Year 1 Home Learning 8.10.21

Spellings on Purple Mash

The children’s spellings this week have been set for them to practise on Purple Mash. This weeks spellings are common exception words. The children will be quizzed (on paper) on five of the spellings below on Thursday, plus a bonus spelling from last week .

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In Science the children have been learning how to classify animals and whether they are carnivores, omnivores or herbivores. They have learned how to classify mammals, reptiles, fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds. I have challenged the children to create their own animal fact file on Purple Mash. Opposite is an example of my favourite animal. I have no doubt that the children will want to push themselves and write even more than me!

Please can you support your child with safe searching, when researching animal facts for their chosen animal. The National Geographic Kids Website has lots of brilliant information, so this could be a great place to start.

I cannot wait to see their brilliant fact files and grow my brain! These should be handed in (on Purple Mash) by Thursday.



Purple Mash and IXL logins can be found in the back of your child’s reading log.