Magic moments
In RE this week we looked at Mary being our Mother, we then thought about our own mothers. Who are they? What do they do? How do they care for us?
The children all came up with different ways their own mother cares for them.
We practiced the Hail Mary and even learnt it in British Sign Language.
Today we attended the All Saints mass at Church with the rest of school and came back to school to get started on some remembrance day crafts! The children started making some poppies today to be put on the wreath ready to take to church.
This week we began our new book - Dangerous! None of the children have read this before so each page has been a surprise for everyone. We started our week with an autumnal walk around the school grounds using our senses to write labels, just like the main character in our story does. We then started reading, the children wrote sentences about the different things they could see on the page using adjectives to describe and the word “and” to join our ideas together. After that we made some predictions about what we think will happen next in our story.
Maths was very practical this week, we started by using cubes to make shapes, we rotated these shapes to see if they looked different from another angle. We then started filling in some number sentences to find the missing number! Some practise for this weeks homework.
We ended this week by starting our new topic - counting to and from 20.
We had our introductory lesson for Science this week where we looked at how to perform tests, how to make it fair and what equipment we will use. We were introduced to some new vocabulary ready to start our new topic next week. This will be all about plants and tree’s.
A conversation starter - what is a deciduous tree? What is an evergreen tree? Where do we find plants?
We had our first Geography lesson of the year this week! Geography this term is all about oceans, continents, the UK and surrounding areas. It is a big topic with lots of information for those brains to soak up! We started this topic by gaining some locational knowledge. We learnt the correct phrases to tell people where things are on a map. We looked at maps and globes and used our observation skills to spot the different things that are shown.
We started our new topic with Mr Murray this week, our outdoor sessions are all about kicking this half term! We took part in lots of stations to practise the different ways to kick, with accuracy. The children loved this session and practised these skills on the playground for the rest of the week.
Out new indoor topic is going to be gymnastics.
Going deeper.
During My Happy Mind this week, we looked a little further into the character strengths that each of us have. We remembered what our character is, how each person is unique and that our characters are all different. We remembered the 5 character strengths and thought about how we used them during half term.
We have selected our My Happy Mind Hero for this week and this is Elijah! Elijah was in charge of happiness this week and helped us all to be calm and happy using happy breathing techniques.
A conversation starter - what could you do if you spotted someone using their character strength?
We started a new HRSE topic this week, we learnt a new song and talked about how it felt to be left out. Lots of children put their hand up to say that had felt this feeling before and we discussed how we could be more like Jesus and make sure that no one feels this way.
We looked at the story of the children being turned away from Jesus, we remembered that God loves everyone all the same, no matter how tall or small we are, no matter our age. He loves us all the same.
Lets celebrate!
Well done to our certificate winners this week, we have had a focused learner in Mia and a enthusiastic learner in Marcel. You have both worked brilliantly this week and we are very proud of you, keep it up.
Our Virtue Star this week goes to…. Mary! You have been so intentional all week, super focused and ready to learn! You are always making the right choices, well done!
Our lunchtime winners this week are Mary and Bertie. Our role model was Mary and Bertie had excellent manners. Well done you two!
Important information and reminders.
As you were aware I have been taking some ideas off yourselves for the charity we raise money for this year. The children took part in a class vote this week and 18 out of 29 voted for Alderhey Children’s Hospital as the charity we raise money for this year.
We are going to spread our fundraising over the course of the year and take part in three events. One in December, one in April and one in July. I will be asking for volunteers for these sessions closer to the time and you will receive more information as the year goes on.
It is very early, but the big C word is coming out… Christmas! Myself and Mrs Hotchkiss have been discussing the Nativity for this year, it has been chosen and we are currently in the process of giving out parts and rewriting the script. We are going to start learning 7 songs over the course of the next few weeks in preparation for this. I will introduce two songs a week and I will send the lyrics home with homework for you to practise this at home. For those children who have lines within the Nativity, they will be sent closer to the time when we begin to rehearse.
I will also send home the travelling Nativity starting from next week, your child will have this for one night and will bring it back to school ready for the next child to take home.
On Thursday 14th November, we will be hosting our Year One coffee morning and book look so you can come into school and see all the fantastic work your children are doing.
As we are now in the midst of Autumn and are seeing all the weather changes, the field has become quite muddy, Mrs Gregan has asked that the children bring in some old trainers for the children to play outside in. It helps to keep school nice and tidy, but also the children’s clothing clean - thank you.
I hope you have an enjoyable and restful weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday morning.