Year 3 Homework to be handed in 29.6.23

Spelling revision

adding im- to root words beginning with m or p





adding the prefix dis- and in-





IXL - Subtracting

Health and Happiness

This week and next, we are celebrating Health and Happiness fortnight in school. We would love for you to share something you have done this week/weekend that has made you feel happy and healthy. You can complete this in your homework book or on Purple Mash- I have set a 2do if you would like to use this. Remember to write in full sentences. I would love to see some expanded noun phrases and adverbs in these sentences… these two word classes have been our focus recently.

Children, at a glance this looks like a lot of homework. You should already be confident with the spellings, so don’t be put off! Please prioritise the Maths IXL learning if you’ve got a busy week. Thank you!