Year 5 Weekly Blog 01.11.24- The more you celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate'

What a first week back it has been! The start of our longest half term of the year has begun and it has flown by. It has been a slightly different week, with Mrs Harrison taking the class for the first three days of the week. During this, the children have been doing lots of reading into our class novel with the us coming towards the end of the fantastic story. They have also started their new grammar topic of relative clauses and looking at different ways we can add extra information to our main clauses.

We also began our next module of My Happy Mind which is all about celebrating our minds and focusing what we are good at. We did this by analysing the 24 character strengths that we all have and self-reflected on which strengths we possess the most of.

In Maths, to prepare for our money topic, we have been looking over our place value of going smaller than ones. We have looked at the relationship of ones and tenths and how we can represent this in various representations. The week has also been heavily focused on preparing for our class assembly, with the children jumping straight into script reads, drama and singing. This will be performed on Tuesday 5th November at 9:15am and 9:35am.

We began our first Geography topic of the year with the focus being on the world map and the countries within. We started by recapping our knowledge of the worlds continents and oceans and linked our previous holiday destinations to a world map. We then finished off by testing the children’s knowledge of flags- especially those who have very similar flags to close by nations.

Conversation starters

  • Can you remember which character strengths you ticked as your strongest? Discuss this with your parents and see if they agree. Can you find the list of 24 strengths online and get your parents to pick their top 5.

  • Do you remember the 5 really tricky flag questions I put you to the test with? Can your parents get 5/5 on this too!

Let’s Celebrate

Virtue Star of the Week: Our virtue star of the week goes to Beth. This week you have taken your own time in your breaks to help organise other children’s book folders- to make sure that they are not scrunched or folded. The children really did appreciate this and it was such a thoughtful thing to do.

Lilly for being a focused learner: Your attitude towards your learning is always spot on Lilly, even when we have changed our seats- your focus has still been at the level we expect of upper juniors. Excellent work.

Gus for being a determined learner: Mrs Harrison has been super impressed with you this week Gus. You have really applied yourself throughout all of our lessons this week- especially in your grammar work in English.

My Happy Mind Champion of the Week- Louis

Lunchtime Certificates

Role Model of the Week- William

Marvelous Manners- Isioma


  • Year 5 Class Assembly: Our class assembly will be on Tuesday 5th November starting at 9:15am. The children will perform their assembly again at 9:35am on the same day.

  • A- Team Football Tournament: If your child plays in the A team for the school football team , then please read the blog on the sports page regarding this for more information. This will take place on Tuesday 5th November.

  • Book Look: This will take place on Friday 8th November, starting at 9:15am. If you’re available, please come down for a lovely coffee and book look morning.

  • PJ Day: Our annual pajama day will be on Friday 15th November. Bring £1 to wear your PJ’s for the day and to help raise money for Brian House charity