Year 2 weekly blog 18.10.23 - "Every star shines a little differently. That's what make each one so special."

And so we reach the end of our first half term together… goodness me the time has flown and so much fantastic learning has already been achieved! We have settled into our classroom routines, performed a wonderful assembly, taken part in our first enrichment afternoon, carried out many exciting experiments in Science… the list goes on!

This week we have listened to the word of God and discovered some of the special people that God chose in His mission to help our world. The children have worked in small groups to create short pieces of drama to retell the story of Moses, and have written their own versions of when God chose Abraham.

Magic moments this week


  • Today marks the beginning of the children’s half term holiday. We return back on Monday 30th October. We cannot wait to hear about what you have been up to during your time off!

  • Parents meetings - Please remember that these meetings are this Friday via ‘School Cloud’ each meeting is 10 minutes long.

  • When we come back we really need those winter warmers in school as the days become colder still.

  • PE remains on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Full PE kits needed on these days.

Year 2 Weekly Blog - "What you are is God's gift to you, what you become is your gift to God"

We have had a rather reflective week during our RE learning and discussions. Firstly, reflecting on our gifts; our families, friends, talents, our world and the many blessings God has given to us. Following this, we turned our attention towards each other…our class family. Each child was given a flower which the other children in the class wrote on, sharing the gifts they notice in one another. This was such a special moment in our week, the children all focusing on others and celebrating their gifts, talents, similarities and differences. Finally, when returning back to their own flowers, each child’s faces were full with delight as they read what special qualities their peers notice in them.

Let’s celebrate

Certificates: A huge well done to HENRY O and ISLA who have both been awarded a Focused Cooper Crab certificate this week!

Curious and Active Butterfly: Well done FREDDIE you have been curious in your learning of our wonderful world, asking questions and seeking answers both at school and at home!

Magic Moments

We are very nearly there with consent forms and are just waiting for a couple more to be completed. As soon as we have all of these we will be able to share with you the photos that we have taken that week. We really wanted to pop on our science experiment- testing to see if materials were waterproof!

KIDSAFE - safeguarding lesson 4. Keeping our private parts private and when a secret is not a secret. Please read the parents guide below so we are sharing the same messages with the children about keeping save.

How to deepen your learning at home

Next week in Geography we will be looking at the capital city of UK. What is our capital city? You might enjoy finding out a couple of interesting facts that you would like you share with your class on Monday next week.


Flu Vaccination - Don’t forget to sign the NHS flu vaccine consent form on the previous blog.

Coats - Please make sure you bring a coat to school each day, the rain has caught a few of us out this week.

Homework - This is to be handed in each Monday, a huge thank you for the wonderful learning that you are all doing at home!

Assembly - Our class assembly is quickly approaching. On Thursday 12th October you are invited to watch us perform our Harvest assembly. We will be performing this twice, the first showing will start at 2:10, with the second starting at 2:35. You are welcome to come for one or stay for both of these performances.

Parents meetings - Parents meeting this year will be on Friday 20th October. You can now book your appointment time - please see Mrs Gregan’s latest blog for the link. Below you will find which teacher we would like you to book with:

Harvest Plea: In preparation for our HARVEST FESTIVAL on Thursday 12th October at 9.30am mass, as a school we have made the decision to collect food items for Fylde Foodbank who are struggling with the amount of need in our area. We would be so grateful if Year 2 could collect tinned tuna. Donations can be made from next week and will be much appreciated -thank you.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Miss Bassett, Mrs Hotchkiss, Mrs Maano and Mrs Johnson

Year 2 Weekly blog - "Because God loved us first, we can love others and see the beauty of His design in all people."

This week we have been busy thinking all about what type of person we want to be. We discussed how our beliefs as Christians impact how we behave. We decided that as followers of Christ we wanted to be,

“Helpful towards others; to be responsible for our world by keeping it safe and clean; to always treat others with kindness and love; and to follow in Jesus’ footsteps.” Read on to find out more …

Read more

Welcome to Year 2!

