Roll up! Roll up! Year 5 & 6 Play Tickets on sale this week

The hall is alive with singing, dancing and acting as our Year 5 & 6 children are busy preparing for their end of year performance.

They will be performing across 3 different days and times:

Monday 15th July - 6pm

Tuesday 16th July - 9.30am

Tuesday 16th July - 6pm

Each family will initially be allocated 3 tickets across all three performances; with additional tickets going on a waiting list. Once we know all children across the two year groups have the tickets they are allocated to, we can then release the remainders to the waiting list. Tickets are £3 each.

From Wednesday, Mrs Nel will be selling tickets from the school office. Please come knowing what tickets you require and with the correct money in cash.

You are in for such a treat!

Year 6 Weekly Blog 'If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other'.

This week in our class liturgy, our word of the week has been GLOBAL. We reflected on what it means to be named the Son of Man and we talked about how many names Jesus has and how he reaches out to everyone all over the world. In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year 'Pilgrims of Hope', 2024 has been designated a Year of Prayer by Pope Francis. Each child has recieved their own bookmark, with a very special prayer on it, that we shared during our liturgy.

Dancing, singing and laughing has most definitely been the theme for the week this week in Year 6! You are in for such a treat with their end of year play. When I watch them on stage now, I can’t believe some of them are the same children that started the play 3 weeks ago. Their confidence has grown so much and are now so much more comfortable on stage that they are bringing their characters fully to life! This week we have got over half way through the play, with just the final two scenes to go, so later next week we will be running from the top all the way through each day, to tweak any changes we may need to. Please make sure Year 6 spend some time this weekend going back over all of their lines, thank you. This week we have been trying to sort costumes. We always try to source the outfits as much as we can ourselves, with little effort or cost from yourselves. If you have not heard about costumes as yet, then you will on Monday! This is a long process, so bear with us.

Year 6 have been so busy in class too, during play rehearsals, they have continued to work hard on their class novel ‘Skellig’, looking deeper in to the text by answering some tricky comprehension questions. In Maths this week, we have been looking at symmetry, designing stars that have symmetrical paterns. The children have started their transition lessons, where we talked about how we choose our own attitudes and reflected on what we need to do to be a ‘kid awesome’ and become successful learners! We have started to read extracts from the book, ‘You are awesome’, and the children are really enjoying it. This helps children to see practical ways to become successful learners, how to be reslient and much more- it’s a really fun book to read. Below are two books that could really help your children as they transition to high school…

Year 6 have excelled in their jobs around the school this week and the teachers have been praising them on their support within the classroom, in fact I think they wished they were in there permanently. They have sat with the children in their class at lunchtimes to help keep the noise levels down, they have been supporting them in their work, reading with children and even building towers in Reception…

Delving deeper through talk …

What does a star look like at Our Lady’s?

How can you be ‘kid awesome’ at high school?

Well done to Charlie and Evan

Charlie, you are so pro-active and hands on, always ready to help when needed and see what needs doing! We absolutely love the way you always have a positive outlook on any situation and make it your mission to praise people when you see others deserve this. What emotional intelligence you have! You are such a caring learning partner, thank you for always having patience and showing love to your classmates- you make our class a happy place to be!

Wow Evan, you are such an independent learner. You are working so hard on the learning you are given and what we are really impressed with, is the care, consideration and focus you put in to your task. You have put so much detail in to your work and your star research was so creative and cleverly written- thank you Evan for being a focused and trustworthy learner, who strives to do their best!

Grateful and Generous butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are grateful for their own gifts, the gifts of others and the blessings of each day. We will also be spotting children who are generous, who use their gifts to help others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Georgia for always being generous with his own gifts to help others.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Lily-Mae

Role Model of the week … Tabby

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Jay Tabby Owen Evan

St Bede’s Transition

Children are being picked up at 9:15am by members of staff from St Bede’s and will be dropped off back at school just before pick up time. Children all need to bring £2.50 (in the correct change) for their school dinner and their water bottle- please don’t forget.

Blackpool Showtime Museum

On Wednesday 10th July, we will be taking Year 6 children by bus to blackpool to visit the Blackpool Showtime museum, to enhance our local History study of Blackpool. Here they will have a workshop where they will meet a 1950s Walkies photographer who will help the class explore Blackpool’s history. Learn how Blackpool became a popular seaside resort from the Victorian era and discover more about a day at the seaside through the years. The cost of the trip is just £10, made cheaper by getting public transport. This will be on PARENT PAY early next week. We will be leaving at 10:30am, so will be having a packed lunch in Blackpool. Please could you fill in the form below, to tell us whether your child is bringing their own packed lunch from home or made by Jacqui.

Final Notices:

St Bede’s Transition Day: Wednesday 3rd July

THE GREATEST SHOW PERFORMANCE: Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th July at 6:00pm.

Leavers Mass Wednesday 17th July 9:30-10:30am

Thursday 18th July- The leavers day out

Friday 19th July- Break up at 2pm.

Have a lovely, restful weekend.

