Year 6 Homework 2nd October 2019

English - work your way through strand B1 - B6 on IXL English. This is due to be completed next week.

Spelling - fasten, apostle, hasten, glisten, moisten, thistle, whistle, mortgage, Christmas, wrestle.

I will then test you on 10 random spellings from the last 4 weeks. Keep looking at them as well.

Geography - this is due in next week. I would like you to collate information on one of the South American countries. Things like: size, population, landmarks, food etc. Record in your homework book. We will be using technology to bring this information to life. Make sure that you have some of this information ready for next week.

Maths - A10, A11 and A12. These are all negative number work. This will be our focus in class.

Art - In art this week, you will be completing observational drawings. This is something that can be done on a computer as well. There is a to do set on Purple Mash - choose and object and bring it to life. Experiment with a range of tools. Remember that this is a piece of art.

Year 6 Home Learning - Week 2

Please can you complete the following homework to be handed in next Tuesday. Thank you

Just a reminder about the standard of homework expected. It should replicate the standard of work that is in your school books with all aspects completed.

Maths - Ensure you have completed all strands A1 - A6.

Complete strand A7 - Roman Numerals as a reminder from last year.

Reading - As always….read, read, read, read, read.

Spellings - resistible, reversible, legible, visible, inaudible

syllable, enjoyable, adorable, unstable, durable, movable, enable, liable, fable, savable

If there are any words that you do not know the meaning of, please look them up.

Geography - This week we have been learning about the mountainous regions of South America. This started with looking at tectonic plates and volcanoes. Can you choose either tectonic plates or volcanoes and make a poster all about them. Be as creative as possible! This can be done on the computer or drawn, it really is up to you!

Assembly lines - Please make sure you know your lines and song lyrics for our final practice on Monday morning.

Homework - Wednesday 11th September 2019

Maths - as we have been looking at place value this week, please can you complete the following IXL strands

A1, A2 and A4

We will check progress next week so make sure you give it your all.

RE - What makes a good leader? Can you log into Purple Mash and complete the ‘to do’ set? A wanted poster on leadership. What makes a good leader? Is there a leader who you admire?

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day! Whilst you are reading can you collect nouns in your homework book? Think about whether they are proper, common or an abstract noun.

Spellings -

climb, thumb, subtle, limb, comb, tomb, numb, crumb, doubt, debt

credible, divisible, eligible, possible, responsible

Optional Homework - Over the past few weeks we have been learning how to do yoga and to be mindful. Practise yoga every day and mindful breathing. Why not create an image of your tree, bird or butterfly that we have been imagining.