Year 6 Blog - 'A little progress each day adds up to big results.'

I find it really hard to believe that next week will be week 8 in school. It seems to have gone in the blink of an eye. I have constantly talked to the children about marginal gains this half term. The notion that getting just 1% better at something each time you do it demonstrates progress. When the 1& gains are added together, the progress is amazing! This is exactly what we have been looking at…let’s get 1% better at fluency, times tables, spelling each time we do them…our progress will be fantastic. Below I have included a link to a video where Sir Dave Brailsford discusses his theory of marginal gains. Why not take a look.

Learning in class has been fast paced and detailed this week as we have continued to consolidate learning and make progress through the curriculum. In maths, we have been moving between multiplication and division; really gaining a good understanding of our tables and seeing the importance of them in each maths concept. In engish, we have finished our biography unit and we are trying to complete our class novel, Can you see me? We are eager to see how it finishes and what happens to Tally. There has been electrical knowledge in science (ready for our investigation day next week), interactive books in computing and persuasive letters for deforestation in geography.

As we move into our final week in school, we will be aiming to tie up any loose ends as we move into our second half term.

Celebrating learning

I have had to choose 3 learning certificates this week as I could not choose between the three of them.

Sol- for being a determined learner in maths. Sol’s attitude has become much more positive and as a result, she has been relaxed and has made lots more progress. Well done Sol.

Isabella - for being a reflective learner. You constantly strive to better yourself in every piece of work that you complete. Thank you for setting yourself such high standards.

Hannah - you are a ray of happiness! You enthuse about each and every subject and contribute so much to each lesson. Thank you Hannah for being a beacon of learning.

A final congratulations goes to Daisy this week. On Tuesday, Daisy made her first reconciliation. We pray that she will continue to be inspired by God’s love. Daisy will be making her first Holy Communion in November.

Next week, I really want to celebrate just what the children have achieved this half term. We will be putting together a short virtual assembly for you to enjoy on the website and preparing a selection of work for parents’ day. Next Friday, I will be writing and then emailing you throughout the course of the day with a short mid-term report on your child. The children will have prepared a document via Purple Mash that will have a selection of work on it that they can then share with you.

Enjoy your weekend

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster