Year 6 Weekly Blog 'Happiness in the highest form of health' Dalai Lama

Another fantastic week was had in Year 6, the weather has been wonderful and we have been making the most of it! The children are working so hard both in the hall, in the classroom and around the school. We couldn’t be prouder of their independence and maturity. The play is coming together beautifully, children haver come much more prepared for each scene, as they have clearly been practicing their words and songs! We can’t wait for you to see it.

This week during our Health and Happiness week, it has been all about the importance of keeping our bodies and minds healthy. In science, we have been looking at blood circulation and we have even had a mini first-aid session. We all feel much more prepared if an emergency ever arose!

Sport’s days have commenced this week! Groups of children are helping out at each afternoon, so far we have done nursery and reception and look forward to Year 3/4 on Monday and then our own on Wednesday. I have to say, we are quite disappointed we won’t have the year 6’s to hep us out as the teachers in nursery and reception have been singing their praises, saying they couldn’t have done it without them. What wonderful role models you are being Year 6, thank you- this is when we see this term of ‘service’ really come to life.

We have Years 5 and 6 Sport’s day next Wednesday so please make sure you come and support us! Can they also make sure they bring a hat, bottle of water and plenty of sun cream!

On Wednesday night we held an induction meeting for new parents starting in September, and as we approach summer you can’t help but look back at how much Year 6 have grown and blossomed during their time here. Our housecaptains helped out during the evening and our Head boy and Head girl spoke at this event, talking about what this school has meant to them and what they have enjoyed the most in their time here. I do not think there was a dry eye in the house! They delivered their speeches with such confidence and humility, we are all so proud of them. Well done Isabella and Asher, what a beautiful reflection of the school you are.

Earlier this week we had our annual Gym-Jam Jog Extravaganza and wow what a turn out! It was wonderful to see so many people coming together, having fun and jogging (of course) to help us raise money for the school! We had so many parents joining in too, which made it all the more special! Thank you to all of those that joined us …

Well done to Jack and John Joseph

Thank you Jack- we can always rely upon you to be focused on your learning and for your work to always reflect just what you are capable of. Your work is always handed in to the highest standard and always with a lovely creative flair! Your books are a joy to mark!

John Joseph, what a ray of sunshine you are! You are working so hard and showing just how you have grown as a learner during this half term. You are using all the skills you have learnt throughout the year and applying it to your work, showing just what an independent learner you have become! Nursery have also said how helpful you are on your job day and what a joy you are to have around- so thank you for being such a role model!

Intentional and Prophetic Butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are intentional in the choices they make, thinking about the impact this has on the world and others around them. We will also be spotting children who are prophetic, who do good deeds and who stand up for that is right. This week we thank Lexi for being intentional and prophetic.

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Isabella James Grace Jessica


St Bede’s induction day is now on Tuesday 4th July- details of this will be given nearer the time.


Information Evening for new Year 6 parents - 6th July - times to be confirmed but likely to start around 5:30pm and parents will be invited in for a particular time to meet their child's new form tutor.

Moving Up Day is now on Thursday 6th July - times to be confirmed but likely to ask pupils to arrive at LSA around 8:20am. 

Food Technology

On Monday the children doing the main course will be cooking. They have a list of a few ingredients they need. The following children are going to be making the food:

Group 1: Amber, Isabella, Evie, Olivia, Lexi

Group 2: Hollie-Rose, Saul, Grace, Abi, Jack, Jess


Important Notices:

  • Year 5 and 6 Sport’s Day is Wednesday 28th June 1:30 - 2:45pm - please do come and watch!

  • Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th July- Play performances- tickets to be released soon.

  • 19th July- leaver’s mass and day out- information given out soon.

  • 20th July- break up at 2pm