It has been an emotional week, with the children saying goodbye to the beloved Charlotte in our novel. Through this novel, on top of learning many reading and writing skills, we have really thought together about the meaning of being a true friend, like Charlotte was to Wilbur. Children have also written their own new episode and an obituary to Charlotte, where they thought about how her life had such meaning because of her love to others.
In History, it has been a busy week. Pyramid Monday was a success - we looked at each others’ pyramids and collected questions together. THen we focused on the question, “Were pyramids really built by slaves as films suggest?’ We looked at the evidence found from a village near the Great pyramid at Giza. Ask children what they found out!. Next, children learned about the process of mummification and wrote an explanatory text all about this gruesome topic - but not before we mummified a member of the class! Here are some pictures showing what fun we had!
On Tuesday, we learned our next 4 Christmas songs for our performance in church. They have been given for homework. Our choir need to practise ‘Come to the Manger’ too.
This afternoon, we have been off to the Pantomime at the parish centre as a lovely treat. All in all, a very well-rounded week.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week’s certificate winners are:
Riley for a focused and determined learner. You are making such progress in your maturity and excellent effort!
Gabriella for a Lizzie Ladybird. You have been striving to improve yourself in so many ways and you take every little bit of advice given.
Rex for a Lizzie Ladybird. I love the way you are following advice and really focusing in lessons to achieve super results.
Swimming stars this week go to Dominic and Luke
Music stars this week, were Jacob and Millie
PE stars were Roseanna and Arthur
Please see below these notices for Holy Communion dates.
Next Friday 9th December- Please wear Christmas colours and spread the Christmas cheer- we just ask if you could to donate £1 towards CAFOD World Gifts.
We are out and about a lot next week, doing various rehearsals in church. Please could you make sure children have a warm coat and hat each day to keep warm.
Next Thursday 8th is our last swimming before Christmas. The Year 5 children are going on the final Thursday slot. Our lessons will then continue in Spring.
We have decided as a school not to send individual Christmas cards to each other, but to instead collect this money for Brian House. Children can if they wish, write one card for the whole class.
On Wednesday 14th December, we will be going to UCLAN in Preston. This is to launch our Science topic beginning in the New Year, about States of Matter. Unfortunately, there is a train strike on the day of the trip. Therefore, we need to get the coach. The trip is being partly subsidised by the school and the cost is £10 payable on parentpay:
Children will need a packed lunch on this day, unless they normally have a school dinner on Friday, in which case Jackie will provide one. If they get travel sick, please let me know and medicate if needed.
Our Christmas performance is in church on Thursday 15th December at 2pm and 7pm.
Friday 16th December Key Stage 2 Christmas party. Children can come to school in party clothes and sensible shoes. They can bring a non fizzy drink and a small snack such as chocolate or a packet of crisps.
Holy Communion Dates
Children will be making their First Holy Communion in two halves next year. This enables the ceremony to be so beautiful and reflective. It also allows more family members to come. Please see below:
Holy Communion on Saturday 13th May
Ella Sophia Rafe Dominic Rex Ben B Michael Elsie Archie Erin Gabriella Benjamin Liam Layla Arthur
Holy Communion on Saturday 20th May
Luke Rose Isaac Cora Millie Riley Esther Jacob Ola Roseanna Theo Bella Pippa Faye Niamh
Have a lovely weekend. My Christmas tree IS going up this weekend!
Mrs Lyons, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Mather.