Year 6 Weekly Blog 'Faith is trusting in God even when you don't understand his plan'

Faith was the main them of our liturgies this week. We read Mark’s gospel of the calming of the storm, and reflected how it was faith and the knowledge of our Lord that saved them. We discussed at length about all the times that we have been scared or worried, and how we had overcome them. The children mentioned many times that it was their family, friends or teachers that helped them overcome or face their fears, which of course is God working within each of us, giving ourslves or others the strength to face these hard times. We thought about our futures fears or worries and how we could use this faith to navigate us through those hard times. We then looked at the poem, ‘footprints in the sand’, and how during these hard times it is God who carries us through them.


Another fantastic week was had in Year 6, the weather has been much improved and we have been making the most of it! The children are working so hard both in the hall, in the classroom and around the school. We couldn’t be prouder of their independence and maturity. The play is coming together beautifully, children have come much more prepared for each scene, as they have clearly been practicing their words and songs! We can’t wait for you to see it.

This week during our Health and Happiness week, it has been all about the importance of keeping our bodies and minds healthy. In science, we have been looking at blood circulation. Sport’s days have continued this week! Groups of children have helped out at each afternoon, and they have been hugely appreciated by all members of staff. When we have watched them, they have spoke and encoruaged all of the younger children and given them such confidence to perfrom their best. What wonderful role models you are being Year 6, thank you- this is when we see this term of ‘service’ really come to life.

Earlier this week we had our annual Gym-Jam Jog Extravaganza and wow what a turn out! It was wonderful to see so many people coming together, having fun and jogging (of course) to help us raise money for a cause that really is so close to our hearts! We had so many parents joining in too, which made it all the more special! Thank you to all of those that joined us …

Delving deeper through talk …

Is there anything that you are worried or fear in the future? What or who do you need to have faith in to help give you strength or overcome this fear?

Well done to Millie and Jay

Thank you Millie- we can always rely upon you to be focused on your learning and for your work to always reflect just what you are capable of. Your work is always handed in to the highest standard and always with a lovely creative flair! Your books are a joy to mark!

Jay, what a ray of sunshine you are! You are working so hard and showing just how you have grown as a learner during this half term. You are using all the skills you have learnt throughout the year and applying it to your work, showing just what an independent learner you have become! Reception have also said how helpful and lovely you are with the children on your job day and what a joy you are to have around- so thank you for being such a role model!

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Max

Role Model of the week … Daisy

Grateful and Generous butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are grateful for their own gifts, the gifts of others and the blessings of each day. We will also be spotting children who are generous, who use their gifts to help others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Nicola for always being generous with her own gifts to help others.

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Leon Jay Matilda Nicola


St Bede’s induction day is now on Wednesday 3rd July. You will have received the letter about this earlier this week.


Information Evening for new Year 6 parents - 6th July - times to be confirmed but likely to start around 5:30pm and parents will be invited in for a particular time to meet their child's new form tutor.

Moving Up Day is now on Thursday 6th July - times to be confirmed but likely to ask pupils to arrive at LSA around 8:20am. 

Important Notices:

  • Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th July- Play performances- tickets to be released soon.

  • 19th July- leaver’s mass and day out- information given out soon.

  • 20th July- break up at 2pm

Our time at Borwick Hall ...

What a wonderful time we have had on our residential! It has rained pretty much the whole trip but it certainly did not dampen our mood or stop us from doing any activity! Every single child has reached their potential, challenged themselves to push beyond what they thought they were capable of and have shown such resilience and bravery! We could not be any prouder of them all. Being away from home, for some, is not easy, but every single one of them have supported their friends and as you can see from the photos there has been so much laughter and joy. We have all climbed, rambled and meandered down a canal!

Last night, was the perfect finale of our stay as we were treated to array of talented acts. From theatrical performances, comedy sketches, dancing duos and pianists! What a range of talented bunch of children you have!

Enjoy the photos below which sums up our wonderful time away together making memories to stay in our hearts forever…





Year 6 have now all been given their roles for the end of year play- we are so excited to get started on it! I know each child will embrace their role and they will be encouraged both at school and home with great enthusaism! Every role in the play is crucial. Just like in a team, each member plays a significant part in working towards the shared goal. They will contribute to the overall success of the performance as a whole and help create something truly memorable. It will be a show  you won’t forget because they all played a part in creating it and we can’t wait!


    • Half Term- School to close for half on Friday 24th May at normal time. School will reopen on Monday 10th June.

    • Tuesday 11th June Sports Day- This will be the second day back after half term so feel free to practice the events over half term. The events and set up will be identical to last year- starting at 1:30-3:00.

    • Monday 17th June Jim Jam Jog- Sponsorship forms have gone out to all children. Get fundraising for a brilliant cause. Money to be brought in on Jim Jam Jog Day.

Year 6 Weekly Blog- “You are only as successful as you let yourself be"

‘Christ has no body now on earth but yours’ Saint Teresa of Avila

Yesterday we went to church to celebrate the Ascension of Christ as a whole school. Father Peter told us the quote of St Teresa of Avila, reminding us the commandment that Jesus shared with us- To Love One Another and that although Jesus is not present in body, that he works through us. It is a beautiful reminder that we simply need to love.

