And so, we approach Holy Week in school. As we have continued to learn in class, the whole school has been busy putting together their depictions of the passion. The hall has been filled with song, emotion and wonderful drama. This morning, we had the pleasure of watching the Year 2 rehearsal of Palm Sunday. It was such a beautiful start to our school Holy Week.
Next Thursday, we will be performing our interpretation of the resurrection. I am excited for you to see it and for you to share it with us. The children need to bring into school on Monday a pair of black leggings/trousers/joggers for the assembly and some of them need to bring a black t-shirt- they know who they are, we call them our masked people. Thank you. Throughout next week, we will be discussing and writing about these events in our RE lessons. I would love to show the children clips from the film ‘Jesus of Nazareth’, as this is a fantastic resource to fully comprehend the feelings and emotions involved which will impact their writing. This film is a PG however, we will start next Monday, so if you have any objections with this then please do get in touch. If I do not hear from you, I will assume you have given consent. Many thanks.
What have we been learning this week?
Learning has been full on and fast paced this week. I am so impressed by the attitude of the children and their desire to make progress.
English - The children have been busy analysing and collecting vocabulary and cohesive devices from our discussion around the last supper and garden of Gethsemane. We have really worked on our grammar this week and boxed off identifying determiners, prepositions and revision work on prepositional phrases.
Maths - We have enjoyed maths this week, coming to end of our fraction work and answering some tricky multi step fraction problems- what reslience we have had!
RE - What are the events of Good Friday? How did this impact on us and what did the disciples feel? We have been looking closely at the events that took place on Holy Thursday, and analysing how Jesus and his disciples may have felt.
You will see from the homework this week that we are really gearing up to the final weeks of teaching. Please continue to keep asking questions and I will help you wherever I can. Over Easter we will be sending a number of practice papers home to have a go at over the holidays, all of these will be due back the first day back after the Easter holidays. Support your child the best way you see fit, these will not be assessed by me, so whatever level input you feel is necessary then please feel free. If you click on the button below, it will take you to the section on the Year 6 web page ‘How to Help Your Child.’ I have updated the page with lots of useful sites for the children to access. If you see there is an area that children need more practice, then these sites should help, but remember one of the most crucial ways is through books. So please make sure you set aside time of Easter to read together. Below also is the timetable and just so information about SAT’s week.
Leading Learners
Well done to Dominic and Jay this week.
Dominic, you are being such a reflective and curious learner. Your determination to succeed and desire to do the best you can has not got unnoticed! We love how engaged you are in lessons, how you always ask if you need something clarifying and your focus- keep it up Dominic!
Jay You are working so hard and are extremely focused during lessons. We love how you are getting lost in tasks, showing great resilience and listened to advice. Keep up with your passion for reading, as this unlocks so many learning opportunities!
Love and Compassionate butterflies
This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that stop and notice how others are experiencing their lives, and how they feel, and why they say and believe what they do. Ultimately, it is what makes us kind and, at a deeper level, opens up the possibility of being loving through our just and merciful actions and forgiving words. This week we thank Evan, Connor-Sean and Nicola for always being compassionate and loving with others.
Lunch Time Awards …
Marvelous Manners awards … Nicola
Role Model of the week … Christian
Helpers in the morning
This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:
Nicola Jay Georgia Rosa
Year 6 Resurrection Assembly- Thursday 28th March at 9:15, please arrive a little earlier to be seated.
Next Monday 25th March- Lenten boxes to be returned.
The information regarding leaver’s hoodies will be released over the coming week. You will be able to order via the school office.
We break up at 2pm on Thursday 28th March.
Have a lovely weekend.
I will see you on Monday.
Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker