Year 5 Weekly Blog 01.03.24- ' Be the reason that someone smiles'

There is no better feeling than doing something for someone- in which they appreciate it. Sometimes we have to give up a bit of our time to help others. Some people choose to do this for others- making a sacrifice. We have looked at how Jesus sacrificed himself when he died for us on the cross. We explored his journey from his sentencing right until his final breath. The children have been able to recall Jesus’ journey and recall the loved ones that joined him on this journey. We used this lesson to then reflect on what sacrifices are we going to make in order to make someone else happy.

In English, we have continued to delve into some intriguing children based discussion topics and create arguments to both propose the motion and to oppose it. We have also trialed out a new style of debating called ‘boxing debating’. This is done to promote rapid reasoning, teamwork and confidence in public speaking. The children have been able to apply some of their persuasive devices into their writing and speaking which has helped boost their arguments.

Short division, or more commonly known as the ‘bus stop method’ has taken over our maths lessons this week- in which the children have been smashing through their work. The confidence the children have taken from all of their times tables work has been applied into this- giving them the best chance of succeeding.

In Science, we have been experimenting all things light and how it travels. After discussing how it travels in straight lines, we tested this by darkening the room and using simple resources to physically see the the light travel.

In French, we looked at ‘French around the world’- in which we analysed the 14 countries in the world that speak french. Using their geography skills, the children used the atlas’ to locate these countries on a map.

Let’s Celebrate

Riley for being an enthusiastic learner: You have taken to short division like a duck to water Riley. Your focus throughout the teacher input (along with your excellent times table knowledge) has helped you grasp the method straight away. This has given you massive confidence to tackle every division problem and to show what you can do.

Archie for being a enthusiastic learner: I had a feeling that you would enjoy our discussion and debating topic and you have certainly shown this these past few weeks. You have been eager to share your persuasive devices during our lessons and also to help your teammates in the debating- even when it isn’t your turn yet.

Virtue Butterflies: Our butterfly this week goes to Michael. You display our virtues of love and compassion in everything you do. No matter how small of a decision, you make every decision with lots of love and compassion, in which you take everyone’s feelings into consideration.

Lunchtime Certificates

  • Role Model of the Week-

  • Marvelous Manners-


  • Monday 4th March Year 5 Book Look- This will start at 9am and is a chance for the children to share with you some of the work that they have done and are proud of.

  • Thursday 7th March World Book Day- Please check to homework blog for more information about this.

  • Parents Evening Appointments- This will take place between 2:00pm-5:30pm over the course of two days, which are Wednesday 13th March and Wednesday 20th.

    Please book your appointments on Mrs Gregan’s blog.