And just like that the summer is drawing to a close and it’s time to begin to get ready for a new school year!

We hope you have all had had a wonderful summer together, making memories and recharging those batteries ready for the adventure ahead. Your classroom is ready, and we can’t wait to welcome you back on Monday as we begin our journey together in Year 2!

What do I need to bring to school with me?

  • Your trays are already filled with your brand new pencil case and writing tools, so there is no need for you to bring any of your own stationary.

  • A reminder that all uniform should be clearly labelled, as well as your water bottle.

  • Our snack tray will be stocked each day with a choice of two fruits or vegetables, however you are most welcome to bring your own healthy snack for our morning breaktimes.

  • We kindly ask that you bring in sun cream (labelled) for your child to apply themselves.

PE Days

  • Outdoor - Tuesday afternoon

  • Indoor - Thursday morning


  • Art will be taught on a Wednesday afternoon. Don’t forget to bring your art shirts with you.


  • New homework will be set on a Tuesday, to be handed in the following Monday (starting 12th September).

  • Weekly blog’s will be published on a Friday.

You are always welcome to email us, should you have any concerns or questions:

You are all invited to our Induction evening on Wednesday 13th September. This will be much different to last year, starting at 3:30 and finishing at 5:00. We would love for your child to show you around their new classroom, and for you to become more familiar with our school. You will also be able discover more about the exciting opportunities and topics that they will be learning during their time in Year 2. We will be in the classroom to answer any questions you may have! More information, such as important forms that will need completing will be available soon so please do keep checking the Year 2 page.

We can’t wait to see you all on Monday, and we hope that you all have a wonderful weekend.

Your Year 2 team,

Mrs Hotchkiss, Miss Bassett, Mrs Maano and Mrs Johnson

Year 2 Weekly Blog Thursday 20th July

And just like that Year 2 was done!
What an amazing year we have had having fun and making memories whilst learning. Your children really are a credit to you, it has been a pleasure to watch your children learn and grow and do so with such enthusiasm, I have had the most amazing first year at Our Ladys and cannot wait for the next.
Trips, visits, performances and lots of laughs! Let’s do it all again!

Thank you for all your support and the lovely cards and gifts.

Well done to our Learners of the Year - as voted for by the year 2 children.

Rodnie’s friends have voted for him as learner of the year because he is always ready to learn and puts his hand up lots in class. His friends describe him as hard working,  focused, kind and caring. Rodnie is a fantastic role model, Well done!


Scarlett’s friends have voted for her as learner of the year because she is always focused and listens. She is helpful and kind. They describe her as a kind loving person who always does the right thing. Scarlett is always happy and is a great friend.

I couldn’t agree more Scarlett, Well done


School reopens on Monday 4th September

Have a great summer!
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 14th July - What we learn with pleasure we will never forget.

Year 2 Weekly Blog 14th July -

Zoo Trip Monday 17th July
On Monday we will be visiting Blackpool Zoo, children may wear their own clothes but please ensure your child wears comfortable shoes or trainers. We will be doing a lot of walking. The weather forecast isn’t looking great, all children will need to bring a waterproof coat or jacket and a small rucksack to carry their own lunch and drink in. Please ensure your child has had suncream applied before school.

In Geography this week, Bobby Bee visited Kenya. The children used their research and computing skills to make concept maps all about animal that live in Kenya. In computing this half term we have been learning how information can be presented, We’ve looked at Ebooks, quizzes, concept maps and fact files. The children have been confidently using these skills across the curriculum.

This week we finished our class novel - The Folk of the Faraway Tree. The children have loved this book, getting lost in magical lands with Saucepan and Silky! The children have even designed their own magical lands that they would like to see at the top of the tree.

We have come to the end of our Aladdin topic in English, the children have written some fantastic pieces of work - poems, descriptions of magic carpet rides and wonderous caves as well as persuasive pieces.

