"She is more Mother than Queen." --Saint Therese of Lisieux,

Another very busy week in school - no matter where you visit, there are children diving into learning! They are also devoting time spiritually to Mary - our Mother. All round the school I’ve spotted classes sharing the Rosary together. One lunch time I even heard some friends in the worship area having a prayerful moment in a little worship station we created - Mary’s statue taking pride of place. Next Monday the children from Year 1-6 will be walking to Church to celebrate Harvest with the parish. The school choir will be performing a song they have practised during their Thursday evening sessions. If you would like to walk down to Church with us, please come into school straight after drop off as we will be setting off promptly.

We had a wonderful treat on Tuesday when Year 4 produced a super assembly! The children taught us about seed dispersal! Not only that, they also explained, through drama, what it takes to be a creative learner. We have 8 learning characters in school - Creative Kiki Chameleon is one of them and she is very imaginative and innovative! From the very beginning of Reception we teach the children all about the characters and how their behaviours help them, and us, to become really good learners. Find out more by pressing on the link below - this will take you to our “Learning Community Page”.

On Wednesday, the children looked very smart for their annual school photographs and in the afternoon our Year 6 children became tour guides as they showed prospective parents around school. If you would like to look around, please pop into the office or ring us on 01253 726 015 and book a tour for our second and final visit on Wednesday 2nd November 2-3pm

Parent Governor elections

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”
— Coretta Scott King

When we advertised that there were two vacancies for parent governors on our governing body, I did not think that we would receive so many applications or that I’d have so many lovely conversations with people who want to make a difference to our school and the children we serve. My heart has been warmed by reading the biographies that our applicants have put together. There is a real sense of wanting to contribute in a positive way to the growth of our school.

I have received 8 applications and so now, the election process can begin. I have attached the eight biographies which you can access by pressing the button below. Please scroll through the two pages and read them all in their entirety. On Monday, the eldest child in each family will receive a small brown envelope with two ballot papers in it, one for each parent to vote. Please do vote for who you want to elect, pop the paper back in the envelope, sealed and return it to school. Each classroom will have a ballot box in it, there will also be one in the office if you want to post your vote personally. This is a wonderful opportunity for our children to learn about democracy too!

The ballot boxes will be open on Tuesday and Wednesday next week, after this date they will be closed for counting. Our wonderful applicants will be informed of the outcome by the end of next week and the result will be announced in our final newsletter of the half-term. Please do vote and get involved in the process.
We will always be a community walking hand in hand for the greater good of our pupils and our school community.

Parents meeting - Friday 21st October ( Year 1 - Monday 17th October)

You are invited to book an online appointment to meet your child’s class teacher.

Thank you to everyone who has already booked (68% have already done so).

Please click on the link below if you still need to book.

Below the link to book is a guide to what to do on the day - you may want to print this out before Friday especially if you are new to this system

Office News

We are so nearly at half term and are going to make a final plea for dinner money accounts to be brought up to date by the end of next week. When we come back after half-term, we have 37 sessions leading up to Christmas and the Dinner money for the half-term will be £88.80 for KS2 dinners. Dinners are still £2.40 each and £12 per week.

We’re making a plea to Y4 and Y5 musicians to remember their Wider Opps. musical instruments next Monday – if they are forgotten , we have to ring or text parents, ask them to come in with an instrument and it can, we know, be very stressful for them to come rushing in in the middle of the day. Sometimes too, it’s quite hectic for us as situations arise to which we have to respond and minutes then tick away before we can deal with the forgotten instruments. So please children, get those instruments ready to bring in when you’re preparing for school on Monday mornings!

Finally the parking – we’ve had quite heavy complaints this week from neighbours and others who are really concerned about people parking dangerously and over double yellow lines and places where they ought not to be. This is a serious safety concern, we can’t let someone get injured or worse before we tackle this. We each and every one of us have responsibility for our own and one another’s safety. It is not neighbourly to park across people’s driveways. The situation has definitely deteriorated since our start and pick up times moved a little closer but we rely upon you all to park legally and considerately and if you have to park further away to park safely then please do so. We understand that complaints are being made to the Police but it shouldn’t come to people risking fines etc, we should be able to police our own behaviour in this matter. We thank you so much for your support in this matter.

Attendance Week 6

Well done Reception 100%!


Don’t forget the “Family Cinema Club” on Friday 28th October 1pm in the Parish Centre showing Disney's Spooky Buddies

For more Parish events please click on the link below.

Wednesday Word

Here is the Gospel to share with your family - there are three Sundays to cover half term.

Have a wonderful weekend and please remember the children break up next week on Thursday 20th October (normal times) for half term - returning on 31st October.

"Each person must live their life as a model for others"

Here at Our Lady’s, our role model is Jesus. We recognise that we are His hands and feet here on Earth. Year 2 performed a beautiful assembly this week during which they shared how to be a wonderful, caring, and compassionate role model and follow Jesus’ example. Thank you to all the parents who came along. Wasn’t the singing truly joyful and wonderful- there is a little film on their blog! Next week, Year 4 will be performing their assembly, at 9:10am and 9:35am. I had a sneaky peek today and it looks as though some science will be involved!!

In today’s celebration assembly, we learnt about the Rosary and said one decade together. Children will now have the opportunity to come to the worship area with their rosary beads, to pray. We have prayer passes which are used for this area, just a few children visit there at a time, which allows time for quiet reflection. It is a joy to see how the children behave so beautifully in there and with such reverence.

I believe there are developments in the “fruit and vegetable” mystery saga taking place in Year 1. The children have discovered that the EVIL PEA was responsible for the devastating scenes in class last week! Will he pay for his crimes? Year 4 have begun to read “Charlotte’s Web” together and they are hooked! Year 5 continue to explore Ancient Greece and Year 6 have worked hard on those fractions! Please visit your class blog for a celebration of the learning and any important messages which your teacher may have.

Important Information:

You are invited to book an online appointment to meet your child’s class teacher.

Thank you to everyone who has already booked their Parents appointment. Please ensure you have clicked on the correct link below. If you have a problem Mrs Hodges, in the office, is very happy to help.

Parents’ Day Friday 21st October (except Year 1)

Year 1 Parents’ Day - Monday 17th October

Please make sure that your details are accurate and please type the legal names used to register your child (thank you).


For prospective parents of children for Reception class, September 2023, we have two open afternoons here at school. These will take place on:

Wednesday 12th October 2022 2pm - 3pm

Wednesday 2nd November 2022 2pm - 3pm

Our Year 6 children will take small groups of parents on a tour through the school. Visitors will see the children and teachers busy learning together and are very welcome to gather at the end of the tour and ask staff who will be waiting, any questions about the application process.

Please ring the School Office on 01253 726 015 to book a time slot (15 minute intervals) for a tour - we have appointments at 2pm, 2:15pm, 2:30pm and 2:45pm on both days..

Your School needs YOU! Are you interested in becoming a Parent Governor?

Our Lady Star of the Sea is a special community which is built on love and trust, made up of our children, staff, parents, the parish and the school governing body.

Our governing body works tirelessly to support and nurture the school vision, providing a platform on which we can build, to move forward, grow and ultimately flourish, keeping the school mission statement, ‘You are precious in My eyes’ at the centre of all actions and decisions. The governing body is made up of volunteers who work together with the head teacher to improve education and all other aspects of school life, building work, safety, safeguarding, our budget etc!

Due to changes within the governing body, there are now two vacancies for parent governors and we hope that any interested parents will come forward.

Are you someone who:

  • Wants to make a positive difference to the experiences of our children

  • Works well with other people and can work as part of a team

  • Has some time to spare to attend meetings within the term (usually 2, held early evening)

  • Is ready to learn and open to new ideas

  • Is willing to give something back to our school

You don't need any formal qualifications, you'll get full training and support to make sure you are fully equipped to carry out the role successfully.

If you are interested in applying for the role of Parent Governor, please write a short biography (no more than 150 words) stating who you are, a little about yourself, any experience or skills you could bring to the governing body and why you would like to be a governor at Our Lady Star of the Sea. Please send this to Mrs Hodges at

bursar@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk by Thursday 13th October. Once we have the nominations in, and depending on the number received, we can arrange an election process in which parents and guardians will be eligible to vote.

We look forward to hearing from interested parents; this is a role in which you can make a difference so please do think about applying to become a Parent Governor.

Office News

Urgent Parking Plea We have had notification from a kind and concerned neighbour and it’s been flagged up this week by many parents in our community that there is some dangerous and irresponsible parking taking place before and after school. Please DO NOT park on the zig zag or the double yellow lines. Our staggered approach helps with congestion - but we rely on each person recognising that the safety of the children, indeed the safety of all in our community, comes first. Thank you so much as always, for your support in this matter.

School Photographs - please remember that Tempest Photography will be in school on Wednesday morning 12th October and alongside Reception Class and Year 6 group photographs, they will be taking individual photographs and siblings in school.


Well done to Year 4 with 100% attendance this week!

Wednesday Word

Here is the Gospel for this week to share with your family


Book this free parish event into your diary!

Family Cinema Club - Friday 28th October 1pm in the Parish Centre. Showing: Disney's Spooky Buddies

For more Parish events please click on the link below

Dance Festival - children form our school will be taking part!!

Harvest Mass at Church - Monday 17th October (9:30am)

We wish you a very happy weekend with your families and hope that you will have some peace and rest!

"Compassion is the wish to see others free from suffering" Dalai Lama

What an end to the week! We had biblical rain this evening - none of us escaped!

The rain however did not dampen our enthusiasm for learning. I bumped into a group of very concerned Year One children this afternoon, they were on the hunt for a criminal. Someone had entered their classroom overnight and squished and nibbled the fruit family! They had made some excellent ‘Wanted’ posters - they are all over schoo! - I’ll let you know if they catch the culprit!

On Tuesday our lovely Year 6 performed a very thought provoking assembly sharing their vision of a school full of warmth and care. It was something we strive to achieve every day. Thank you Year 6. Later that day, there was much excitement as our older children went off to play football and netball. Everyone gave their absolute best and I believe there was an impressive victory for the footballers - Mrs Gregan was very excited!

Next week, on Tuesday 4th October, our Year 2 children will be performing their assembly (9:10/9:35) and we can’t wait to see what they will come up with.

Now brace yourself for a list of important information:

Parents Day Friday 21st October (except Year 1)

-you are invited to book an online appointment to meet your

child’s class teacher.

Year 1 Parents Day - Monday 17th October

Please make sure that your details are accurate and please type the legal names used to register your child (thank you).

Harvest Mass-

The children will be celebrating Mass with the Parish on Monday 17th October 9:30am. Before we attend this service we try to collect foods for the many in need in our community. We have contacted our local food bank and they gave us a list of items which would be so gratefully received. Each class has been given an item and together we hope to collect them and make a display of our produce in our worship areas in class.

Please see the chart for your class item - all donations are so appreciated especially in these tough times.


The children will be having their photographs taken in school on Wednesday 12th October. The children will have an individual photo and another with their siblings who attend school. Reception and Year 6 will have a whole class photograph to mark the beginning and end of their school journey at Our Lady Star of the Sea.


You will have received a text message this week about the Nasal Flu Vaccine. The booking for this is on each class blog page. We always have a really good take up for this vaccination - flu is such a nasty illness. Please do let us know if you have any problems with the booking - those who’ve reported back so far said that they found it very straightforward but let us know if you have an issue.


Here is the Gospel of the week for you to share as a family and a little reminder too that October is the month of Our Lady. In school, dedicated as we are to Our Lady Star of the Sea, we will be praying the Rosary. The children have been asked to bring in their Rosary Beads.


We have had some lovely interactions with parents this week and it was our great joy to see so many Year 6 parents come in and enjoy the wonderful assembly. It’s so long since parents came in that we just need to remind you of our safety and safeguarding protocols in school and we ask parents please not to bring drinks in. In line too with our mobile phone policy, all phones must be switched off on school premises. Thank you for this - we don’t like to be constantly reminding everyone and policing these rules when we are so happy to be welcoming you back in!

On another note with dinners, there is no doubt, the numbers of dinner arrears have fallen for which we are very appreciative. After the recent entries we’ve made on our section of the newsletter about arrears, we are texting anyone in debit to explain that if accounts are not in credit by Sunday evening/first thing Monday morning, pre school, we will only serve further dinners when the situation is rectified. If anyone has any problem, they can always call us in the office for a discreet word - we wouldn’t want to see anyone in distress but we have been asked by LCC to tighten up as our debts were running too high.

Attendance - Year 5 winners with 99%

Every day matters


Family Parish Gathering this Sunday after 11 o’clock mass.

Press on the Parish link below to find out more.

Why not join a local Ramble for charity. We will be coming to school in our pajamas in November to support our local children at Brian House too!

Have a restful and family filled weekend. Can you believe that tomorrow is 1st October and we are well and truly into Autumn now. God Bless you all.

