This week Harold came to visit nursery

Welcome back! I hope everyone managed a rest this Easter, we’re going to need all the energy we can muster!

It has been a busy start to the term with lots of new learning and challenges. The children are raring to go. Take a look at our planning by clicking on the button below

I don’t know how we are going to get everything done!

Barbara’ blog

It was so lovely to see everyone’s smiley faces this week. I had missed you all! We started the week with a discussion about how plants grow, what do they need? We then decided to plant some beans. First we made a cosy bed for the seed to live in, covered it up with soil, gave it a drink and then put it in the sunshine. We are all now waiting for the seed to germinate! We watch a slow release video of how a beanstalk grows, click here to watch.

We then though of all the stories we could think of about growing. We stared of course with Javk and the beanstalk. Click here to watch.

The children are amazed at how the grass seeds and meadow seeds we planted before Easter have grown…they have geminated and we now have grass (a lawn) and flower shoots.

The children have been longing for an ice cream parlour, so this week we have made one. Take a look!

We have been focusing on number by making lots of number bonds to 10…it’s really tricky!

The children have also been practising ALL their sounds including ‘special friends’, we just keep getting better and better.

On Thursday and Friday the LIfe Education Bus (minus the bus) came to nursery to talk about how to look after ourselves…Harold the Giraffe came along too.

Ass you can see we have been really really busy! Here’s a few extra photos!

Have a great weekend


Planting potatoes

Before Easter we plated some potatoes…..they have not grown yet, but we are hopeful!

The Life Bus came to visit

The children really enjoy the Life Education sessions. We talked things through with Harold the Giraffe and watched video clips to engage with new learning such as discussing how we can stay healthy. Take a look at the photos.


This week we introduced a very simple way the concept of the Trinity, where God is three-in-one and each part loves the others and loves us. The children understood that we are made in the image of God, we are designed to love God and love one another in our wider communities too... that our loving actions can be used by God to do incredible things. Click on the button to watch the slides, maybe you could have a discussion at home.

Steph’s blog

What a lovely first week back after the holidays! We’ve loved seeing some sunshine towards the end of the week.

We sat as a key group at the start of the week and spoke about what we would like to learn about this term. We are going to look at growing, rainbows and weather. Some of us are interested in more water play, and one of us even wants to learn how to draw a robot!

We experimented with the water and making ripples. We worked hard to work the syringes and use different containers to see the impact on the water. Maybe next week we could make the water different colours.

We have had fun this week making rainbow sensory bottles. We all chose our favourite colours and added colour to water with glitter and oil. As we moved the bottle around something happened to the water and oil - they didn’t mix! Ask your child if they can remember whether the water or oil was the heaviest! Here is a simple activity you can try at home: Click here.

We’ve also been busy planting beans and peas in the garden - we can’t wait to see if they grow! 

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week. 


Michelle’s blog

Welcome back everyone, hope you all had a good rest over Easter. Hopefully, by now, everyone should have found out which school they will be going to in September, and hopefully everyone has got their first choice.

This week we have started the term with a bang and have started our growing topic by planting beans and peas. We are hoping our beanstalks grow and wonder if we will see any giants.

The children have discussed what else they would like to learn this term, lots of suggestions include a pretend shop, going to a real shop, a picnic and finding out if we can grow pasta. Looks like we are going to be really busy!

We have had lots of fun practising our throwing and catching, ready for Sports Day later in the year. We have all been improving like Lizzie Ladybird.

Independence will be a big focus over the coming weeks as our older children prepare for the transition to school. Here is some info on this important time. Click here.

We have already become very skilled at putting our shoes and socks on, as well as putting on our coats. We are now practising doing up our zips and recognising our names on our trays and book bags. This week we have decorated name tags that we will attach to our book bags to help us recognise our names.

Our number work continues as we concentrate on number bonds and growing our brains by working out how we can make number bonds up to 10. We are learning that there are different ways to make the same number., so 6 can be 6 and 0, or 5 and 1, or 4 and 2, or 3 and 3. But its still 6!

Hope you all have a good weekend


Sports Day t-shirts

As in previous years the children will be designing their own bespoke t shirt to wear on sports day. Could you please bring in asap a named plain white t shirt so that we can get going! Thank you.

Phew, what a busy week! We will be continuing with our exploration of ‘growing’ and parts of flowers of plants and flowers next week but we will also be writing to Prince Charles and Queen Camilla to say congratulation on his Coronation. We will be sending him some lovely portraits of both him and Camilla!

Have a fantastic weekend, fire up the BBQ and have some fun. See you on Monday!

God bless
