Year 3 Home learning photos Thursday 2nd April

Keep up the excellent work, your smiley faces are brightening up our days. It is lovely to see you are embracing the challenges, and making the best of being at home for your learning. I’m sure you are enjoying seeing what your friends have been up to and how well they are getting on with their work.

Year 3 Wednesday 1st April 2020

Really sorry there have been no photos of today’s learning from home posted on our class blog and also that we have not replied to any of your emails, the Lancashire website has been down today and we have not been able to access our emails to get your photos. Hopefully it will be up and running again soon and we will be able to post all of the photos that have not been posted today.

We hope that you have had a lovely day of learning and we look forward to seeing all of your photos as soon as we can.

Keep smiling and doing all of those helpful jobs around the home.

Take care and stay safe.

Hi everyone. We are back!!!

Here are the photos from today’s learning at home. I have to say you are all becoming so creative and talented in the kitchen. I just wish you all did take away service. I love the look of all those ice lollies. (What happened to the sunshine?????)

Year 3 Tuesday 31st March Photos from your Learning at Home

Thank you to all of you who are sending us photos of your learning from home. We love to see them and hope that you are all having fun.

We’re loving the pictures of your French ice lollies. They look sooooo delicious.

We’re also loving the photos of the meals that you are helping to prepare. Well done for helping around the house - make sure that you help to tidy the kitchen afterwards.

Keep sending us your photos please.

Year 3 Pictures for Monday 30th March

We hope that you all had a lovely weekend, with some rest and relaxation. Here are the pictures that we’ve been sent today.

Year 3 Photos from Friday's Learning from Home

We hope that you have another lovely day of learning from home today. Remember if you haven’t been in touch yet please do we would love to hear from you and see what you have been up to.

Take a look at what everyone has been up to today. Take care and have fun!

Year 3 Photos for today's Learning at Home 26.03.2020

Hello everyone. Another lovely day. Maybe you can take your learning outside in the garden again today. Enjoy the sunshine while you can!! Remember to keep helping each other and keeping everyone happy and smiling. Remember generous and grateful.

Here are some of your lovely photos showing what you are doing. Look at all the things that you can measure! Great work on the Iron Man too.

Year 3 photos from home learning Wednesday 25th March

I am absolutely loving seeing what you have all been up to at home, there is some brilliant learning going on. Well done to you and your grown ups, keep them coming to get a starring role on today’s photo wall.

Year 3 Tuesday 24th March Learning from Home Pictures

A big Happy Birthday to Steph from all of us in Year 3. Hope that you are having a lovely day.

Thank you for sending pictures of you learning from home. Here are the ones that have been sent today.

Have fun. Keep learning and keep sending us those pictures.

Year 3 Photos from your learning at home

Here are some photos of your learning at home.
These Iron Man models are wonderful. What does yours look like?

Keep sending your photos and we will try and put them up on our blog for everyone to see.

Half Term Already!

Wow what an exciting week in Year 3 we have had this week! We started the week planning and producing the last outcome of our writing process of the ‘snowman’- many thanks to Amber and John Joseph’s parents for delivering the DVD at such short notice, you really did save the day! We have been focusing a lot of our attention on the Romans this week and had a wonderful school trip on Wednesday in Lancaster. The children have learnt and gained so much from this visit.

On Thursday we welcomed Craig McCann to school and we had a great time although the exercises were really hard!! The children loved being in their chosen sports strips and I know they found meeting the athlete extremely inspiring. Thank you for all the money raised through your sponsor forms.

I just want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for all of your support since September, your children have been a pleasure to teach and I have loved every minute of seeing them grow and blossom. I know this will continue as they are in great hands for the rest of the year, although I will miss them all dearly. However I will make sure I keep in touch and have promised to bring the baby in to meet them all.

Can I also thank everyone for their kind words, well wishes and thoughtful gifts for the start of my maternity leave, it is much appreciated.

