If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever....

Well all good things must come to an end. I am always sad when it is time for the children move on to the next stage of their learning journey. The children this week have been quite reflective and have spoken about how they will miss nursery and the nursery ladies. I reminded them that we will always have an invisible string, that will bind us together...forever. That special part in my heart is fit to burst this year, it has been truly magical and I have enjoyed every minute of it.

To the children who are moving into Reception here at Our Lady’s I will watch with keen interest how you shine your light in school…and remember always ‘be kind’.

To the children who will be forging a new path at another school don’t forget to shine brightly for everyone to see how wonderful you are and don’t forget to keep in touch.

To the children who are returning to nursery in September…I can’t wait!!!!

…and finally to you, our fantastic parents, thank you for trusting us with your child. It has been such a privilege to work and learn along side them. You have have been ‘fantastic elastic’ too.

Pirate Party Day

A note from Emma

Hello everyone, or I should say oooh arrrr me hearties! 

 Our Pirate Party was so much fun. The children had a fantastic time (and so did the nursery ladies!). It has been so lovely having our last 'party' all together and seeing the children having a great time. 

 I can't believe this is the last blog of the nursery year. I feel really sad, but also so happy, having seen how the children have grown their brains and worked so hard. They have made some wonderful friendships and shown their kindness to each other on daily basis. We have created some wonderful memories and sung lots of beautiful inspirational songs. I think the children’s favourites have been 'My Lighthouse' and 'This Little Light of Mine.' I am sure plenty of you have heard the children singing these songs at home.

Thank you for all your support and kindness throughout this year.

Have a wonderful summer, and hope all of the children have a good rest, especially those starting school next year, they all deserve it.

Take care 


A note from Michelle

Hello and welcome to the last blog of the school year. I can’t believe that the end of the term has come and it is time to say goodbye to all those children going to school. I know they are all going to go on to bigger and brighter things as they shine their light in Reception. For those children who are staying with us next year, we have a busy and wonderful year planned, starting in September.

This week has been so busy, we have just never stopped. We started the week with a wonderful show, The Greatest Show. We were enthralled as Year 5 and 6 sang and danced us through this amazing production. It was just the best.

We then had a Pirate Party on Wednesday and we all dressed up as pirates. This was a really fun way to celebrate the end of the nursery year. We danced, we sang and played so many Pirate games. It was perfect!

We have spent some time this week revisiting some of our favourite activities, we do love a game and we absolutely love a quiz. It reminded us all of just how much we have learnt this year. Here is a link to a website that has lots of games and quizzes, if you get bored over the holidays. Click here.

I would like to say thank you to you all for being so supportive of everything we do at nursery, we couldn’t do it without all you wonderful mummies and daddies. Thank you also for the wonderful cards and thoughtful gifts, you are all so kind.

Have a lovely summer everybody,


It would be great if we could go back to page one of the year, but alas Reception is waiting and I just know the children will have a brilliant time.

I would like to thank each and everyone of your for kind words and gifts. Your generosity has been overwhelming. As I sat and read each card I felt a tear of joy trickle down my cheek. Anyone who knows me understands that Early Years is my passion and to have that recognised by our families is truly thrilling. Thank you.

Finally, I hope you have the most amazing summer, make lots of memories which will last a lifetime.

Remember, in those moments of doubt ask yourself …‘what would Jesus do?’ and you will find the answer.

God Bless and stay safe
