Year 6 Home Learning 10.02.23


Please complete the following IXL strands:

L4 Equivalent fractions

L5 Patterns of equivalent fractions


Please complete the reading comprehension sheet and questions- don’t forget to underline or highlight key information on the text.


Can you research William Shakespeare - what information can you find out about him? Then bring back your research after half term please for our English lessons. Think about the following titles: Early life; education; how he became a playwright; late life and legacy


Two creative tasks for you to do over half term:

  1. Can you design and make a special lenten box for your Reception partner. This needs to be a specially designed and decorated container that you can give to your partner the first week back after half term ready for them to take home and collect money during lent for our chosen charity. Think about what your partner likes and what their interests are, this may help you when planning what to do. You could make your box out of any plastic container, cardboard box, it is up to you- just make sure it is fully cleaned out first!

  2. Start thinking about what character you want to become on World Book Day! Be creative with what you have!