Take care and have a lovely half term.


Thomas thank you for being such a resilient Sadie Spider on Thursday during our coaching session, your determination and your ‘I CAN’ attitude was lovely to see.

The other reward went to the whole class for making my time in Year 3 so special. They have grown so much in their learning and maturity and I am so proud of what they have all achieved individually.


Please see homework page for this half terms homework.

Tuesday 25th February is the 1st Reconciliation session for children and parents

First Wednesday back is Ash Wednesday- please join us for Mass- we set off at 9:30am

'The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts' Marcus Aurelius

I can’t believe we have only one week left until half term, the weeks seem to fly by, but when we look at Year 3 books, there is so much learning within them! This week the children have immersed themselves in creating their own versions on the Snowman and the Snowdog. They have loved watching this beautiful film and re-creating it with their own description and new vocabulary and wow what writing they have produced. Mrs Nel and I could not believe the sounds of moans when the dinner bell went, as they just wanted to carry on writing (this was definitely the first time ever!). There has been a real buzz in Maths this week, as the children have been adding and subtracting multiples of ten crossing the boundaries in to the hundreds and tackling some tricky puzzles.

Our Romans study in History has got in to full flow, with the children pretending to be Celtic Spies observing and exploring how strong the Roman Army actually is. The children worked in groups as spies and one by one had to go to the pictures around the edge of a Roman Soldier and report back to their fellow spies with their observations so that they could draw an accurate picture. We also learnt all about Boudica, one of the Celtic tribe’s queen, even making a human time graph of the events in her life and how it led to an uprising against the Roman Empire forces.

Paralympic Visitor

On Thursday 13th February, Craig McCann (a Paralympic fencer and cyclist) will be visiting our school to talk to the children about his sporting journey and how a brain tumour that had developed, led him down this path. The children will be sponsored to take part in a fitness class alongside Craig in the morning, and then to continue in a sporting event in the afternoon. On this day, the children can come into school wearing the sports kit from the teams that they represent outside of school or some sportswear of their choice. So many of the children are involved with clubs in our area, it would be great to see just how many there are. Some examples could be football strips, gymnastic or dance outfits, however all the children must be appropriately dressed in order to take part in school’s usual day (they need to be warm enough), particularly playing outside and participating in sport throughout the day. Sponsor forms have already been given out, so please check your children’s bags. The money we w ill raise will contribute towards the improvements on the trim trail outside.


International Online Safety Day is on Tuesday 11th February- we will be talking about identity and how to keep safe online.

‘Meet the Romans’ school trip on Wednesday 12th February- please could all payments be made before 31st January.

Blue group on Thursdays 8am with Mr Nay

Marsden are the winners this half term and get to wear their house colours on Friday 14th February.

The awards this week go to …

Harriet thank you for being so creative in your writing, you have used wonderful description and vocabulary to tell your story and it has been wonderful to see how you have used all of our grammar skills in your independent work!

Kai this week you have impressed us with how you have been ready and willing to approach all of your work this week with great determination and independence- you must keep this up as you have made such progress across the curriculum.

Have a lovely weekend and God bless`

'Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless' Mother Teresa

Another week that has flown by as the children have been so immersed in their learning. When I look through their books, I can’t quite believe how much work we are getting through! Mathematics has been very exciting this week, look at crossing over to the tens boundary within a 3 digit number, the children have loved problem solving with this and discussing which strategy is best to use. The children have worked hard on their sentence structure within English lessons, practicing their use of coordinating conjunctions in compound sentences and have now started to create more complex sentences.

We have continued our learning in electricity in Science this week, making circuits, exploring ways to add switches, buzzers and motors. The children have absolutely thrived during these hands on sessions. Our History kick started with a visit from emperor Claudius and they made excellent decisions when they acted as his advisers, asking the question why did the Romans invade?

It was lovely to meet with you all on Wednesday and celebrate the wonderful progress all your children have made, I am sure you are as proud of them as we are.


