This week...

What a fabulous week! We were all up bright and early for the Gym Jam Jog on Monday and then it was Sports Day on Tuesday afternoon. The children were so very tired by Wednesday. i believe one of our friends fell asleep in the barbers chair!!

Here are the photos of each event. Such a happy day!

Gym Jam Jog

Sports Day!

Michelle’s blog

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog. It has been such a busy week, as we started it by taking part in our Gym Jam Jog. We walked round and round the school field, in our pyjamas to raise money for two charities in memory of a former pupil, Harrison. It was lovely to see so many of you there.

On Tuesday we had our Sports Day with Reception. We have been practising very hard, and I am sure you will all agree that we were absolutely fantastic. We are all so proud of how well all the children did. Thank you for coming, it was a wonderful afternoon. I hope you all liked the t-shirts the children have decorated. Just a reminder that they need to be ironed for a couple of minutes, to set the colours, otherwise the picture will disappear in the wash.

We were very excited when our tiny baby caterpillars arrived. They have been feeding all week and are not so little now. We keep looking but they haven’t turned into butterflies yet! We really cannot wait.

We have continued to explore symmetry this week, some of us have painted symmetrical pictures on the easel and some of us have been playing this tricky game on the interactive white board. Click here to play.

We are learning all about minibeasts and their life cycles and this made us think about when we were babies. We had a tricky game where we had to guess the nursery lady from their baby photo.

We wondered if we could recognise our friends from their baby photos. Please send in a photo, so we can see if we can do this. It can be an email or a paper copy, we don’t mind, whichever is easier for you.

Have a lovely weekend


Emma’s blog

Hello everyone 

What a fantastic week, we have been so busy on the physical side of our learning with our Gym Jam Jog and Sports Day.

Thank you so much for all of your support and for the donations on both days, it was really appreciated and was lovely to see you all. On Monday, it was wonderful to see the children having a fantastic time running and walking around the field with their friends and family. Best of all we were raising money for a good cause. I bet we had some very tired children that night.

Sports Day was just brilliant, the children had been working so hard getting ready for the big day. They all were amazing and we are so proud of all of them. A big well done to everybody.

The children have been enjoying singing and acting out '5 Little Speckled Frogs' as a group. We also have a book called Frog On The Log, and the children have been acting it out with puppets. It has been lovely to listen to the children re-enact the story in their own way.

Click here is the song to sing at home.

…and here is the story of Frog On a Log. Click here.

Continuing with our learning thread on mini beasts, we have been looking at ladybirds spots. I set the children a tricky challenge; the children had to cut a ladybird picture out (working on our fine motor skills), but the ladybirds didn't have any spots. Everyone had to put 10 spots on their ladybird and they had to be symmetrical. Everyone did really well solving the problem and also showing how their cutting skills had improved.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy Lytham Club Day if you are going.


As you can see we have been extremely busy! We even managed to squeeze in some more learning!!

We are still exploring insects and arachnids (minibeasts) and have learnt that insects have 6 legs and arachnids have 8 legs. We read the story ‘Mad about Minibeasts’ and played a quiz where we had to identify images of minibeasts. Everyone was very good at this.

The children asked for both to be put on the blog, so here they are.

What Am I? Click here.

Mad about Minibeasts. Click here.

I believe this weekend the weather is going to be splendid; make the most of it!

Enjoy your time being together.

God Bless