May is the month of Mary, a very special month where we will study and use Rosary beads to pray and remember the ministry, life and death of Jesus but also Mary, the mother of Jesus. Throughout May we will be learning about and praying the mysteries.

After working with the children this week, we feel nothing but pride. The way the children have come in to school every day and giving their absolute best, no matter how they are feeling on the inside, is truly amazing! Each one of them are overcoming barriers and challenges, no matter how big or how small and this process is making them see, that hard work, over a long period of time, really does pay off. This week we celebrated all the children, not on their marks of their final practice papers, but on the progress they have made and for some, this has been huge! We have worked SUPER hard this week on the areas we needed to, as well as an exciting visit to ‘The Grand’ watching ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’- we just finished the last chapter in time! It was such a treat to see all the characters and the story come to life on stage!

Going Forward …

Monday will be the start of the children’s SAT’s journey and they are extremely ready for this! There will, of course, be some nerves and anticipation this weekend on the run up, but the most important thing to do over the next few days is to relax, exercise, have plenty of sleep and eat healthily. We need those brains ready and raring to go! It would be a good idea if the children, did a little revision (small doses) to keep their learning ticking over, we have sent a short reading task to omplete over the weekend ready for Monday, a sentence function revision map to prepare them for their grammar on Tuesday, and some ideas of IXL for their maths. It may just give them a bit of practice and confidence before the week begins. On Friday, the children set up the hall ready for Monday, so they all know exactly what they are walking in to and where to sit - I think there was even some excitement by the time we left the hall!

Next week’s timetable is as follows so that you know which each day holds. Please ensure that your child is in school on time after a really good night sleep and a substantial breakfast…

Monday am: Grammar, punctuation and Spelling test.

               pm: Reading revision focus

Tuesday am: Reading test

                Pm: Maths revision focus

Wednesday am: Arithmetic and Reasoning 1 test

                      pm: Maths revision focus

Thursday am: Maths Reasoning 2 test

                  pm: read through of script

The following week: Monday will be auditions and Tuesday will be the interview for jobs around school (dress to impress)

Leading Learners

Well done to Charlie and Alexander this week.

Wow Charlie, you have come back after your illness with such a determined attitude to your work. You are showing us exactly what you can do when you put your mind to it. You have put such a lot of effort into your revision work this week and the results are clear to see. What a capable young man you are!

Alex, you have been so considerate and flexible towards your classmates this week. You have helped around the school when you are needed and have made a difference wherever you are. Whether in the classroom, or on the playground, you have looked after our younger pupils with kindness and patience. Thank you for being a terrific role model.

Learned and Wise butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are learned in their actions, finding God in all things. Those who are wise, who use their learning for the common good. These children are the role models of the school, who drive their own learning and who have the wisdom to know when and how to apply one’s learning. This week we thank Nicola for working for the common good of our classroom this week.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Stanley

Role Model of the week … Anncia

This week we will take a break form helping in the mornings and start again the following week- thank you!


Thursday 16th May - End of year play read through

The Eco Council Green Day will be held on Friday 17th May- children to come in green and bring a pound. This is to raise funds to assist us in looking after our school grounds.

Monday 20th May- Auditions

Tuesday 21st May - Formal interviews with Mrs Gregan for positions around school. The children can come into school in formal interview wear. Dress to impress!

Have a wonderful and restful long weekend and thank you for your continued support.

Year 6 team

Year 6 Weekly Blog- “We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already.” J K Rowling

This power was most certainly evident in the Year 6 classroom this week… we are reminding ourselves daily that we hold this power, our inner strength, to do the best that we can, and as we remind the children daily, that their best is ALWAYS good enough. This week in class, the children have most certainly given just that… they have and I know they will continue to work incredibly hard. Their resilience and their whole attitude to their learning, makes us all so proud of them already. To us they have already achieved so much.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

In our prayer and liturgy this week, we reflected on Jesus’ appearance to His diciples after the resurrection. We discussed at length how Jesus asked us all to be witnesses. We have to open our minds to the scripture and open our hearts to God. We spoke how we can be witnesses to our faith, because we know Him, feel His presence, we experience His love and we can see how God works among us on a daily basis, in our lives, at chruch and around our school.

What have we been learning this week?

We have been working so hard this week, and we have managed to fit in so much learning. Thsi week we have had feedback in our grammar paper from last week. We have taken our 2nd mocks in Maths this week and we have even had a visit from the fire service to give us a lesson on fire safety. What a varied week!

English - This week we have looked at the question ‘was friar Lawrence responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet?’. The children were excellent in their debate, brigning forward valid reasons and backing their arguements up with evidence. Next week we will be revisiitng discussion writing and starting to write a discussion piece on this. I can’t wait to see what they can do!

Maths - We have been problem solving with percentages, learning about coordinates with Mrs Gregan and started to look at how this links with reading data from pie charts!

With a bank holiday coming up, and only a few weeks to go until May, every day is crucial. Please ensure that your children are in school on time to maximise every learning opportunity.

