It is hard to believe that we are already at the end of our first half term together in reception. The children have settled in brilliantly. It is always so wonderful to see their self belief and, “I can” attitude grow during their first term. They have gained greater independence and some of the difficult tasks, such as putting their coats on or getting changed from PE, are now becoming much easier!
Enthusiastic Bobby Bee WILLIAM for… Your brightness, smile and enthusiasm. You are an absolute delight William. You have the most wonderful manners which every adult who spends time in reception notices. Well done William, you have had the most positive start to you school life, I cannot wait to watch you as you grow and achieve new skills.
Brave Tommy Turtle BETH for… Gaining so much confidence over these first few weeks in school. It is lovely to hear your voice during larger group discussions, this is something that was quite scary at first. Well done Beth! Keep believing in yourself, I know that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to.
Our Phonic sounds this week are:
This week we have spent time focusing on blending (putting sounds together, p-a-t: pat) and segmenting (cat: c-a-t) words. We have also reinforced our learning of previous sounds and have focused on the sounds u and b. Please practise saying and hearing these sounds at the start, middle and end of words. We have also provided the sound cards to help you to practise forming these letters.
This week we have increased our understanding of the number 3 and the children are great at explaining how the number 3 is made up of; 2 and 1, or 1 and 2, or 1 and 1 and 1. Next week we will be focusing on 2d shapes and how these shapes link with our numbers.
In RE this week we have been discovering all about how we pray the Rosary, using Rosary beads to help us. As you know we are collecting toiletries for a local food bank as we prepare for our Harvest celebration in school. Thank you so much to all of those who have already donated items! Please make sure that all donations are in school by Monday. Thank you for your support.
(Some item ideas: deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap etc)
Reminder: Next week on Wednesday 16th October we have our school photograph day. Please make sure that your child is dressed is full school uniform (not PE uniform). Thank you.
On the first Tuesday back after the half term holidays, we are holding our annual Danceathon. On this morning, the children should arrive at school around 8:15 ready to dance the day away. Everybody meets outside on the school playground for a whole school outdoor dance! We have so much fun on this day and all money raised will go towards updating our schools trim trail… which Reception are very excited about! Thank you once again for supporting our school events.
Winning house teams: Well done Harcourt and Marsden. Your teams have managed to collect the most learning tokens this half term. Remember to wear your own clothes (Wearing their house colour if possible) on Tuesday next week!
We hope that you all have a wonderful weekend together as a family.
Miss Bassett, Miss Neves and Mrs Malley