In Maths we have been been looking at halving numbers, investigating odd and even numbers and writing equations.

On Tuesday Year 1 joined us to practise the Hymns we will be singing at church next week. I was so proud of the super example the children set, we have some fantastic singers in our class.

On Thursday, half of the class visited Ashton Gardens with their year 4 buddies, to try their hand at Crown Green Bowling. We had a great morning, playing games to develop skills need to play bowls.

Eco Day
Thank you for all your kind donations towards our new bins.

Well done to our certificate winners this week!

Emilia, you work hard every week! You consistently show the characteristics of our learning character in all learning opportunities. You are curious and kind, enthusiastic and eager, resilient and responsible. You can be always be relied upon by your friends and by adults in school. You really should be proud of yourself.


Alice - you have been a curious Clara Clownfish this week, asking questions to deepen your understanding. You take an active part in lessons and its lovely to see how excited you get about learning something new. You have been a supportive learning partner and helped your friends get the best out of their learning opportunities too.

This week’s Star Readers are Alana, Bea, Phoebe, Myles and Heath.

Virtues Butterfly - Anna


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday
Zoo trip - Monday 17th July - non uniform, comfy footwear, waterproof jackets and rucksacks please!
Tuesday 18th July - please send a bag in for your child’s belongings - books, wellys, art shirts etc.
Wednesday 19th July - Leaver’s Mass 9.30am
Thursday - school closes at 2pm

Reminder - We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

As the weather gets warmer we’re hoping to spend more time learning outdoors. Please send your child in with a suitable sunhat with their name in it and apply suncream before school. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle into school.

No homework this week, have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 7th July - You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. Dr Seus

Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 7th July - You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. Dr Seus

Another busy week, not only in Year 2 but across the whole school!

Today the children met their new Year 3 teachers…. I am thrilled to tell you that next year I will continue to teach your children alongside Mrs Marshall, supported by Mrs Connelly. We have been such an amazing learning journey together in year 2, as we move into year 3 together I am sure we will continue learn and achieve amazing things. I will be returning to school in September as Mrs Naylor following my wedding over the summer holidays.

On Wednesday afternoon, Year 2 had their final visit of the school year to St Annes Library. Once again the children were exceptionally well behaved and the visit was a great success with every child leaving with a new book to enjoy. The feedback from the children and the library service has been amazing, more children are excited about reading and visits to the library are on the increase. It’s such a lovely building and learning space, if you haven’t visited recently I’d really recommend you do.

The children have continued to impress me with this week with their knowledge of their times tables! Our timetables skills have come in handy this week when we’ve been learning about division. We have also designed our own array cities. We may have a few teachers in the making - the confidence the children have as they come up and demonstrate or explain to their friends is lovely to see.

Finally……Sports Day happened and what a fantastic afternoon it was, thank you to family and friends who came down, supported and cheered on the children. The children we thrilled to see everyone as they came out onto the field, one child even commented that it was ‘like we were famous’ as they walked out to cheers. The children have worked hard practising the events and I am so pleased the sun shone and the afternoon went ahead. We took so many photos! Here’s a few…

Zoo Trip - Monday 17th July
We will be visiting Blackpool Zoo on Monday 17th July, thank you for all the offers of help, we are so lucky to have such a supportive set of parents. Payments for the trip will be live on Parent pay next week, as soon as it is on I will send out a text.

Eco Day - Friday 14th July
Next Friday the children are invited to wear green to school in exchange for £1. Money raised will be used by the Eco Committee to buy new eco bins around the school.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!

Ava, you have worked so hard this week! You have shown me that you are thinking about what you need to do to be ready for Year 3. You are making smart choices and wise decisions, even though you’re excited. I am very impressed. Keep this up and you’ll blow the year 3 teacher’s socks off!


Ellie –Rose it has been lovely to see you working co-operatively with your learning partner this week. I have noticed you being helpful and considerate, finding ways to support your partner whilst always making sure you are completing your work too.

Your friends are lucky to have you as a friend.

This week’s Star Readers are Ava, Ellie-Rose and Myles.

Virtues Butterfly - Fletcher


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday
Zoo trip - Monday 17th July - please note this has changed
Eco Day Friday 14th July - non uniform (wear green)

Reminder -
We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

As the weather gets warmer we’re hoping to spend more time learning outdoors. Please send your child in with a suitable sunhat with their name in it and apply suncream before school. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle into school.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 30th June - Some beautiful things only grow with rain

Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 30th June - Some beautiful things only grow with rain

In Science, the children have been on a material hunt! They looked at fixtures and fittings around the class room, identified the materials they were made from and listed their properties. We had some wonderful conversations about why certain material were used and what made them suitable. I wonder if the children could have a material hunt at home? What are objects made from? Why have these materials been used?

This week in our Geography topic ‘Around The World’, Bobby the Bee, visited Australia. The children located Australia on their maps and then got to work finding fantastic facts and information. They used their newly acquired computing skills to put their facts into concept maps on Purple Mash.

In English, we have watched the arrival of Prince Ali and the persuasive language we could use to convince people to watch the parade. The children came up with some fantastic nouns phrases to describe Prince Ali’s entourage.

Thank you for sending the children in with ingredients for wraps on Wednesday. The children are really enjoying this Design Technology unit with Mrs Neves and of course, learning some essential life skills.

Unfortunately our trip to Hope Street Park to bowl was rained off on Friday - we will try to rearrange this and send out details as soon as we can.

Next Wednesday we will be visiting St Annes library, if your child is a member of the library please send their library cards into school with them. This will be our last visit to the library in Year 2, but I hope these visits have inspired and ignited the children’s love of books and they will continue visiting themselves.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!

It has been lovely watching you working co-operatively with your learning partner. This half term your confidence is really growing. You have some fantastic ideas and it’s great to see you sharing them with your friends. You are always polite and well mannered and a great role model.

This week’s Star Readers are Fletcher, Lettie and Rosa.

Virtues Butterfly - Lena


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday
KS1 Sports Day - Thursday 6th July 1.30pm - PE kits to be worn please.
Visit to Hope Street Park Bowls - to be confirmed
Library visit - Wednesday 5th July
Zoo trip - Monday 17th July - please note this has changed

Reminder -
We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

As the weather gets warmer we’re hoping to spend more time learning outdoors. Please send your child in with a suitable sunhat with their name in it and apply suncream before school. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle into school.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 23rd June 2023

Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 23rd June - ‘Sun is shining, weather is sweet, yeah!’

What a rollercaoster of a week! The children were so excited about sports day but unfortunately the weather had other ideas. The Key Stage 1 Sports Day has been rescheduled to Thursday 6th July.

In Science, the children have been sorting materials into natural or humanly made. We’ve also been thinking about the properties of materials. On Thursday afternoon the children carried out an investigation with lots of materials, testing to see which materials were squishy, could be twisted, rolled, stretched or bent.

This week in our Geography topic ‘Around The World’, Bobby the Bee, visited China. We saw pictures of the Great Wall of China, The Terracotta Army and learnt that China is the home to the endangered Giant Panda .We had a go at writing numbers in Chinese and even tried to solve some maths problems. The children enjoyed making their own Chinese dragons - a legendary creature in Chinese mythology. I wonder where Bobby Bee will take us next week!

In English, we have written, edited and published our own ‘You ain’t never had a friend like me’ poems. It was lovely to hear the children talk about the qualities of their friends and the qualities they have to offer their friends.

Next week ( Wednesday 28th June) in Design Technology, the children will be making wrap with Miss Neves. They have been learning about healthy balanced diets.
Your child will need to bring into school ingredients to fill one wrap. Miss Neves will provide wraps, lettuce and humous. Children should bring in a fruit or vegetable, a dairy product (cheese or yoghurt) and a protein (meat, fish or meat alterative) and a container to bring their wrap home in.

