Year 3 Meet the teacher week Friday 10th July

Activity 1: Getting to Know you.

We are going to learn a new skill alongside getting to know you today. I am going to teach you how to make a quiz on Purple Mash. You can do a quiz about yourself! I will take it and see how I do!!!

Or you can do a quiz on something that interests you. I will model it in the video, then you can have a go.

Activity 2: Our learning skills - Resilience.

Watch the video about Sadie Spider today. She has an excellent approach to learning.

Activity 3: What we do in Year 4 - RE

Our school mission statement is ‘You are Precious in My Eyes.’ This statement is what God is saying to all of us. Watch the video below to see how precious you really are in God’s eyes.

Our school mission statement is not just about how precious you are to God. It also means that we must treat every other human being as precious - because we are ALL precious. No matter how old we are, where we live, what colour our hair is, what our personality is like - EVERY PERSON IS PRECIOUS and we strive to treat them like that in our lives.

Now create a school poster with this statement from Isaiah - YOU ARE PRECIOUS IN MY EYES. You could copy our school logo from the school website. Maybe you could do it in lots of different blues to represent our school.

Whilst you are drawing talk to a grown up. If you are so precious to God then everybody is precious to God. Therefore, how should we treat other people?

Extra Activities today

  1. Can you build or draw a spider web? Use your creativity to design one.

Why not put Sadie in it and her motto ‘Try, Try Try!’

2. Purple Mash 2do ‘AFish- matic’ This is a great game to play to practise your calculations. You need to make the target number by selecting the right calculation. Practise practise! This is a good one to do over Summer to practise your times tables.