Year 6 Weekly Blog 26.01.24 'To bring about change, you must not be afraid to take the first step. We will fail when we fail to try' Rosa Parks

It has been such a reflective week in Year 6. In our RE we delved deeper in to the scripture ‘I am the bread of life’, at how we can nourish ourselves spirituality as well as physically through our daily interactions with others, as well as prayer and different ways we can connect or talk to God. Earlier in the week we reflected on Sunday’s gospel and what it mean to be ‘fishers of men’, adding our name to a fish where it will displayed in our front entrance.


Homework is such a crucial part of Year 6, where children reinforce their learning, revisit new concepts and retrieve information from their class learning, which in turn has more chance sticking in their long term memory, finding it easier and quicker to retrieve pieces of information when needed in the future. Also, children who reinforce their learning, do find it easier to make links to other areas and apply the same strategies they have learnt to unfamiliar areas. Every week, there are children, often the same children, who do not complete all areas of their homework or do not bring back their book. In Year 6 our mission is to prepare them for their next stage in life, and organising their home learning and ensuring they have completed work on time is a crucial part of this. Please help your child and make sure they have completed all the necessary homework on time. We also need another big push on ensuring all children are reading every night- this week I went through who has not completed a quiz during the three weeks of this half term and there was quite a number of them. Please help us to reinforce the importance of this skill.

Where has our learning taken us this week?

We have had a lovely week in class. Full of hard work, enthusiasm and deep reflection- and we even managed to watch the Dr Who episode where the doctor met Rosa Parks, which was such a great tool to use before we wrote our wonderful Biographies. The children were so gripped and great conversations led on from this about the injustice of the time.

  • English - This week the children have finished their Outcome 2 biographies on Rosa Parks. Because of the excellent homework produced, the children had such a wealth of knowledge and could write with great confidence. I am looking forward to marking them over the weekend- they are so proud of their work!

Maths- we have now started to look in to equivalent fractions- this is where our excellent recall in our times tables really comes in to play!

  • Science - EVOLUTION AND INHERITANCE - this week have carried out an experiment in teams, where we were given certain materials and had to design and make our own beaks. In order to survive this beak had to be able to pick up and drop the ‘worms’ in a time limit. There was then a twist and the environment changes- these beaks then had to be adpated to be able to pick up sunflower seeds!

Leading Learners

Well done to Betsy and Dominic this week.

Betsy, thank you for reflecting so deeply on your writing targets and responding to any feedback given. You take advice and comments on board and apply this to your writing, I have loved picking up your book this week and seeing just how much progress you have made! 

Dominic you are so focused during lessons, managing your distractions and getting lost in each task. Your writing this week reflected this beautifully. You listen to lessons and apply what you have learnt very well- keep it up Dominic.

Eloquent and Truthful butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are eloquent in their words, that show the language to ask questions, express emotions, speak beliefs, talk about matters of faith and hope, debate points of view, and engage in conversation. Those who are truthful, who speak the truth about themselves and others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Rosa and Jay for always being eloquent and truthful.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Jay

Role Model of the week … Iris

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Harvey Owen Evan Leo


  • Next Wednesday the NHS are here to measure height and weight. There is also a short survey for the children to complete in regards to their mental well-being. Please make sure you have read the letter they have had fully, so you know what to expect on thsi day.

  • LEAVERS HOODIES - Over the past 10 years, the children in Year 6 have wanted to have a leavers hoodie to commemorate their time in school; they seem to have become a normal gift at the end of a child's primary school journey. Whenever, our children have had them, it hasn't been school that have organised them, but a group of parents who have taken on the job ready for when the children leave. I have reflected on this and have decided that we will now bring this in school and embrace the need. The children will be able to order their hoodie so that it will be delivered in time for their residential in May. It seems only fair that they can wear them whilst they have fun at Borwick Hall. Once I have a final design, timeframe and costing, we will issue a letter and you will be able to order and pay via Parent Pay. We hope that this takes some pressure off the need for parents to organise

  • Just a reminder that lip balms or any type of creams, are classed as a type of medication and therefore (if needed) need to be handed in to the teacher- thank you for your support.