Sports Week - What a huge success!

12 week ago, I was really sad for many reasons, but one of those reasons was because we would not get to celebrate sporting events with each other this summer term. Sports day is a highlight for many children (and staff) in the school as well as cricket competitions, athletics events and swimming galas. So this year, we had to think outside the box.

I want to say a huge thank you for getting involved this past week; I was blown away by the photographs and emails I received - over 1400 photographs! You were engaged, creative and uber active. We had entries from family groups, individuals, dogs and even from across the world - I received an entry from Brazil! I can not believe just how successful this has been.

The photos of you competing as a family have really made me smile. There was photographs from past pupils who went back to representing their house and someone even found their old Harcourt badge from many years ago (I won’t say exactly how long). Although there is a winner, and it was super close throughout the week with the winning house taking it on the last day, you are all winners. The results are so close which is a testament to how many of you got involved.

The video below is a reason why our school community is just so special.

So a really big thank you from me. You need to sit back, smile and celebrate all of your efforts last week. Watch the video with pride and the winners are announced right at the very end! You may want to get a drink, the film is 15 minutes full of a selection of photographs. There were so many wonderful ones, it was impossible to put them all into one film, I will keep adding them to the website over the next few weeks so that you can continue to enjoy them.