What a week! You may have noticed that our garden is nearing completion. The children have been thrilled to be able to access our new builders yard. They have been laying pipes, hoisting brick and mixing cement! On Wednesday we had a had a beach delivered! We are now in the process of cleaning our sand area and trundling the new sand into situe…it is really exhausting. The only thing that we are waiting for is our new flooring for the house, then we can move in! We can’t wait!
On Friday our compost arrives. We have started to prepare the planting boxes by removing all the weeds and turning the earth. We have also managed to plant some potatoes, a buddleia, an apple tree and some strawberries. Can I say a big thank you to everyone who has donated seeds and plants to make our garden BEAUTIFUL!
As we continue our exploration of the solar system we happened across a new planet song. The children thought to was wonderful, although we were a bit sad about Pluto! Click here to listen at home
As we have been spotting daffodils everywhere around school we decided to paint pictures of them. Take a look.
by William Wordsworth
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Emma’s blog
Hello everyone,
I hope you've all been enjoying the bit of spring sunshine we have been having this week.
We have been so busy this week working hard as always and we have all enjoyed being challenged in Mr Nays PE class. Mr Nay had us working hard with a tricky game, we had to really listen and follow his instructions. We had four teams; our challenge was to run around cones, find a ball, then pass it onto a friend. Whichever team had the most balls at the end were the winners. The children did so well in understanding what they had to do, it was complicated!
We have also been working hard in the garden, weeding, sweeping, planting, tidying up, and helping put the new sand in the sand pit, getting ready for Spring. The children have really enjoyed finding insects in the garden, and looking at all their different shapes and sizes. The children used magnifying glasses and pots to observe how they moved. Now all of the weeds have gone, we will be ready for even more planting after the Easter break. Thank you for all the wonderful garden donations.
The children have enjoyed being back in the garden which is now finished. The garden looks brilliant and the children have been busy playing and leaning in all of the new areas.
We met number 8 this week or should I say 'Octoblock'. We worked out that by adding one more to 7, this made 8, and that we could find different ways to make 8 with our fingers. The children also have also been practicing how to write the number. The rhyme helps us to remember how to write Octoblock 8, here it is:
S to start looking great, and loop back up and there's your eight.' Here is a rap all about the number 8, enjoy. Click here
Thank you to the parents I have have seen and spoken to earlier this week. It was nice to chat and catch up on your child's development.
Have a fabulous weekend, see you all on Monday.
Michelle’s Blog
Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog. We have continued this week in our worship learning about the Easter story. We have thought really hard about how the individuals felt. How did Jesus feel and how did Mary feel? We watched a film about how people celebrate Easter. Click here to watch at home. We also completed a quiz to find out what we know about the festival of Easter, click here and then watched a film about an artist who works with sand. The children thought it was wonderful click here.
This week we have also met Numberblock number 8, Octoblock and have been growing our brains working out how we can make number bonds to 8. There are lots of different ways. Maybe you can think of some ways to make 8 at home.
In PE we were excited to play team games with Mr Nay and Mr Murray. We also practised hopping and jumping.
We have been very lucky to have had some sunshine this week and this has allowed us to do some gardening, to weed and to plant some new plants. We are very excited to wait and see if they grow.
We also had an opportunity to eat the moon this week, as we made our very own moon biscuits, complete with moon craters. They were delicious!
See you all next week
Meet Octoblock!
We have been saying and counting numbers up to 8. Our aim for the children to recognise the cardinal principle of counting that the last number counted represents the entire set of objects counted.
We have also been partitioning and counting to 8. We have learnt that Eight is formed from combining One and Seven and then partitioned again. Tricky stuff!
With this in mind now watch the episode. Click here
Story Time
We read two fabulous new stories this week. I promised that i would put the on the blog, so here goes:
Billy’s Bucket: Click here
Stone Soup: Click here
We have visited the Chapel this week, to see the prayer area that Mrs Gregan has made. The children reconised the crown of thrns which was resting on the cross. We discussed how it made us feel. We recalled the Easter story in detail, the children even remembered the role of Simon of Cyrene and Veronica. The children offered a prayer for someone. They spoke with such compassion and understanding it was hard to believe they are only three and four years old. We we so moved.
On Friday we start the our Holy week in school with Jesus riding into Jerusalem. We will continue to follow Jesus’ journey throughout next week.
Lenten boxes
From Monday we will start collecting in the Lenten boxes.