Foundation Stage Christmas Hat Day and Danceathon

Owing to the current restrictions, r our Christmas celebrations and charity donations at nursery will have to be different this year. We have all been thinking really hard and discussing what we could do to help our chosen charity; Brian House Children’s Hospice.

Brian House the children’s unit specializes in respite, palliative, end of life care and bereavement support for children, young people and their families. Brian House, working as part of the multi-disciplinary team, provides care and a ‘home from home’ environment for children and young adults from within the Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre areas who have life threatening and/or life limiting conditions and meet the criteria for care.

Everyone has decided that on Tuesday 15th December KS1 and Foundation will be having a class ‘danceathon’. We are asking that all the children present that day to bring a £1 donation.

On Friday 11th December it will be Christmas hat day and once more we are asking for a £1 donation. All monies collected will be given to Brain House Hospice.

As in previous years we ask that you do not send Christmas cards into nursery but instead make the above donations to such a worthy cause.

With regards to our virtual Nativity (to be posted on our webpage on Wednesday 16th December); I have this week sent home an image consent form. It is important that you complete it and return to nursery as soon as possible. If I do not receive your permission I will be unable to post the video on our webpage.

Finally, our Christmas party will be held in our nursery bubble this year on Thursday 17th December 9.30 am -11.30 am.

I hope everyone manages to have a restful weekend, but just in case you have time on your hands click on the button below for a nature activity sheet.

See you on Monday!