Delving deeper through talk …

Every week now I am going to give you a question that I would like you to explore together and discuss at home. This could be over the dinner time as a family, at bedtime, on a walk or even in the car. How ever you choose to discuss this question is up to you, but the idea is that it will help to give an insight in to what we talk about in school, help children to understand more about themselves or others.

How have you been a disciple of God this week?

After your feedback for Grammar, what do you know you need more practise at?

Learned and Wise butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are learned in their actions, finding God in all things. Those who are wise, who use their learning for the common good. These children are the role models of the school, who drive their own learning and who have the wisdom to know when and how to apply one’s learning. This week we thank Angel for working for the common good of our classroom this week.

Leading Learners

Well done to Leo and Harvey this week.

Leo we are so impressed with your focus on your learning, you really couldn’t work any harder. You listen intently to every part of every lesson, which shows in the progress you have made. We love the way you are always curious to find the solution to problems with such steely determination and you ask such focused questions that show just how inquisitive you are.

Harvey Wow what a week you have had! We are so proud of your positive attitude, the minute you have walked in to school until you have left! You have been so resilient in your learning this week and have kept going even when things have been tricky! You have been so determined to complete all your work independently, but asking if you need extra help. We are so proud of your ‘I CAN’ attitude Harvey- you can achieve so much with this mindset!

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Georgia

Role Model of the week … Dominic

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Dominic Connor-Sean Matilda Nicola

‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’ …

As a class we have been reading the novel ‘The boy at the back of the class’ and the children are really enjoying this opprotunity to listen, enjoy and discuss this book. The children have loved hearing how Ahmed has transitioned in to his new school, learning about his background and seeing the friendship between him and the narrator develop. Luckily, The Grand at Blackpool, are performing this on stage and we thought it would be a great opprotunity to go and see this live at the theatre! It is the week before SAT’s too, which will give us some nice light relief from revision. With the cost of the coach and the tickets, this is £21, which is now on Parent Pay.


‘Treasure Trail’ evening at St Bede’s on Wednesday 1st May- please arrive between 5:30pm - 6:45pm to complete the trail.

Final payments for Borwick Hall is 3rd May, please see Parent Pay

Have a lovely weekend.

I will see you on Monday.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker

Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence'

This week we have celebrated the risen Lord in our school chapel, how we can grow in our relationship with God and how we can be His true disciples. We shared how throughour faith we know Jesus is still among us and talked about all the things they have not yet seen, but know it is there. This is closely related to our new virtues of the half term- Learned and Wise. Finding God in all things and using His teachings wisely in our everyday lives to work for the common good.

Read more

Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'He is risen. He is not there.'

What a way to end a wonderful term together! I am sure that you were all moved by the children’s depiction of the Resurrection this morning - many a tear had to be wiped from the eye. This morning is what education is all about. The children having the opportunity to think outside of the box, be creative and to express themselves. We are incredibly proud of them all.

Continuing to learn

We have continued to really push ourselves to learn in the last week of this term. In addition to focusing on the Easter assembly, the children have been writing their own versions of Jesus’ journey to His cross. This piece is being written in 1st person so the children really have to focus on the emotion of the event. I can’t wait to share these with you after half term. In maths, we have done lots of percetnage work and to make sure children remember everything they have learnt, it’s important to keep this ticking over during the Easter break- please see the home learning page.

All of the children have revision resources and some past SAT papers for over half term for them to practise and have a go at. They have worked so hard and we are now onto the final push. Support your child the best way you see fit, these will not be assessed by me, so whatever level input you feel is necessary then please feel free. If you click on the button below, it will take you to the section on the Year 6 web page ‘How to Help Your Child.’ I have updated the page with lots of useful sites for the children to access. If you see there is an area that children need more practice, then these sites should help, but remember one of the most crucial ways is through books. So please make sure you set aside time of Easter to read together.The final weeks after half term will be focused on revision and helping the children in each of the different areas.

This week we went to visit the special visitors in Year 2 and we loved every minute if it …

Food Tech for after Easter …

Below is the dates, groups and the ingredients the children will need for after Easter…

Friday 12th April- Groups cooking(Mains)

Group 1:

Millie- parmesan (to sprinkle over pasta) and 1 lemon

Ruby Lilly- dry pasta(for 6 servings)

Poppy- 1 bunch of Parsley

Harvey- 1 pack of breadcrumbs

Leo- 5 garlic cloves

Group 2:

Max- x2 tomatoes 2x pepper's

Iris- 4 cloves of garlic 1x avocado

Owen- Taco shells x8 

Lilly- 1x natural yoghurt  2xlimes

Daisy- 2x red onions 2x avocados

Friday the 19th April - Groups cooking (desserts)

Group 1

Rosa-2x bars of cooking chocolate 

Charlie- 1x packs of strawberries

Georgia- 1x packs of marshmallows

Evan- 1x packs of strawberries

Group 2

Betsy- 1x meringue pack 

Tabby- 3x eggs    

Matilda-1x bar of cooking chocolate

Leon-Vanilla extract 

Jay- 1x strawberries


Voted for by your classmates for being an excellent learning role model within our classroom. The class think you have shone this half term …

Angel and Owen

Love and Compassionate butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that stop and notice how others are experiencing their lives, and how they feel, and why they say and believe what they do.  Ultimately, it is what makes us kind and, at a deeper level, opens up the possibility of being loving through our just and merciful actions and forgiving words. This week we thank Emilia, Daisy and Matilda for always being compassionate and loving with others.

Lunch Time Awards …

Year 6 have been awarded class of the half term for good manners and being excellent role models in the dinner hall!

Helpers in the morning for after Easter

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Edi Iris Nicola Harvey


Back to school on Monday 8th April

Leaver’s Hoodies

The leaver’s hoodies have been organised and are now ready to be sized. To ensure that your child receives the correct size, please take them into Top Marques to try them on. Top Marques will also take payment fpr the hoodie of £18.50 - hoodies will then be delivered to school before the children go on their next residential. You have until Friday 26th April to pop in and complete your orders.

On behalf of the Year 6 team, I wish you all a restful and holy Easter. Take time to spend with each other and to enjoy the beautiful weather- let’s hope it remains.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker

Year 6 Weekly Blog 'A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new' Albert Einstein

It has been so lovely to talk and catch up with many of you last Wednesday. There is no greater joy than sharing your child’s achievements and progress, alongside targets and areas of development. This run up to May is always a crucial one, where we can really refine the skills we need and reinforce any necessary information. So many of you have asked how you can help your child at home and what you can do to give them confidence in the final few weeks. Staying calm and not putting unnecessary pressure on children will ensure that they remain confident and continue to have that ‘I can’ attitude; early nights will be crucial over the next few weeks as they will be tired from all of their hard work and of course keep talking to them about their success but also areas to improve, helping them to set a plan of what they can do to reach their targets. One HUGE way to support your child, is homework. Every week, I spend time organising and planning for the areas that Year 6 need the most, complimenting what we are doing in class. Having a parent work alongside them to do this homework WILL help them. Reading is the other area, reading alongside your child every night- modelling fluency and pace, modelling reading punctuation and asking them questions about what they have read will also have a great impact.

Wow we have been a class full of Isabella Insects this week: listening to advice, celebrating the things we have achieved, looking forward to the things we want to develop next and most importantly not comparing ourselves to others. Such vital skills when we are teaching our children to be independent learners; giving them the confidence to take risks, try different skills and most importantly, be allowed to make those crucial mistakes and learn from them. We have had a few weeks of feedback from our first practice SAT’s papers. This is a huge learning curve for the children, and a crucial one, as it allows them to celebrate their achievements but also, to see for themselves the areas they need to work on. The first paper is never a full reflection of what your children are capable of (especially when your teachers miss out questions), but we must celebrate them whatever mark they got as it is the first hurdle of a journey together. They now fully understand this process, as we have talked at length about how our feelings/ emotions can take control, preventing us to see or read questions carefully, the silly mistakes we make when we feel like we are being timed, the way the questions are worded and decoding ‘what does it want me to do?’ and then the strategies they can use to allow them to become more accurate or efficient. These are just SOME of the barriers, or as we would say, ‘learning opportunities’, that the children need to learn or overcome, before they even then, apply all of their knowledge.

I am so proud of the way Year 6 have approached this feedback. They have faced these sessions with such resilience, determination and maturity. This is why it is so crucial to do these papers at this time, rather than any earlier, as they are now more ready and have the skills to face these challenges. The children have laughed and celebrated at their silly errors, know exactly where they have gone wrong, know what they need to work on and are, dare I say it, even excited to do it again and ‘beat’ their score. These papers will go home with the children next week to share with you. Take the time to go through these papers, to celebrate their achievements, let them explain their mistakes and what they should have done and let them share their targets with you.


Enrichment Morning …

Monday morning Year 6 spent some time planting vegetables with Mrs Hotchkiss…

What have we been learning this week?

English - This week we have looked in to the fight scene of Mercuito and Tybalt, as well as continuing to revise the spelling rules for when nouns change from singular to plural and the possessive apostrophe and working on the active and passive voice.

Maths - We have continued to master our fraction work, solving problems, adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions and of course consolidating our arithmetic.

Geography- we spent time looking at the difference between hills and mountains, then found mountain ranges, collecting the data in bar charts.

Computing - This week we have been looking in to creating quizzes online for our reception partners and linking this to our Science work on animal adaptations

PE- This week we have been working on our racket control and rallying skills in tennis…


Leading Learners

Well done to Christian and Ruby-Lily this week.

Christian, you have been so resilient in your learning and this week we can see how your hard work is paying off! You have persevered with that deep maths learning of new methods and you have been so determined to complete all your work independently. Your fraction work this week has clicked in to place and you are whizzing through it, as you have such a sound recall of your times tables. We are so proud of your ‘I CAN’ attitude!

Ruby-Lily, we love the way you have took all feedback in your stride. You have been super reflective in your approach, quietly celebrating the areas you have achieved and recognising what you need to work on. This determination and self-reflection will serve you well in the future, keep making all your notes and listening carefully to feedback- well done!

Love and Compassionate butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that stop and notice how others are experiencing their lives, and how they feel, and why they say and believe what they do.  Ultimately, it is what makes us kind and, at a deeper level, opens up the possibility of being loving through our just and merciful actions and forgiving words. This week we thank Daisy for always being compassionate and loving with others.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Leo

Role Model of the week … Angel

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Owen Evan Leo Tabby


  • For those who could not make our ‘Book Look’ this week… the classroom will be open for half an hour after school on Tuesday 19th March, 3:20- 3:50pm, for any parents or grandparents that would like to see their children’s work.

  • Date for the diary- Year 6 Resurrection Assembly is on Thursday 28th March.

Have a lovely weekend.

We will see you on Monday.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker

Year 6 Weekly Blog... 'A book is a gift you can open again and again'

You are never alone when you are lost in a book…

I love World Book Day-I am very upset I missed it! Yesterday, I am told, brought such happiness, laughter and excitement to the classroom. I hope you enjoy looking at the photographs from yesterday! This year, we have tried something a little different… throughout the school, we have spent the day being ‘storytellers’ and the children have worked incredibly hard creating and writing wonderful stories centred around their magical objects! The children loved the creative element of this and the endless possiblities to the imagination. Year 6 then got to share their stories with their Reception buddies and one lucky person will have their story chosen to go in to the ‘Storytellers’ box, which will be making its way back to The Grand Theatre!

Make time to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how big or small …

I hope you enjoyed our book look this week, the children couldn’t wait to show you their work and how much they have achieved this year so far …

For those that missed the SAT’s and Borwick talk, the information will be shared next week on the blog.

Leading Learners

Well done to Leon and Mollie-Ann this week.

Leo, You are showing us exactly what you can do when you put your mind to it. You have put a lot of effort into your independent work this week and we are very proud of you. What a capable young man you are! You are trying to be a super role model and we can see this- keep it up Leon, we are excited to see just what you can do!

Mollie-Ann, you are beginning to see just what you can achieve if you put your mind to it. You have put so much effort in to your work this week and it really shows. You have brightened our classroom with your positive attitude. Thank you.

Love and Compassionate butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that stop and notice how others are experiencing their lives, and how they feel, and why they say and believe what they do.  Ultimately, it is what makes us kind and, at a deeper level, opens up the possibility of being loving through our just and merciful actions and forgiving words. This week we thank Christian for always being compassionate and loving with others.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Leon

Role Model of the week … Millie

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Edi Iris Matilda Connor-Sean


  • For those who could not make our ‘Book Look’ this week… the classroom will be open for half an hour after school on Tuesday 19th March, for any parents or grandparents that would like to see their children’s work.

  • Have you booked your Parent meetings from Mrs Gregan’s blog ?? These virtual meetings will take place on either Wednesday 13th March or Wednesday 20th March 2pm- 5:20pm.

  • Date for the diary- Year 6 Reesurrection Assembly is on Thursday 28th March.

Have a lovely weekend.

We will see you on Monday.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker

Year 6 Weekly Blog 'From the cross, Christ teaches us to love even those that do not love us' Pope Francis

On Wednesday afternoon we went on a journey to the cross. For Jesus this journey was real but for us, the Stations of the Cross are a prayer journey. Father Peter, very kindly talked us through these fourteen stations to learn about what happened to Jesus when he died. This is such a crucial thing to do at this point of the year, as it reminds us of the vast love God has for us. Year 6 really enjoyed this, deep in prayer and asked some wonderful as they went around…

What have we been learning this week?

I am not sure that we have drawn breath this week - it has been full on, fast paced and thoroughly exciting.

  • English - Romeo and Juliet has continued to be the central point to our English unit. We have moved onto the most iconic scene - The Balcony Scene. The children were tasked with writing in role as Juliet. To really understand her emotions and to use Shakespeare’s language within their work. I was blown away! Our grammar focus has been our use of colons and semi-colons. The children have been experimenting with them and using them within their diary entries.

  • Maths - I am incredibly proud of the work that we have done this week on fractions- we have been comparing, ordering, convertingg- it’s has all been going on. This is a tricky concept that the children have grabbed with both hands. Next stop…percentages!

  • PE- this week we started our tennis work and we performed our duet representing the hero and the villain. We were so proud of how hard they worked and what they put together, we wanted to share it with you …


Today I have spent a lot of time gathering children’s homework, re-printing homework that has been misplaced or left at home and organising children to comeplete their homework. I am a firm believer that we need to prepare our children for their next journey. Homework and the organisation of their own time and work out of school is one way we can help them to be successful at high school, without it being a big shock for them in September. I have therefore made the decision that I will be now be giving out homework on Thurday and the new handing in day will be a Wednesday, as I can mointor it more carefully. Many thanks for your support.

Leading Learners

Well done to Charlie and Iris this week.

Charlie your enthusiasm, determination and positive attitude towards your learning is inspiring. You are super focused in class and now have the self-belief that you can do it and if you do come across an area you find challenging then you remain positive and go away and practise the skill until you master it. You have learnt that you are in control of your own learning, and that anything is possible when you have that positive growth mindset.

Iris, you never stop learning! There are times when you could sit back, relax and let the learning wash over you, but you never do. You seize every learning opportunity and see every lesson or feedback as a chance to challenge yourself and take your learning to the next level. Sitting back is never an option for you, you’re engaged and ensure you are actively learning and because of this your progress is evident! You are also a wonderful role model, always there to lend a helping hand, thank you for your quiet kindness and consideration to others.

Love and Compassionate butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that stop and notice how others are experiencing their lives, and how they feel, and why they say and believe what they do.  Ultimately, it is what makes us kind and, at a deeper level, opens up the possibility of being loving through our just and merciful actions and forgiving words. This week we thank Evan for always being compassionate and loving with others.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Emilia

Role Model of the week … Matilda

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Leon Owen Evan Matilda


  • World Book Day 7th March- dress up as your favourite BOOK characters and bring with you a magical object to help spark our imaginations to create our own cllass story! This ‘magical object’ could be linked to the character you’re dressed up as, but it doesn’t have to be- but be prepared to share your story and get creative! Some magical objects may include: a magic feather, a magic stone, a magic jewel- be creative!

  • Wednesday 6th March Year 6 Book Look at 2pm- we will also be doing a brief talk on SAT’s - what to expect and on the end of year residential, so please come along!

  • Have you booked your Parent meetings from Mrs Gregan’s blog ?? These virtual meetings will take place on either Wednesday 13th March or Wednesday 20th March 2pm- 5:20pm.

Have a lovely weekend.

We will see you on Monday.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker

Year 6 Weekly Blog ‘Love and Compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive' Dalai Lama

Welcome back to the second half of the spring term. There is no doubt that it is going to be a busy term with lots and lots going on. I am really excited that we will end the term with an Easter assembly. It will be a lovely way to bring our class family: parents and children together.

This half term, we are focusing on the virtues of being compassionate and loving. There is so much love in our school and especially our class and I am so grateful for all of your wonderful children and how hard they are all working. Keep supporting them at home with their daily reading, completion of homework and of course attendance, it is such a crucial time, that we can not miss any learning opportunity!

This week has been a different week, as I was unfortunately poorly earlier in the week, but the children continued to workb hard and show the supply teachers just what polite, well-mannered and compassionate children they are!

Turning to the Cross

This week, we celebrated the start of Lent at mass with our Reception parnters. This was such a beautiful time, of deep prayer and reflection.We also have now exchanged our Lenten boxes with Reception, ready to collect money for Cafod during Lent. It was so clear how much effort all the children had put in to when creating their boxes and they loved getting together again to give it to their partner.

Being an active and curious learner.

I am sure the children have come home to tell you that they have had their first paper back from their grammar. This was such an exciting and worth-while learning journey, where we have been through the paper, celebrated achievements and even mistakes- as the mistakes we make are what we truly learn from the most! I would like to remind all of you that this process is not to label or to level your child, as we have not yet completed the whole curriculum, we simply do this to ensure your children are familiar with the layout, formatting, style of questions and of course to learn what is expected of them. The children have had the chance to think about what areas they know they need to work on now and reflect on what progress they would like to make next time- marginal gains are always the best way! We were so proud of the children’s maturity and resilience during this feedback time.

Leading Learners

Well done to Georgia and Emilia this week.

Georgia we are so proud of your attitude towards your learning and your drive to succeed. You really are such a resilient Sadie Spider! You just have not given up in Maths this week, in an area that you found really difficult! But you stuck with it, tried your best, reflected on mistakes and strived to not let it beat you with great results!! Keep working on those times tables with the same resilience and then you will be unstoppable!

Emilia, you are so focused during lessons, managing your distractions and getting lost in each task. Your work always reflects your capabilities, but also you’re creative, and we love the way you never stop at what is expected from you, you always challenge yourself to take your learning to the next step! We love your enthusiasm and enjoyment when approaching French lessons- thank you for passing on your enthusiasm to others!

Love and Compassionate butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that stop and notice how others are experiencing their lives, and how they feel, and why they say and believe what they do.  Ultimately, it is what makes us kind and, at a deeper level, opens up the possibility of being loving through our just and merciful actions and forgiving words. This week we thank Connor-Sean for always being compassionate and loving with others.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Tabby

Role Model of the week … Daisy

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Stan Edi Iris Tabby


  • World Book Day 7th March- dress up as your favourite BOOK characters and bring with you a magical object to help spark our imaginations to create our own cllass story! This ‘magical object’ could be linked to the character you’re dressed up as, but it doesn’t have to be- but be prepared to share your story and get creative! Some magical objects may include: a magic feather, a magic stone, a magic jewel- be creative!

  • Wednesday 6th March Year 6 Book Look at 2pm- we will also be doing a brief talk on SAT’s - what to expect and on the end of year residential, so please come along!

  • Have you booked your Parent meetings from Mrs Gregan’s blog ?? These virtual meetings will take place on either Wednesday 13th March or Wednesday 20th March 2pm- 5:20pm.

Have a lovely weekend.

We will see you on Monday.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker

Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Don't be afraid to take on the biggest of challenges, they offer the greatest reward.'

We have reached the end of a very busy and full half term. I know I say this most weeks, but I really am in awe of the work that the children are completing and the expectations that they have of themselves. Whether it be Science, Maths, RE or Art, the children always get fully stuck into their learning and become immersed by what they are being taught. I am so very proud of them all.

Online Safety

In the midst of our busy week, we devoted a large amount of conversation time to online safety. Tuesday was National Online Safety Day. Children from all over the country will have been looking carefully at their online behaviour; hopefully they will have learnt a thing or two.

In class we started by taking part in the BBC live lesson- looking at all of the ways technology enhances our lives and Artifical Intelligence, reflecting on both the positive and potential dangers of this. We then went on to talk about how online beahviours can influence us, both positively and negatively- there was lots of very deep and open conversations around this. Today we spoke about scoial media and how there are age restirctions for a reason. We relefcted on positive and negative behviours at using these platforms.


On Wednesday, we looked at and discussed, all the ways we can look after our emotional well-being and looked at some strategies we can use when we feel overwhelmed by certain emotions. Today, we read a book about ‘tapping your way to a great big smile’ which focuses on a different strategy of tapping to relieve stress or as a way to manage feelings. All great tools to have under our belt as we progress to the end of the year!

Where has our learning taken us this week?

  • English - ‘Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo.’ This week we have explored Romeo and Juliet’s first encounter and written a recount in role- very romantic!

  • Maths - We have continued with our long division practice and consolidation- this will be ongoing now, so please do not worry if we are not 100% confident with this just YET- we WILL get there, we just have to be Sadie Spiders! Fractions has been a big part of the week, we have been simplifying fractions byt finding the highest common factor!

  • RE - What happens during the Liturgy of the Eucharist- we have looked at the main parts and discussed how Jesus is present.

Amended version of the video from last week. I am very sorry I missed off our final group!

Being an active and curious learner.

I am sure the children have come home to tell you that this week we sat our first mock SAT’ paper. We have really played these assessments down this year, focusing on the children’s learning, development and any gaps they have, rather than teaching them how to take a test. Year 6 knew just days before that they were going to complete this, as I didn’t want to give them too much time to dwell, however, they came in to school yesterday with great resilience and such a positive attitude. It is often really hard plunging into the unknown, but that is exactly what the children have done. After half term, we will continue to complete the Maths and Reading, but they all understand the importance of this and I am sure lots of lessons will be learnt which will enable us to build and move forward together as a class. Once they have completed these assessment, they will of course be marked and handed back to them where they will be encouraged to think about their progress and where they want to be next time they take a set of papers. Marginal gains is what it is all about. Over the next few weeks, the children will be bringing folders home, with their papers in them. This is their opportunity to share their work with you, to purple pen, celebrate their successes and reflect on their mistakes. At this point, it is really important to remember that the Year 6 curriculum has not been fully covered yet and we still have plenty of time. Please celebrate your child’s achievements and help them to develop their own targets. You may also find, over the next few weeks, past papers or SAT examples may come home as part of their homework. This can be completed the best way you see fit- whether this is alongside your child, independently or even, if they independently start and then go over their answers after. Homework is not always about assessing your child, this is done in class, homework is all about consolidating what they have learnt in class, revising and practicing skills they will need, so this may not always be formally marked, but what they have gained from carrying out these practice papers will have helped them greatly.


Voted for by your classmates for being an excellent learning role model within our classroom. The class think you have shone this half term …

Connor-Sean and Christian

Eloquent and Truthful butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are eloquent in their words, that show the language to ask questions, express emotions, speak beliefs, talk about matters of faith and hope, debate points of view, and engage in conversation. Those who are truthful, who speak the truth about themselves and others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Rosa for always being eloquent and truthful.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Charlie

Role Model of the week … Evan

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Evan Owen Harvey Matilda


  • World Book Day 7th March- dress up as your favourite BOOK characters and bring with you a magical object to help spark our imaginations to create our own cllass story! This ‘magical object’ could be linked to the character you’re dressed up as, but it doesn’t have to be- but be prepared to share your story and get creative! Some magical objects may include: a magic feather, a magic stone, a magic jewel- be creative!

  • Wednesday 6th March Year 6 Book Look at 2pm- we will also be doing a brief talk on SAT’s - what to expect and on the end of year residential, so please come along!

  • Parent meetings will be going live on Mrs Gregan’s blog so please book an appointment- these virtual meetings will take place on either Wednesday 13th March or Wednesday 20th March 2pm- 5:20pm.

  • Please do continue to keep up to date with your child’s homework (particularly spelling). The vocabulary that the children are being asked to spell are getting more complex and they will need your support to figure out the best strategy to use. Learning them over time, rather than bulking them the night before, always seems like the best route to use. Over half term they have some key areas to focus on- especially the long division which we have been doing this week- we don’t want them to lose this skill and forget! Have a look at this great video some of our Year 6 put together, to remind themselves and their grown-ups how to do long division (it is also on the homework page) …

Have a wonderful and restful half term.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker