It has been a really beautiful start to year 4 this week. The children have settled in so quickly and my goodness, what a lovely, enthusiastic and intelligent bunch they are! Let me tell you what we have been up to this week.
We began the week by examining our school mission statement, ‘You are Precious in my eyes.’ We talked about how unique we are. We discussed our differences and talked about how it is ok to be ourselves, like what we like and be who we are! We learned we need to treat everyone as precious.
We then learned about everyone’s rights in class and how, with rights, come responsibilities. If we follow our class responsibilities, everyone benefits and we can create a wonderful, loving learning environment. We discussed consequences of not following our responsibilities and how it would affect others around us. This was a powerful lesson - children are so reflective! We did the story of God’s Creation and decided to do ‘the Creation of Year 4,’ keeping all the things in our ‘world’ that would help it grow and thrive!
We learned through the story of Roger Robin, how to co-operate and we played some super co-operation games- making sure to listen to each others’ ideas and be kind if we disagreed. Ask your child about ‘The Balancing Man!’
We have also begun our exciting Science topic all about plants this week - thinking about why they are so crucial to us. Children have written many questions they would like the answer to.
Swimming went swimmingly! Thanks for being on time - it will continue at the same time each week - 8:30 from St Patrick’s Road gate. Children were super organised - nobody forgot which locker they had put their clothes in this year and nothing was lost. That is a first!
Important forms to complete online.
Please fill in these forms as soon as possible so that we can ensure your child is safe and able to learn well.
If your child would like to join our school choir this year, it takes place on Thursdays from 3:30pm-4:00pm. You can pick your children up from Reception area at this time.
Please submit the form below if you would like them to attend. It begins next Thursday 15th September.
Just a reminder that homework goes out on a Friday and needs to be handed in every Thursday so that I can get it marked on time.
Monday - Clarinets - hopefully children will be bringing these home this Monday. Please ensure they keep them safe, complete their practice and bring them in to school every Monday.
Wednesday - PE Outside
Thursday Swimming each week 8:30 - St Patrick’s Road gate.
Friday - This is our celebration day. If children have received any certificates that week, or trophies or any other achievement, they can bring it into school to celebrate with the class.
Wednesday 21st September is our Year 4 induction evening. You are cordially invited to come to the Year 4 class and meet the team face to face. We will talk about our Year 4 learning journey and give you any information you need. It would be lovely to welcome you on this evening.
Let’s Celebrate!
I want to celebrate all children this week for a really super first week in Year 4. You should all feel very proud of how well you have come together and co-operated this week.
Learning certificates this week:
Bella and Theo received a double whammy certificate each with Sadie Spider AND Roger Robin. This week you have been learning partners and have worked together sensibly and kindly. You have both just quietly got on with your tasks and have done your very best listening too. Well done!
I know it will most likely be a sombre weekend with the devastating news of our beautiful queen passing. It is hard to take for everyone, children and adults. I hope you all find comfort in each other this weekend.
God bless,
Mrs Lyons, Miss Hennessy and Mrs Mather.