On Wednesday morning, we continued practising our kicking skills on the school field. Three stations were set up and the children worked in small groups supporting and encouraging each other.

On Friday morning the children thought of questions they like to ask or find out about year 3 and the juniors.
Half the class went with their learning partners to bowl at Hope Street Park and the other half of the children teamed up with their Year 4 learning buddies to find some the answers. The children worked together to build concept maps on Purple Map showing their questions and answers. It was a good opportunity for the children to use their computing skills whilst finding out about the juniors.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!

Albert, we have noticed how hard you are trying with your reading. You are remembering to check your reading level before picking a book and checking with an adult when you are not sure. You got 100% in one of your reading quizzes this week, this is because you took your time and read the questions carefully and really thought about the answers instead of guessing. We’ve also noticed that you’ve been putting your hand up more in class to answer questions even when you’re not sure, you’ve been having a go like Tommy Turtle.


What a Co-operative Roger Robin you have been this week Ellie-Rose! You have work wonderfully with your learning partner. You are always helpful in class not only to your friend but the adults too I can really tell you are getting ready for Year 3, thinking about what you need to do to be the best you can be.

This week’s Star Readers are Anna, Isaac and Hugo

Virtues Butterfly - George C


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday
KS1 Sports Day - Thursday 6th July 1.30pm - PE kits to be worn please.
Visit to Hope Street Park Bowls - Friday 30th June (2nd Group)
Library visit - Wednesday 5th July
Zoo trip - Monday 17th July - please note this has changed

Reminder -
We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

As the weather gets warmer we’re hoping to spend more time learning outdoors. Please send your child in with a suitable sunhat with their name in it and apply suncream before school. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle into school.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 16th June 2023 - Shine like the sun!

Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 16th June - Shine like the sun!

Welcome back! I hope you’ve all had a lovely half term, it was great to see the children come back into school refreshed and ready to learn. The last half term is always busy…we’ve already got the Gym Jam Jog, Sports Day, a library visit and a trip to the zoo booked in. You’ll find all the dates you need for your diaries at the bottom of this page.

The start of a new half term has meant the start of new topics in science and geography.
In science we will be learning about materials, their properties and their uses. We started the topic thinking about what we already know and what we’d like to learn. The children had some interesting questions including: How are bricks made? What makes paper strong? How do you make concrete? How are materials turned into objects?

Our attempts to grow beans has been a partial success! When we returned to school on Monday some of the beans had grown over the half term holiday, we’ve continued to water and care for them and hopefully we’ll see some more beanstalks appear.
The children were excited to tell me about the sunflowers they have been caring for over half term - please send any photos you have to

Our new topic in Geography is ‘Around The World’, this week we were introduced to Bobby the Bee, who lives in the UK. Bobby explained that he would like to visit a country in each continent over the next 6 weeks. This week the continent was Europe and the county we focused on was France. We heard about lots of famous french landmarks and types of food that are popular in France. I wonder where Bobby Bee will take us next week?

In music, we learned to play glockenspiels to ‘The Friendship Song’. Check out our video!

Video Block
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In Maths we’ve continued working on our 5 and 10 times tables and we’ve managed to find a 5 times table song to the tune of one of our favorite songs! The children have really impressed me with the times table knowledge - I wonder if you can challenge them at home with the 2s, 5s and 10 times tables.

We’ve nearly reached the end of our Aladdin topic in English - this week we have looked at The Cave of Wonder. We identified items that Aladdin and Abu came across in the cave and wrote noun phrases. On Thursday we used these noun phrases to independently write a description of the cave. Next week we’ll be joining Aladdin and Jasmine on their magic carpet ride, thinking about what they can see and hear on their magical journey.

On Monday we had a relaxing indoor PE lesson, we made use of our lovely big classroom and took part in a yoga session.

