We’ve had a great start to the half term, the children have come in rested and enthusiastic to learn. The new year 3 day and routines that the children encountered in September are now the norm. We’re pushing on and grabbing exciting learning opportunities with both hands - it’s great to see.
Our class worship was led by Patrick, Bonnie, Wren and Luca. They did a beautiful job of reading the story of Abraham and Sarah. The class listened attentively and discussed how they though Abraham and Sarah felt when God told them they would become parents. We sang My Lighthouse and Shine Jesus Shine, it was a jolly liturgy! These children have led our class prayer this week.
On Thursday we learned all about All Saint’s Day in preparation for attending Mass on Friday. We watched the Mark 10 Mission episode here and Greg introduced us to his favourite Saints. You’ll find the mission file to accompany the episode - it’s really nice activity to follow up the session, it includes a Gospel reading and activities to complete based on what we have heard. If you’re not able to print at home they will be available in class for the children to bring home and enjoy with you.
Our learning this week…
Maths - The children have spent time using their knowledge of number bonds to 10 and applied them to adding multiples of 10 to make 100. It’s great to hear them making links and using stem sentences from their previous learning.
Time - they have also transferred their knowledge of finding compliments to time, calculating how many minutes are there are to the hour from a given time.
English - We’re very close to finishing our Paddington unit of work, the children have thoroughly enjoyed reading about his mishap and were sad whe we came to the end of the novel. Next week we will be starting our new class novel - The Adventures of Olga Da Polga also written by Michael Bond, the author of Paddington Bear.
Computing - We have started our new unit of work ‘Coding’. This week the children learned how to follow a flow diagram and input code to direct objects and character to perform actions. Over the next few weeks we will build on this, learning skills to complete our final task - an interactive scene build with code. It’s a really interesting unit of work and one that the children always enjoy.
Science - What is soil? It’s been a muddy week in more ways than 1! In science we discussed soil and recorded our ideas about what we thought soil was, next week we will be looking at soil samples closely to try and identify their components.
Swimming - Swimming will continue this half term, I said before half term how proud I was of the progress the children have made, not only in their ability to swim but in their confidence in the water.
Spelling - The focus spelling focus this week is common exception words - see our homework page. We have been learning all about alphabetical order and how to use a dictionary - a skill that seems to be dying out now that are able to access similar resources so easily on the internet. We sang a cool alphabet song - there was even a bit of dancing! You can find it online here.
This half term’s virtues are Intentional and Prophetic.
Our Virtue Star this week have been awarded to: Sasha
Edward - What a great start to the half term, you have come back to school refreshed and enthusiastic to learn. You are managing distraction and taking ownership of your learning – you know what you need to do to achieve and get the most from every lesson. It’s great to see getting involved in class discussions, sharing your knowledge and ideas. Well done Edward!
Luca - Before half term we had a discussion about what you wanted to achieve in Year 3 and how you are going to get there. You have set yourself targets and have made a conscious effort to achieve these. You have taken ownership of your learning and I cannot wait to see how you continue to grow in Year 3. Well done Luca, I am proud of you.
Lunchtime Awards:
Role Model: Patrick
Marvelous Manners: Elsie
Reminders and Notices
Book Look - Thursday 7th November 2.15pm
Friday 15th November PJ Day for Brian House
Friday 13th December Christmas Bake Off
Please can you send in an old pair or trainers or wellies that the children can wear when they are out and about, they can then change them in school. Also an old coat that they can wear when they are den building.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Naylor and Miss Hennessy