'I’ve grown most not from victories, but setbacks. If winning is God’s reward, then losing is how He teaches us.' – Serena Williams

It was a strange but poignant start to the week. We hope you were all able to reflect in your own way on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and the historical events we witnessed.

On Tuesday, it was lovely to see all the children coming to school, all bright and breezy and full of enthusiasm. What made it very special was the arrival of our new Reception children all coming together for their first week of full days. Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who excitedly led their siblings round to Mrs Hartley and another thank you to our four lovely Year 6 helpers who manned the gates this week - helping guide and support. I know these small acts of loving kindness will have made school feel welcoming and safe to our newest and youngest children.

I had the privilege this week of attending every class council. I have watched the new class councillors guiding their peers in interesting and thought provoking discussion. I went along to ask the children to help me write “golden rules” for our playtimes. It was clear that we needed slightly different rules in relation to the trim trail depending on the age of the class. However, we did agree on shared rules that help us keep the playground feeling safe and fun. Not only did I enjoy the council sessions I have witnessed a great deal of purposeful and exciting learning. Reception have leant routines, Year 1 and 3 are all excited about maths. Year 2 are making graffiti in art, Year 4 are getting lost in words, Year 5 are playing rugby and rounding numbers and Year 6 are practising their assembly for next week!

Talking of assemblies, why not watch the inspirational film we shared together in assembly this morning! It made us all think deeply about the two virtues we are seeking to practice, love and compassion.

Finally, thank you to all the parents who came along to the Key Stage 2 Induction Evening - it has been wonderful to have parents in school. Please remember every member of staff is here, ready to help with any question or concern.


It’s been a busy week as always in the office, getting new routines up and running. We’re sorry to have to mention dinner money again as we still have people starting the week in debit. We’re so grateful to the many people who pay on time and are always in credit. If you receive a text about overdue dinner money, please can you ensure that the arrears we text you, PLUS next week’s dinner money, are paid by first thing Monday morning. Hopefully they will be - we’ve explained previously in our Office News that LCC Finance Office said we had to suspend dinners if they were in debit and we will have to start doing that next Friday and ask anyone whose child is in debit to bring a packed lunch on the following Monday. As always, we are sensitive to anyone in need and you can always approach the office if there is a concern.

Please can we thank you so much for all the efforts you are making to ensure that your children have everything they need for the day. We are getting far fewer forgotten things being brought in and far fewer phone calls being made to enquire about clubs and groups and activities so we think you are all doing a great job, keeping up with class blogs and the newsletter. Well done everyone! Have a lovely weekend.



For prospective parents of children for Reception class, September 2023, we have two open afternoons here at school. These will take place on:

Wednesday 12th October 2022 2pm - 3pm

Wednesday 2nd November 2022 2pm - 3pm

Our Year 6 children will take parents on a tour through the school. Visitors will see the children and staff busy learning together and are very welcome to gather at the end of the tour and ask any questions about the application process.

Please ring the School Office on 01253 726 015 for a time (15 minute intervals) for each tour and we have appointments at 2pm, 2:15pm, 2:30pm and 2:45pm on both days..

News Beyond the School

Job Vacancy : St Thomas’ Breakfast and After School club. The job involves working at both clubs (before and after school, hours to be arranged). If you have a child at school they can attend the club at no cost. Previous employment with children is desirable but not essential. To apply, text Mrs Sayer 07757 360 397

Please check out the Parish newsletter on the button just below this school post. Here you will find all the events taking place in the coming few weeks. These include:

Quiz Nights

Coffee mornings

film club

Parish Family gathering Sunday October 2nd 12:00pm

The gospel of the week to share as a family

From all the staff, do have a peaceful and happy weekend. Saturday looks like a better day than Sunday when showers are forecast. Hope that you can have some relaxing time with your families, enjoying the start of autumn.

“Being of service to others is what brings true happiness.”

What a wonderful and busy week we have had in school. The children are settling in brilliantly and there is a great deal of learning taking place. School will be closed on Monday as a mark of respect to our dear late Queen. Monday will offer a unique opportunity for the children to see some of the historic traditions and customs that make our nation so distinctive. We can also practise being compassionate as we stand with our fellow citizens and the Royal Family, saying good bye to someone who was deeply loved.

Our annual leadership assembly took place today. Inspired by our Queen, the Year 6 children took on a wide variety of responsibilities. They will have the opportunity to fulfil the roles awarded to them, leading our community and sharing with the younger children a deeper and growing understanding of our school ethos. Congratulations Year 6, the staff are all excited about working alongside you.

I was asked this week if there was a special mass for the Queen in church at the weekend. There is Mass on Monday at 9:30am and I know that at each Mass Father Peter has shared a beautiful prayer for Her Majesty - I have placed it at the bottom of this letter. We have also moved the Parish Newsletter to our Discover page so that you can easily find out what is happening in our Parish family.

Our Reception children, who have had a wonderfully creative week, will be joining us full time from Tuesday. Mrs Hartley has created a very comprehensive class blog for all Reception parents. Here you will find everything you need to know for next week and a super film!. In the hall we have a marvellous display - each new child has painted a self portrait - there are 30 smiling faces!

Please visit your child’s class blog for information about: learning, clubs and awards. Please note that football practice will take place after school on Tuesday. A quick thank you too to all the parents that joined us in Key Stage 1 for the induction evening. We look forward to welcoming Key Stage 2 parents this coming Wednesday at 6:00pm.


For prospective parents we have two open afternoons here at school. These will take place on:

Wednesday 12th October 2022 2pm - 3pm

Wednesday 2nd November 2022 2pm - 3pm

Our Year 6 children will take parents on a tour through the school. Visitors will see the children and staff busy learning together.

Office News


Please be aware that no one, other than Staff, should be walking through our Staff Car Park. The small gate on Kenilworth Road which leads directly to the Office will now remain open should you need to visit School or if you arrive after the entry gates have been locked.

Please ensure that you are able to attend our KS2 Meet the Teacher Evening on Wednesday 21st September at 6pm. This is such a useful occasion at which you can hear about plans for the year, ask questions and get all information needed to help support your child on their journey through their new year group. We always ask, if you have a child in Year 6 and a clash of meetings, please attend the Year 6 meeting and we’ll do our best to fill you in on whatever has been missed in another class.

We’re very grateful to the many parents who sorted out dinner money this week. Unfortunately, we still have some arrears but hopefully these will be settled this weekend.

Attendance percentage

Year 5 and 6 Parents

There is another meeting next week for parents of Year 5 and Year 6 children and this is at St Bede’s from whom we’ve only just heard regarding an Open Evening there from 6-8:30pm next Thursday. Their Head teacher, Mr Marsden will address prospective parents at 6:30 and 7:30 in St Bede’s School Hall.

News beyond the school

Please read the Parish News Letter. Here you will find information about services; food banks and social events. Speaking of social events, The Royal Shakespeare Company will be performing at The Grand Theatre in Blackpool 29 Sep - 1 Oct . This is a Close Encounter production of Twelfth Night - especially produced with children in mind. Click on the image to link to the box office

Please enjoy time with family during this historic weekend.

Almighty God, You are the author and sustainer of all human life; grant that your servant, Elizabeth our Queen, whom you granted a long and happy reign as Monarch of these lands may be forgiven her sins and rewarded with that eternal life promised to all those born again in the water of baptism and power of your Spirit. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit God, forever and ever.


“Everybody can be great because everybody can serve.” – Martin Luther King, Jr

It is hard to know what to write. The news of the passing of our dear Queen Elizabeth II has been felt so deeply since its announcement. We have celebrated her life today in assembly- a life full of humility and service. Our children have respectfully honored her in song and prayer.

May she rest in peace.

The end of the week has felt sombre and reflective, in contrast to the beginning when the children returned to school full of joy and enthusiasm. Friendships have been re-established and routines are in full swing. We have welcomed new staff to the family too, the children have embraced each new adult, making everyone feel appreciated and valued. On Wednesday we welcomed our new Reception children. Our Early Years Team have loved getting to know each child and I witnessed some wonderful play. Mrs Hartley was teaching the children all about our learning character Roger Robin who works and plays wonderfully with others. It was clear from the obstacle course recreated in Reception that the children were working hard as a team. At the other end of the school, Year 6 have been busy writing letters to the Head teacher in response to the call to serve our community.

On Thursday, we came together to celebrate Our Lady’s birthday at Mass. It was the first time we have been able to start our new school year with a Mass at church since 2019. It was lovely to begin the year alongside our extended parish family. I must tell you that at the end of Mass a member of the congregation came to express his gratitude to the children for their beautiful reading and singing. He also praised their behaviour which was impeccable.