On Wednesday morning, we practised our kicking skills on the school field. We set up a number of stations and the children worked in small groups focusing on kicking and stopping a ball with control, Kicking the ball with accuracy between 2 markers and kicking the ball in a straight line.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!

Lena, what a ‘Curious Clara Clownfish’ you have been this week! You have been asking some great questions in lessons to clarify your understanding and extend your learning. You are growing in confidence every week, well done!


Heath you have come back to school focused and ready to learn. You have been making sensible choices and managing any distractions around you. I’m really looking forward to a successful and productive last half term with you in Year 2.

This week’s Star Readers are Nathan, Joseph and Martha.

Butterfly - Alana
for being intentional.


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday
KS1 Sports Day - Tuesday 20th June 1.30pm - PE kits to be worn please.
Gym Jam Jog! - Wednesday 21st June 8am
Visit to Hope Street Park Bowls - Friday 23rd June (1st Group)
Visit to Hope Street Park Bowls - Friday 30th June (2nd Group)
Library visit - Wednesday 5th July
Zoo trip - Thursday 13th July (more info to follow)

Reminder -
We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

As the weather gets warmer we’re hoping to spend more time learning outdoors. Please send your child in with a suitable sunhat with their name in it and apply suncream before school. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle into school.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher

Year 2 Weekly Blog 26th May 2023 - Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows

Year 2 Weekly Blog 26th May 2023

Well done Year 2! What a fantastic half term we have had….each week you continue to amaze me. This week the children completed their Key Stage 1 Maths Assessments - once again their determination and focus have blown me away.

In Computing, we’ve looked at the work of Piet Mondrian, taking note of his use of vertical, horizontal lines and primary colours to produce abstract art. We recreated his work on Purple mash, then had a go at making our own abstract art inspired by Mondrain using our own choice of colours.

The children have thoroughly enjoying learning about Grace Darling, as our topic came to an end we thought about how she should be remembered and designed stamps. Many of the stamps featured lighthouses, rowing boats and Grace Darling herself.
We got crafty and designed and assembled our own lighthouses.

We have spent a lot of time outside this week, we continued improving our throwing and catching skills in our PE lessons. On Thursday Year 2 were fantastic role models when they teamed up with year 1 to practice some events in preparation for sports day.

Year 2 are lunch time superstars!!!!
They were recognised and rewarded this week for being such fantastic role models in the dinner hall. The children were thrilled when they went into the hall today and saw the table specially decorated for them

The children have been sent home today with their sunflowers, which they have nurtured and taken care of these last couple of weeks. They have also brought with them their sunflower diaries to record their sunflowers growth over half term. The sunflowers can be planted out at home or if your child prefers they can come back to school after half term and we will plant them out in our school garden. It would be lovely if the children could send photos of their sunflowers as they bloom and grow. Pictures can be emailed to me at

In science we have been looking at the lifecycles of plants, particularly strawberry plants as we have some growing in our school garden. We were able to go out and see some of the stages - the flowering, fruit and the ripening fruit.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!

Joseph you have had an amazing week, there have been many occasions when you have been out of your comfort zone, but you have been brave and courageous and overcome your fears. You have made so much progress.
We are so proud of you.


Jackson, I have really noticed how focused you have been in class over the last couple of weeks. You are making wise choices and managing any distractions  and this is having a positive impact on your learning
Keep it up Jackson !

This week’s Star Readers are and Anna, Nathan, Emilia and Bea


Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday
KS1 Sports Day - 20th June 1.30pm
Gym Jam Jog! - Wednesday 21st June 8am
Library visit - 5th July
Zoo trip - Date and details to be confirmed

Half term - School closes for half term Friday 26th May at the usual time and reopens on Monday 12th June.

Reminder -
We try our best in school to be a ‘nut free’ zone, there are a number of adults and children in school who have severe nut allergies. Please ensure that snacks and packed lunches are nut free.

As the weather gets warmer we’re hoping to spend more time learning outdoors. Please send your child in with a suitable sunhat with their name in it and apply suncream before school.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher