‘I am a disciple for you Jesus.’

This week in Year 1 we have been writing so much, even the pencil sharpeners need a half-term! Despite feeling a bit tired and ready for a rest, the children have continued to push themselves this week and have been such Bobby Bees!

I have not set any compulsory home learning for over half term; however I have suggested some learning for the children to do if they would like to. This can be found on the Weekly Home Learning page. That being said, please do listen to your child read and enjoy story time together every day. The children have all got an extra AR book to keep them busy!


What have we been learning this week?

In Maths this week, the children have been learning about doubles. They have been doubling groups of objects as well as numbers and have learned that doubling can be shown as an addition e.g. double 6 = 6 + 6

In English, the children have finished writing their innovated stories. THEY ARE AMAZING! I am so impressed with their children and their determination this week. As a result of their Cooper Crab Focus, they even finished writing their stories a day earlier than expected and got to have a treat lesson in celebration!

As I mentioned last week, one of our favourite ways to worship God is through song! I hope you enjoy the children’s beautiful singing below.



Focused Cooper Crab: For being a focused learner. Joseph, I am so impressed with how you have settled into your new learning space and how focused you have been when working with your new learning partner. I am so excited to see this amazing concentration flow into the last 6 weeks of Year 1 – I KNOW you can do it! Well done Joseph!

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: For buzzing with enthusiasm for reading! Rose, every morning you blow me away with how much reading you have done overnight. Your love of reading is amazing and it’s so impressive to see you reading chapter books with lots of tricky words. I am so proud of you Rose! I can’t wait to hear all about the books you read, over the  half-term break.

I am so looking forward to the final 6 weeks in Year 1; it’s going to be jam packed and full of challenges to grow our brains. I can’t wait to see you on Monday 7th June, Year 1! Wishing you all a lovely half-term break and God Bless.

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team