the end of each half term, I like to reflect and today I’ve encourage the children to do they same. We’ve thought about what we’ve done well, what we’ve achieved and what’s still to come. We all agreed we’re looking forward to some warmer weather and lighter mornings and nights.

We’ve come to the end of our Non Chronological Report unit in English. The children have worked really hard gathering information about barn owls and have written some wonderful final pieces of work. I’m looking forward to reading them all over half term.

During indoor PE, in small groups the children put together and practiced a dance routine based on all the seaside theme movements from or PE lessons over the last 5 weeks.

Tuesday was Safer Internet day. The children enjoyed watching a short clip about what to do if anything made them feel sad or gave them a ‘funny tummy’ when online. We sang the funny tummy song and learnt that we should TAG - Tell A Grown up.

In Maths we have been interpreting information on pictogram and bar graphs, writing statements using ‘more than’ and fewer than’. We extended this learning in Geography, when we made a tally chart and bar graph of places the children in year 2 had visited then wrote our own statements.

On Wednesday we had a special visitor, Miss Woodend and baby Millie. The children were so excited to see her and enjoyed asking lots of questions as well as sharing their own news.

Library - please accept my apologies, the link I posted last week did not work! I will try again after half term.

Let’s Celebrate

Ava you are a reading superstar! You have been working so hard, practicing your reading at home. You're really focusing and concentrating when you’re quizzing, working towards your target. It’s lovely to see and hear your about your love of reading and I’m really looking forward to taking you to visit the library next half term. Keep it up!

Alana, I’m really noticing how hard you have been trying in class recently. Your confidence is growing everyday and even when learning tasks are a bit tricky or you’re unsure you’re being brave and giving it a go. Believe in yourself, Alana – you can do it!


Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.

Although the weather is a little brighter, it’s still cold outside - please ensure your child brings coat to school every day.

Please check the home learning section for this week’s homework.

Have a safe and restful half term break,
Mrs Marham , Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher