Home Learning - Monday 22nd June 2020

Good morning Year 6. Welcome to our last 4 weeks of learning. As I said in the blog on Friday, we have two more weeks of formal learning followed by a week of transition and then a final week in school. On Friday, I will be in a position to tell you your form groups for St Bedes. I won’t be able to tell you which form it is, just who you will be with from our school.

I am in school much more now and working alongside children so I won’t be filming any lessons this week (I may squeeze one in towards the end) , but keep on going. Still email me and contribute to the class blog.

This is our learning timetable for the week. I realise that everyone works slightly differently and you like to see what is coming up over the week. I have attached my visual timetable for the week so you can plan better. Where there is a little camera, that means that I will be filming that lesson for you.

Timetable 22nd June.PNG


I am still waiting for a large number of children to send me their primary school memories. These are the names of the children that I DO have their memory: Amber, Baxter, Isabel, Jayden, Jessica, Lucinda, Anwar, Ruby, Maryann, Megan, Nathan J, Ryan, Jamie, Emily, Ethan and Mati.

That is 10 children I am waiting for.

I really need your memories asap otherwise we will not have time to put them together and you will not be able to have your memory included in the class book. Please can you make it a priority to get them to me by Wednesday at the latest. If you have already emailed to me and your name is not on the list above, please can you resend them to me again. Thank you.

I have included an example of some of the memories that were written last year to give you an idea of the detail that I need and want you to show off. Once you have finished writing it, can you then type it up on either: PUBLISHER, WORD OR POWERPOINT and email it across to me. You can email me on Purple Mash or at n.gregan@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

English - Wonder Week 6 Lesson 1

This is always a reading and a writing start to the week. Please read the pages 118 - 152 in the book which will bring us half way through the book and then answer the questions for comprehension.

Jack Will and Summer.PNG

Maths - White Rose Home Learning - ALGEBRA

We are back to following White Rose for our learning.

We are on WEEK 7 (8TH JUNE) LESSON 1 - FIND A RULE. Please follow the lesson video and complete the work that has been set for you following the lesson. Algebra can be tricky so I have attached the Maths is Fun website as a point of reference if you need to look more closely at something.



What can you find out about the British Seaside? This is a 2 day research task where you will need to look at various seaside towns. I would like you to choose one to research in more detail. This might be one that you have been to yourself and you want to know more about its history. You will also be looking at the history of the beach huts and Punch and Judy!