This week....

Summer has definitely arrived and what great fun we have had! it’s been an outdoorsy (I’m not sure that’s a real word) week. We have planned our learning to take place in the garden and on the field.

The children have had so much fun and managed to get wet and mucky! Great fun!!

Barbara (and Emma’s blog)

We started the week with Marvellous Monday, and how marvellous we were! We tried to remember all the shapes that we had learnt earlier in the years and all their properties. We watched and listened to the Shape Soong to refresh our brains. Click here to listen at home. We all then went to find a shape to describe to the group, and we were FANTASTIC! We then played ‘guess the shape’. Click here to play at home. There is also our old favourite ‘shape monster’ Click here. Enjoy!

We went to the field this week for PE. We decided to take along the parachute. We shook it, hid underneath it, played teddy bounce and another popular game ‘cat and mouse’. we all laughed so much.

We have continued our exploration of the number 10, by counting things we could find in the garden into an egg box.

Thursday was such a warm day some of our friends played with the BIG water play outside nearly all afternoon. Goodness, did they get wet! We made chutes, squirters and best of all a huge puddle in a tuff tray to stamp and splash in!

The children have been den building and making obstacle courses with the soft shape. Take a look!

and just a few extra's….actually quite a lot!

What a busy week! We all need a rest now!

Have a lovely half term and stay safe.

Barbara and Emma

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone,

This week we have enjoyed the sunshine with lots of outdoor play and a picnic outside. The sunny weather has inspired our artwork this week. We made some pictures using hot and fiery colours of red, yellow and orange. We explored colour mixing with the powder paints and spoke about sun  safety, and how too much sun  can be dangerous. The children said ‘The sun is hot. That’s why we have to put our sunhats on.  ‘The sun gives you sunburn’ ‘I like to feel hot on my back’ We watched a video about colour mixing, click here to watch at home.

We also had lots of fun on the field with the parachute, trying to bounce teddy as high as he could go.

Don’t forget we break up this Friday for 2 weeks. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday

Steph’s blog

Hello everyone.

What another busy week! We have loved playing in the garden with the bubbles and the big water trays and ramps. We even spotted some rainbows in the water spray - we really enjoy using the syringes and spraying the water everywhere!

When we discussed what we wanted to learn at the beginning of the term one of the friends in our group asked if we could learn how to draw a robot! So this week that is what we did! We followed the instructions and could recognise lots of different shapes from our carpet time with Barbara this week! Here is the instructions we used if you’d like to have a go at home (make it as easy or tricky as you like!) Click here.  

We have been creative designing our sports day T-shirts - they look great! We can’t wait to show them off on sports day. If you haven’t already please could you bring in a plain white tshirt for your child to decorate - thank you! 

We have also been practising writing our names this week - we have worked so hard and we are getting so good at writing all the sounds! Have a go at home! Here is a reminder of how to say the sounds the way we teach them at school: click here.

The children have also enjoyed testing each other! They asked if they could use my sound cards and pretended to be nursery ladies holding up the cards and seeing if their friends knew the sound! They were also helpful if their friend wasn’t sure, it was lovely to see!

Hope you all have a lovely half term break! Get some rest and have lots of fun!


Purple Mash

Please check out Purple Mash. I have set lots of activities for over the half term holidays (for a rainy day). If it’s warm and sunny you must enjoy it!

Here’s a few activities if you fancy a outdoor challenge.

Sports day

Our Foundation Sports’ Day is being held on Monday 19th June at 1.30 pm. If you wish you child to attend please be at nursery no later that 1.15 pm. It should last about one hour. If you are unable to attend can you please let us know.

Plans for after half term

It’s hard to believe that these will be the last plans of the year! Tempus fugit!

It just remains for me to say….have a FABULOUS half term holiday!

God Bless