‘Meet the Romans’ school trip on Wednesday 12th February- please could all payments be made before 31st January.

Blue group on Thursdays 8am with Mr Nay

The awards this week go to …

James thank you for being such a Curious Clara Clown Fish, you have wowed us this week with how deep you have took your learning in Science asking all of the right questions!

Jacob O you are such a Bobby Bee in your enthusiasm and desire to learn which makes you very exciting to teach- you always show positive body language and always have a smile on your face!

Have a lovely weekend and God bless`

'Curiosity keeps leading us down new paths' Walt Disney

Today we looked at one of our new virtues for this half term… curiosity. We explored various quotes about the importance of curiosity and being active in our learning as well as our faith and how it is our curiosity and desire to ask questions that brings us closer to God. We explored and discussed how the disciples were curious to follow Jesus, how we are all curious as we listen to His teachings and of course we are always asking questions about God’s beautiful creation.

The children have been showing great curiosity in their learning all week, and we have been most impressed with their desire to learn and their active participation. We have now finished our class novel ‘The Ice Cat’, the children have loved this book, exploring all of its themes and have responded so deeply. Once we finished we then had the most amazing conversation of how ‘the ice cat’ was actually a representation of the main characters feelings. I can’t wait to see how they put all of this depth in to their writing next week!

In Maths the children our showing great curiosity at looking at the different methods involved when adding numbers that bridge, deciding on the strategies that work best for them! Science yesterday, was a whole morning of the children experimenting and exploring their curiosity through making circuits and electricity- they loved experimenting on which circuits would light the bulb and when it wouldn’t asking the vital question of why not?


A letter went out today about our school trip on Wednesday 12th February- can we please make sure payment is made by 31st January

Parents day on Wednesday- I am most looking forward to celebrating your child’s achievements!

Blue group starts next Thursday 8am with Mr Nay!

The awards this week go to …

Jess thank you for being such a Curious Clara Clown Fish, you have wowed us this week with how deep you have took your learning and that is because you ask all the right questions and actively search to find our more or think deeper- well done Jess, we are very proud of you.

Max you are such a Bobby Bee in your enthusiasm and desire to learn and are now channeling this enthusiasm the right way- well done Max keep it up!

Have a lovely weekend and God bless

‘If we all did the things that we are really capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves …’ Thomas Edison

Wow another exciting week of learning in the year 3 classroom ,with lots of focused Cooper Crabs! There is such a difference when we look at the children that started in September to now- they seemed to have matured and grown so much, especially in their learning- we are so proud of them all! We have LOVED our class novel this week, the children have been collected vocabulary, predicting what happens next, deducing information from the text and thinking deeply about what the author is showing us. In fact, the year 3 team have been blown away by the children’s depth of thought, which showed in their writing this week, where they all wrote a diary entry as the main character Tom. During this the children used what they found out from the text, but also added personal details to give more of an insight to the characters feelings. In Maths this week we have been looking at adding and subtracting larger numbers and started to bridge over the hundreds, which can be a tricky task, but the children are managing really well! In RE, we are continuing to look at the sacrament of Reconciliation, acting out situations that we may come across and how we can problem solve and resolve through asking forgiveness. In Science the children wowed Mrs Nel with how enthusiastic they were when they created a ‘human’ circuit! We love learning about electricity!

Next week we look forward to finishing our class novel and then using what we have learnt and the vocabulary we have gathered to begin writing our own stories. We will also be starting our Celts to Romans History topic next week, which we know the children will love.

Have a lovely weekend and God bless,

The awards this week go to …

Evie thank you for being such a focused Cooper Crab, concentrating in class,participating in lessons and producing much more work- well done Evie!

Isabella you have been such a creative Kiki Chameleon this week, with your wonderful diary entry, using all of your knowledge of the book, great characterization and using all of our grammar skills- what progress you have made!