'Learning is not a spectator sport - we must remain active to move forward.'

If there was a sport in how much learning could be completed in one week, Year 6 would definitely win the award. We are rocketing though the Year 6 curriculum at some pace! We have continued to explore what it means to be active as learners. How are we working hard for ourselves and being present in lessons rather than just allowing learning to happen around us. We have certainly had to be present in maths lessons this week as we have learnt how to tackle long division. This is such a tricky concept and something that we will need to continue to work at and consolidate in the coming months.

Next week will see us starting a number of new units of work so we have been tying up all the loose ends this week. We have:

  • Read Clockwork and drawn conclusions on the book. This has led us to writing an outcome 1 newspaper report on a significant event in the book.

  • Discussed and learnt about the Spanish Armada and why the Spanish were defeated.

  • Problem solved and reasoned with division, finding missing numbers in long division.

  • Discussed and concluded the Fantastic Book Awards ready to leap into the next book.

Next week we will be starting a new unit of work on the United Kingdom, linking this to orienteering and map references. And even more exciting…we will be starting our work on Classic Fiction. I cannot wait!

Learning Awards

We simply couldn’t choose this week so we have had to go for three learners. Well done to Nathan O, Jessica and Maryann.

Nathan has showed some great focus this week. He has really improved the amount of work he is completing and the pace that he is working. His RE work this week was beautifully written.

Jessica is such a determined learner - nothing phases her! Jessica is asking questions all of the time now to enhance her learning. This is so brave and it is really paying off!

Maryann is such a kind and cooperative learner; we watch her all the time. She supports, nurtures and challenges her partners to help them to be the best they can be.

Assessments - Can I please reiterate my plea not to go an source assessment materials for your children. Please trust me when I say that everything your children need will be carefully planned for them and fitted in alongside the curriculum that they are receiving. I will be sending things home with the children that you can see and support them with. Please, please, please trust me - I really do not want the children or you panicking about the assessments unnecessarily. We want the children to take them in her stride and be confident in their own ability.

Water Parks

Our residential trip to Water Parks will be here before we know it. On Tuesday 11th February, I will be holding a meeting for all parents and children about the residential this year. This meeting will take place at 6pm in the school hall. I will be giving out kit lists, medical forms and providing all the information that you need to know. It is really important that you attend so that I can answer any questions that you have. It is such a special time…I cannot wait for the children to experience a week away!

Have a wonderful weekend with your family.

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster