Year 3 Home learning during the half term

We hope you all have a wonderful half term! Enjoy a rest and quality time together as a family. We do ask that you continue with daily reading and it would be wonderful if you continued your daily practice of TTRockstars. There is an great optional task, linking to our online safety day.


Time to get creative! We will be raising money throughout lent as part of our Alms Giving! Before the pandemic we always had a partner class, another class we did special things with. We have a a new partner class and it is NURSERY!!! We have met up today and read stories to them. Over the holiday we need to take an old box (Pringles tin, margarine box, any box - not too large) then we need to decorate it - the theme is Easter. Make sure there is a slot to pop money in. We will be giving this box to our nursery partner when we return to school and as Lent begins. In turn they will be giving us a box that they have decorated that we will take home. Once we have our new box at home we can complete chores around the house for coins - giving up our time to serve and to think about charity too. Have fun making it it will be given in love.


We pleased ask that you read everyday during the half term holidays, we would like for all children to return back ready to quiz!


We also ask that throughout the week your child has daily practise on TTRockstars. We are so proud of how much confidence the children have already gained with their timestables, let’s see this confidence rise even furthur!

Maths Multiplication

Please compelte the following IXL units: L8 and O8 - these are your eight timestables facts- rock them!!! Now complete arrays and groups K4,K5, - remember tou have the week so spread it out!!

Online Safety Day 2023

Purple mash 2Do: Give me 3 has been set where I would like you to share three things that you love about the internet and three things that you would like to change.