Two lovely films to watch this week plus important reminders …..
Read moreYear 2 weekly blog Friday 1st March "Love one another as I have loved you"
Time to celebrate the week - please read the important notices at the bottom ……
Read moreYear 2 weekly blog 23rd February " The best way to find yourself is lose yourself in the service of others"
Important reminders included at the end of the blog. So much to celebrate this week ……….
Read moreYear 2 Blog Friday 9th February
Lots of reflection on our e-safety work this week and lots of work on keeping happy and healthy in science….
Read moreYear 2 Weekly Blog week ending 2nd February "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much"
Massive thank you to Mr Griffin, Mrs Johnson and Mrs Maano, who have taken a led and loved the children ….
Read moreYear 2 Blog week ending 19th January - "Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak."
What a busy week! Read on to read all about our exciting learning and pictures of Miss Bassett and baby Alicia - who came to visit!
Read moreYear 2 Weekly Blog 12/1/2024 -"God is so good to give us new days and New Years since He knows we need so many times to start over."
Who is this??? Find out what we got up to this week ….
Read moreHave a Happy and Holy Christmas - from all of the team in Year 2!
What a week full of celebration and happy memories! Please read on ….
Read moreYear 2 Weekly Blog - 15th December "God is with us- because he gave us Jesus!" KS1 Christmas Nativity 2023
Time to celebrate an amazing week please read on……
Read moreYear 2 Weekly blog (8/12/2023) "Everything that is done in this world is done in hope" Martin Luther King
Such a busy week and lots to celebrate!!!
Read moreYear 2 weekly Blog 1st December - "Hope, Peace, Joy and Love"
And so the Advent seaon begins ….
Super busy week next week - important messages included here……
Read moreYear 2 weekly blog 24th November - "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
Here to save our planet one tiny step at a time!
Read moreYear 2 weekly Blog- "A bear remains a bear – even when most of him has fallen off or worn away."
Thought I’d pop this image on of our Curriculum evening when these members of our class persevered and completed the jigsaw of the world! Please read on for reminders and magic moments…..
Read moreYear 2 weekly blog -"Faith and prayer are the vitamins of the soul; man cannot live in health without them." - Mahalia Jackson.
Lots to celebrate and a whole list of reminders - it is the season to be busy!! Please read on
Read moreYear 2 weekly blog 3.11.23 - "And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." - Matthew 21:2
We have explored how materials are used to keep us safe today. Then we explored staying safe on Bonfire Night.
Read moreYear 2 weekly blog 18.10.23 - "Every star shines a little differently. That's what make each one so special."
And so we reach the end of our first half term together… goodness me the time has flown and so much fantastic learning has already been achieved! We have settled into our classroom routines, performed a wonderful assembly, taken part in our first enrichment afternoon, carried out many exciting experiments in Science… the list goes on!
This week we have listened to the word of God and discovered some of the special people that God chose in His mission to help our world. The children have worked in small groups to create short pieces of drama to retell the story of Moses, and have written their own versions of when God chose Abraham.
Magic moments this week
Today marks the beginning of the children’s half term holiday. We return back on Monday 30th October. We cannot wait to hear about what you have been up to during your time off!
Parents meetings - Please remember that these meetings are this Friday via ‘School Cloud’ each meeting is 10 minutes long.
When we come back we really need those winter warmers in school as the days become colder still.
PE remains on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Full PE kits needed on these days.
Year 2 Weekly Blog 13.10.23 - "Always try your best. What you plant now will Harvest later."
So many things to celebrate - please enjoy the blog!
Read moreYear 2 Weekly Blog 6.10.23 - "Happiness is not something ready made, it comes from your own actions."
So many things to celebrate - please enjoy the blog!
Read moreYear 2 Weekly Blog - "What you are is God's gift to you, what you become is your gift to God"
We have had a rather reflective week during our RE learning and discussions. Firstly, reflecting on our gifts; our families, friends, talents, our world and the many blessings God has given to us. Following this, we turned our attention towards each other…our class family. Each child was given a flower which the other children in the class wrote on, sharing the gifts they notice in one another. This was such a special moment in our week, the children all focusing on others and celebrating their gifts, talents, similarities and differences. Finally, when returning back to their own flowers, each child’s faces were full with delight as they read what special qualities their peers notice in them.
Let’s celebrate
Certificates: A huge well done to HENRY O and ISLA who have both been awarded a Focused Cooper Crab certificate this week!
Curious and Active Butterfly: Well done FREDDIE you have been curious in your learning of our wonderful world, asking questions and seeking answers both at school and at home!
Magic Moments
We are very nearly there with consent forms and are just waiting for a couple more to be completed. As soon as we have all of these we will be able to share with you the photos that we have taken that week. We really wanted to pop on our science experiment- testing to see if materials were waterproof!
KIDSAFE - safeguarding lesson 4. Keeping our private parts private and when a secret is not a secret. Please read the parents guide below so we are sharing the same messages with the children about keeping save.
How to deepen your learning at home
Next week in Geography we will be looking at the capital city of UK. What is our capital city? You might enjoy finding out a couple of interesting facts that you would like you share with your class on Monday next week.
Flu Vaccination - Don’t forget to sign the NHS flu vaccine consent form on the previous blog.
Coats - Please make sure you bring a coat to school each day, the rain has caught a few of us out this week.
Homework - This is to be handed in each Monday, a huge thank you for the wonderful learning that you are all doing at home!
Assembly - Our class assembly is quickly approaching. On Thursday 12th October you are invited to watch us perform our Harvest assembly. We will be performing this twice, the first showing will start at 2:10, with the second starting at 2:35. You are welcome to come for one or stay for both of these performances.
Parents meetings - Parents meeting this year will be on Friday 20th October. You can now book your appointment time - please see Mrs Gregan’s latest blog for the link. Below you will find which teacher we would like you to book with:
Harvest Plea: In preparation for our HARVEST FESTIVAL on Thursday 12th October at 9.30am mass, as a school we have made the decision to collect food items for Fylde Foodbank who are struggling with the amount of need in our area. We would be so grateful if Year 2 could collect tinned tuna. Donations can be made from next week and will be much appreciated -thank you.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Miss Bassett, Mrs Hotchkiss, Mrs Maano and Mrs Johnson
Year 2 blog 22/9/2023 "I am a Gift from God" Psalm 1 27:3
We have new counsellor!! Read on to catch up on important reminders, magic moments and how you can deepen the learning and the fun at home!
Read more