Next week we welcome parents in Years 1 and 2 to our induction evening (Wednesday 14th at 6pm). This is an opportunity for you to visit your child’s classroom and to meet their new teacher. It would be lovely for you to meet our new staff - making your self known, they would really appreciate your presence. Key stage 2 meetings for Year 3-6 will take part the following week (Wednesday 21st at 6pm).

As we do every year, we ask you to complete an updated Medical Form, Consent Form and a Home School Agreement. These are going live today on your child’s class blog. If you have more than one child please can you ensure that you complete the form on the correct class page - they are collated in class groups. This would avoid any child popping up on a form in the wrong year group! Thank you.

Finally, clubs begin next week: dance, football, netball and choir. Please read your class blogs carefully for year group eligibility, dates and times.

Office News

It’s been so lovely seeing the children back and this year we’ve had the joy of welcoming in our new Reception parents when they arrived to have meetings with Mrs Hartley. Everyone has been so good at leaving messages on our phone and reporting absences on the form, it’s been a great start.

School dinners this year have risen to £2.40 each or £12 per week, if taken daily. The charge for this half-term is £81.60 up to and including 20th October. Sadly, we have come to the end of our first week and 36 people are in debit already, 10 of those debts having carried forward from summer term, despite reminders.

We cannot emphasise too strongly that dinners MUST be paid for in advance and our Finance Officer from LCC says we must not allow dinners to be more than one week in arrears before we suspend the account. Please can we ask you to support us in this - we will text you the amount outstanding as at today and please pay any arrears PLUS next week’s dinner payment by Sunday so that you are in credit for the new week. Unfortunately it is simply not enough to pay arrears and then have a dinner on Monday without payment. Also, please know that if anyone is in difficulties, they must come privately to speak to us - any conversations we have are in strictest confidence and only known to the Head and ourselves.


This week the average total class attendance figure is 98.7% and is well within our hoped for aim of between 97 and 100% attendance for each class. Reception Class and Y5 have 100% attendance and the lowest attendance figure amongst our year groups is 96%. Parents you should be so proud! You’ve brought your children into school, so punctually, so smart and keen and ready to learn - you could not have given them a better start and it is so appreciated.

Family Prayer

The Gospel this week is the Lost Sheep. An opportunity to reflect on God’s deep love for each of us no matter how far we travel away from him.

News Beyond School:

On Sunday October 2nd there will be a Parish Family Gathering following the 11am Mass - all families are so welcome.

God Bless all - have a lovely weekend - from all the staff here at Our Lady Star of the Sea.

Welcome Back - a new year begins!

We cannot wait to open the gates on Monday morning, to welcome back our school family. All of the staff are excited to see the children, listen to their news and begin their learning journey together. This half term, our virtues are compassion and love. Through discussion and reflection, we will be striving to understand what each of these qualities are and how we can use them to be the very best versions of ourselves. We want to bring the Kingdom of God alive here on earth.

Our new Year 6 will be leading our community in service and love. It will be great to see how they have grown and how they will develop into the beautiful, young people that we endeavor to create. At the opposite end of the school, a new journey begins. We are really excited to be widening our school family and embracing our new Reception children.

On Thursday, most of the school will be attending Mass at 9.30am to celebrate Our Lady’s birthday - why not join us?

The school gates will open at 8.45am for Harcourt and Marsden and 8.50am for Bamber and Plessington. Mrs Hotchkiss and Miss Brisco will be on hand to welcome the children and point them in the right direction as they head to class. Please click here to familiarise yourself with school organisation.

Sharing a love of reading

Following the pandemic, we had to re think how our library would operate. As a result, books went into classes and children could access them from there. This was a positive as children were able to have conversations in their classes. However, our library system has required a complete overhaul which has taken place this summer. It is clear that a number of books are still missing and we would love you to have a little root at home to see if any of them have escaped there.

The children will be able to access school books soon, once the library and scanning system is back up and running. In the meantime, the children are able to bring reading books in from home to read when they have time in class.

All of the teachers will be putting a lovely blog on their class pages to welcome the children. Please visit them to find out any important information and to get a sense of what life will be like in their new classrooms. Don’t forget, Induction Nights are approaching! Why not visit the school calendar below to see what else is happening, including class assemblies.

We look forward to walking hand in hand with you as we continue to grow our school community.

Mrs Hotckiss and Mrs Gregan