Year 3 Weekly Blog 22.3.24 - “This is the best swimming lesson ever!” 

We’ve had a super busy week in year 3! As always the children have worked hard and really impressed the adults in class. On Thursday morning I went on a course and so the children were able to impress Mrs Gregan with their knowledge of Romans. She also took them over to the chapel to spend some time reflecting on the upcoming events of Holy Week.

Our Class Worship was led by Emilia and Hugo, they read The Last Meal (Matthew:26) and chose the hymn, All Glory Lord and Honor, for us to sing together. Thank you for leading our class worship, you will be our prayer monitors until next week. Next week’s class worship will be lead by Alice, Lena and Louie.

Thank you for taking the time to attend parent’s appointment over the last 2 weeks, it’s always lovely to share children’s progress and achievements. As always if you do have any further questions, I can be contacted by email -

Tuesday was our last swimming swimming lesson at the YMCA with Graham. He has been so impressed by the behaviour and swimming ability of the children in Year 3. Certificates are in school and the children’s swimming achievements will be celebrated next week.

In English we have been pulling together all our learning and knowledge about The Romans and made tri-fold leaflets. The children have really enjoyed our History/English topic, especially all the grim and gruesome facts about roman foods and medicines!

On Friday morning, we watched Year 2’s re-enactment of Palm Sunday. In class we spent some time reflecting on the event and wrote our own coat-hanger poems, with words and phrases that we had collected as a class. We have been busy practising our re-enactment of the last supper ready to share with the rest of the school and our families on Monday.

On Monday afternoon, we continued working on our tennis skills with Mr Murray. The children practised bouncing the ball on the ground with the racket, as well as controlling and hitting it up into the air.

Blue Peter Badge Application - Lots of application from have been returned, the children are very excited. If you’d like your child to receive a Blue Peter badge please ensure your form is returned by Thursday 28th March - I will be posting the applications over Easter.


George- We have noticed that you are trying really hard to manage distractions and stay focused during lessons. It is making a real difference to your learning and independent work. We are proud of you for making the right choices, well done George!

Mia-Grace You have been working really hard to improve your accuracy and speed in your reading and it is really paying off. It’s lovely to see you picking out books in the school library and enjoying reading them in class. Your reading quizzes have been amazing showing you have great understanding of what you have read. Well done Mia-Grace!

This weeks lunchtime role model is Mia-Grace and marvelous manners was awarded to Myles.

This half term’s virtues are compassionate and loving.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Phoebe and Louie .


  • Easter Worship - The Last Supper Monday 25th March 9.15am You are invited to join our Prayer and Liturgy in the school hall.

  • Blue Peter Badge Applications - Please fill in and return before Easter break.

  • Polite Reminder - We are a ‘nut free’ school - this includes packed lunches, a number of children have had nutella sandwiches this week, not only an unhealthy choice but this also goes against our ‘nut free’ policy that is in place to protect children in our school who have severe allergies.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely