Year 2 Home Learning to be handed in Monday 31st March


Welcome Year 2 to the Easter Assembly story! Each Year each class form Year 2 to Year 6 takes one part of the Easter story and performs an assembly one each day over a week. Together we tell the story to the whole class and it is wonderful for everyone especially our youngest children. The assemblies help us to piece together the events of Jesus final days and his glorious reresection.

Year 2, we have the job of producing the opening assembly- telling the story of Palm Sunday (Monday 7th April). We have already started staging the play. We have limited time in the hall so it is super important that you know your line and who you come after before this Friday. We all have a line to learn. I have given everyone a copy of the script to take home and I have attached the script here too in case it is mislaid. Remember to practice with your biggest voice. I have also attached the song we are learning which we sing at the end “The Lord of the Dance”


I have given the children a copy of the maths games WEEK 3 of 5 on card and the instructions and diary. A massive thank you to parents who completed the diary last time (printing it out at home) and giving some feedback. Have fun with these. I’ve attached here again just incase the pack is mislaid.


When marking I have noticed a join the children are struggling with - this is the r. I have given the children a practice sheet with this join (attached below too). I have also chosen 5 red word to learn. These are “words for life” they also have the r join in them. Ask your child to show you how we learn these spelling in school using a piece of paper folded into quarters. We write the word (correctly): then copy; then fold and hid to spell without looking; then we finally write it with our eyes closed.






Have fun

Year 5 Weekly Blog 21.03.25- ‘Every choice has a consequence. Once you make that choice, you must accept responsibility’

Another week has flown by as we approach the halfway point in our Lenten journey- I hope you have been earning those pennies in your Lenten boxes. In preparations for Easter week, the children have been given their scripts for the Easter assembly with all children knowing their roles and their lines.

Is it important that during this holy yet stressful period of the year, we remember that all of our actions have consequences. Everything we say and do and how we do it has an impact on someone else- both positive and negative. This has been our focus in RE this week, known as the ‘Ripple Effect’. These teachings allow us to reflect more on our choices, knowing what impact these have on those around us and then everyone else indirectly.

This week, we have been learning…

  • Maths- The children have been smashing short division this week, now tackling 4 digit by 1 digit numbers including lots of carrying and overall remainders.

  • Science- we have been experimenting with water resistance and discussed how this impacts even our fun play in the water such as ways to jump into a swimming pool. We analaysed how the factors affecting water resistance change the outcome of three different types of jumps. We then replicated this on a smaller scale, using objects to act as these shapes.

  • Geography- We have continued to use map grid references to precisely and have made this even more precise by introducing 6 figure gird references as opposed to 4 figures.

  • French- We have been applying our geography knowledge into our French by looking at which countries around the world that speak French as their first language- also making a historical link as to why with some countries.

  • PE- It was all about patience, carefulness and team strategy in the team games this week as we used our balancing and hand eye coordination techniques to complete team relays just using a tennis racket and bean bag.

    Photos have been taken out the week to capture these moments of learning. We have had some difficulty with uploading these. These photos will be uploaded on Monday.

Let’s Celebrate

Learning Certificate- Joseph for being a focused and determined learner. You have had a super week Joseph. You have been so calm and focused in all of your lessons and this has paid off. This has given you more time to get stuck into your work and I have seen the determination to complete your tasks- Keep it up!

Virtue Star of the Week- Our star of the week goes to Tilly. You are such a generous girl Tilly and not the mention grateful. Your kind and compassionate nature is just a joy to have in the classroom. You treat all of your classmates and staff members with the upmost love and generosity. Thankyou so much!


  • Homework- Please check the homework blog to keep on track of your child’s SPAG, multiplication and division practice and also their reading.

  • Wednesday 19th March Schoolastic Book Fair- From this date until the following Wednesday, the hall will be open at the end of the day for the chance to buy a book at our annual book fair sale.

  • Wednesday 2nd April- School Photo Day

  • Friday 4th April Reconciliation- Our Year 5 and 6 children will be given the opportunity for reconciliation by having confessions with our Father Peter in the lead to up to our lent preparations. This is usually done in high school but yourIf you would not like your child to participate then please let Mr Cornwell, Mrs Gregan or the school office know.

    If your child is likely to attend St Bedes High School. They are given the opportunity to make their sacrament of confirmation. We have been given the opportunity to do this when the children get to Year 6. Please complete the form below to choose which option you would like for your child.

  • Thursday 10th April Crucifixion Assembly- This will be held at school around 9:10am

Year 5 Homework- Due Thursday 27th March 2025


To be completed on IXL;

FF9(English)- Identify relative pronouns

N2 (Maths)- Graph points on a coordinate plane

N4(Maths)- coordinate planes as maps


Can you remember the theme in this weeks spellings. Can you spot the pattern in these spellings.

  1. fight

  2. write

  3. their

  4. chair

  5. soak

  6. rinse

  7. fate

  8. pain

  9. monitor

  10. rhyme

  11. rhythm

  12. symbol

  13. system

  14. forty

  15. curiosity

Mrs Barkers group

  1. right

  2. left

  3. north

  4. south

  5. pen

  6. pencil

  7. chair

  8. table

  9. four

  10. forty

This week...

A sunny week at nursery! It was positively tropical on Thursday, fingers crossed it continues.

I think the sunshine prompted a delivery of sand for big digging outside. Everyone got stuck in to barrow the sand to the sand pit, all hands to the deck including Reception and Mrs. Gregan. We are having another ton delivered next week! We will have more sand than Blackpool beach!


Over the past week we have been visiting the chapel as part of our pilgrimage to the cross. On Wednesday we read the Gospel which was the parable of the fig tree. Click here to watch. We asked the question; what was wrong with the fig tree?. The fig tree represents God’s people- that is all of us. We are all called to change: to grow and enrich the world around us. In other words to love as Jesus loved. Jesus is like the gardener. He is patient and nurtures us to change for the better.


This week we explored what it is to be and artist. We chatted about who does painting and drawing at nursery…that meant we are all artists, but all different kinds of artists. We read the story ‘The Dot’ for inspiration. The Dot by Peter H Reynolds : a wonderful story about art and creativity for kids A Terrific story about a girl called Vashti and an her special teacher who encourages during her art class to make beautiful paintings. Click here to listen.

We were now ready to find out about Wassily Kandinsky. Kandinsky said “everything starts from a dot” and one of his most famous paintings did just that! It was a colour study with squares and concentric circles…Kandinsky loved colour and so do we! We decided that everyone would paint a Kandinsky style painting starting with a dot. We would then join them all together to create one huge colour study with squares and concentric circles. It is well on its way to being completed…watch this space.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone, 

We have had a fantastic week again of fun, learning and more sunshine.

The children have been doing lots of investigating in the garden. As spring has now arrived, it seems there are lots of mini beasts starting to move into our garden. The children have found spiders, millipedes, some baby worms and some juicy big ones (I think the nursery garden must have great soil!).

The children are not afraid of picking the mini beasts up and observing them close up. I can't wait to see what others minibeasts come to join our garden as the weather starts to get warmer. Here's a mini beast guessing game, enjoy. Click here.

We have been ‘having a go’ (like Tommy Turtle) at writing our new letter sounds for our floor book. Some of the sounds have been very tricky, but I think the children have a few favourites that they like to write, such as v and w. The children have been really trying, and have been proud of their achievements. Well done everybody, but keep practising.

The children have been very busy creating their own weather wheel this week, just like the interactive big one on display in nursery. It has been lovely to see the children’s understanding and interpretation of what the children’s knowledge about our wonderful British weather and how it can be represented as an image.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, and see you all Monday.


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We have continued our investigations this week into ‘changes’ as we have used our weather machine to explore the weather each day. We have noticed that we haven't collected any rain this week but it has been sunny and windy. We hoped that we get some rain soon as we know our plants in the garden need sun and rain to grow.

We have enjoyed using our imaginations in the role play area, both inside and out. Imaginative play is so important for the children to explore their world and to work out their place in it. It's also lots of fun dressing up. Maybe you could have fun at home dressing up 

We have also worked hard building obstacle courses in the garden to practice our jumping and landing. Then Mr Nay taught us how to roll the balls along the floor in PE, we were very good at it, he said. We are really looking forward to Sports Day this year.

Such a busy week. Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


Parish Coffee Morning

On Friday a small group of children popped to the Parish Centre to have a drink and biscuit with our parishioners. We did some colouring and had a lovely chat.


On Monday another small group of children will be joining Year 6 and Reception at Mass in church. This will be the first visit of the year for nursery.

Book Fair

Don’t forget that the Book Fair is in school on Monday and Tuesday. There will also be a 2nd hand book stall. If you have any books that you would like to donate to the sale, please do bring them in on Monday.

Sports Day

I know Sports Day is always a popular date for your calendar, so I am giving your plenty of notice to organise your own calendar.

EYFS (Nursery & Reception) - Wednesday 11th June pm

Little Hearts Matter

As you are aware a couple of weeks ago we had our ‘Dress Up’ charity event. We have all been so very pleased to have heard back from the Little Hears Matter Charity. We received a lovely thank you letter and a certificate of fundraising. This is down to all our wonderful and generous families, thank you again.


Thank you everyone!

What a fabulous end to an already fabulous week!

I hope that everyone has a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday. Pray for sunshine.

Stay safe and God bless.


Year 6 Weekly Blog 'A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new' Albert Einstein

This week we have listened to and reflected on Luke parable of the fig tree, which highlights God’s patience and the need for believers to produce good fruit. Year 6 have looked at how we can produce good fruit in our lives and what the symbolism means behind it. In liturgy we discussed how just like the fig tree needed a chance to bear fruit, we also need time to grow and become better christians.

Wow we have been a class full of Isabella Insects this week: listening to advice, celebrating the things we have achieved, looking forward to the things we want to develop next and most importantly not comparing ourselves to others. Such vital skills when we are teaching our children to be independent learners; giving them the confidence to take risks, try different skills and most importantly, be allowed to make those crucial mistakes and learn from them. We have had a week of feedback from our first practice SAT’s papers and next week we will continue with this journey. This is a huge learning curve for the children, and a crucial one, as it allows them to celebrate their achievements but also, to see for themselves the areas they need to work on. The first paper is never a full reflection of what your children are capable of, but we must celebrate them whatever mark they got as it is the first hurdle of a journey together. They now fully understand this process, as we have talked at length about how our feelings/ emotions can take control, preventing us to see or read questions carefully, the silly mistakes we make when we feel like we are being timed, the way the questions are worded and decoding ‘what does it want me to do?’ and then the strategies they can use to allow them to become more accurate or efficient. These are just SOME of the barriers, or as we would say, ‘learning opportunities’, that the children need to learn or overcome, before they even then, apply all of their knowledge.

I am so proud of the way Year 6 have approached this feedback. They have faced these sessions with such resilience, determination and maturity. This is why it is so crucial to do these papers at this time as they are ready and have the skills to face these challenges. The children have laughed and celebrated at their silly errors, know exactly where they have gone wrong, know what they need to work on and are, dare I say it, even excited to do it again and ‘beat’ their score. These papers will go home with the children next week to share with you. Take the time to go through these papers, to celebrate their achievements, let them explain their mistakes and what they should have done and let them share their targets with you.

What have we been learning this week?

Learning has been full on and fast paced this week. I am so impressed by the attitude of the children and their desire to make progress.

English - ThIs week our focus has been finishing off our learning around progressive tense. We are getting closer to the end of our class novel- The Boy at the Back of the Class, which the children are loving! Mrs Gregan has treated us to a book she found at the school fair- ‘The girl at the front of the class’ which we can’t wait to read after!

Maths - this week we have been adding and subtracting fractions!

PE- we have thoroughly enjoyed our PE this week. On Tuesday we have been putting together sequences on the large equipment in the hall and on Wednesday, we have been practising our forehand and backhand in tennis, seeing how long we can keep a ralley going!

You will see from the homework this week that we are really gearing up to the final weeks of teaching. Please continue to keep asking questions and I will help you wherever I can. Over Easter we will be sending a number of practice papers home to have a go at over the holidays, all of these will be due back the first day back after the Easter holidays. Support your child the best way you see fit, these will not be assessed by me, so whatever level input you feel is necessary then please feel free. If you click on the button below, it will take you to the section on the Year 6 web page ‘How to Help Your Child.’ I have updated the page with lots of useful sites for the children to access. If you see there is an area that children need more practice, then these sites should help, but remember one of the most crucial ways is through books. So please make sure you set aside time of Easter to read together. Below also is the timetable and just so information about SAT’s week.

Delving deeper through talk …

What is the difference between simple, perfect and progressive tense?

My Happy Mind…

What have you learnt from the relate module?

Leading Learner

Well done to Isaac this week.

Isaac, you could get this certificate every single week for your attitude towards learning. You have come back to school seamlessly, with great enthusaism and determination and your work always reflects your outstanding learning attitude!

Grateful and Generous stars…

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that show our two virtues of the half term in their actions. Children who show gratitude for all of their own and other people’s gifts- also regarding other people as precious gifts themsleves, reflecting our school’s mission statement. We will also be spotting children who are generous, who show generosity in their service for others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Jacob for being Grateful and Generous.

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Cora Jacob Luke Rose


  • Date for the diary- Year 6 Resurrection Assembly is on Friday 11th April.

  • School Leaver Hoodies- a Parent payment of £20 has now been set for all those wanting to purchase a school leavers hoody. These are a great keepsake for the children and usually they request to wear these on their leavers day out ready for a class photo! Top Marques, St Annes, are now expecting you to go in to shop to make sure you get the correct size and let them know what size you want- payment is not needed in the shop this is through ParentPay.

  • Bikeability letters have gone out today- this has been booked for Monday 16th and 23rd June. If you would like your child to take part in this crucial trainng before they go on to high school then please complete the consent form via the QR code on the letter.

  • MEDICAL FORMS have also been sent out today for our upcoming residential. I know you have completed these back in Autumn, however, we need to ensure no changes have been added so if you could complete these again we for next week we would be very grateful as I need to start sending information over. Please ensure any conditions and food or other allergies are mentioned in this form.

Have a lovely weekend.

We will see you on Monday.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 19th March


This weeks focus is irregular plurals

  1. tooth

  2. teeth

  3. woman

  4. women

  5. child

  6. children

  7. goose

  8. geese

  9. person

  10. people

Please continue reading at home each night, there’s just over a week for children to reach their reading targets. Children are already making their way up our target board.

Purple Mash - Roman Glossary - Can you make a glossary of new words from our Roman work? Remember to put them in alphabetical order. Can you put these words in alphabetical order? - Alphabetical order task

Spring 2 Optional homework

Year 5 Weekly Blog 14.03.25- 'To live within the beatitudes is to follow in Jesus' footsteps'

Journey to the Cross

This week, we have began our easter assembly preparations by looking into the Stations of the Cross in our RE lessons. The children were able to retrieve most of the fourteen stations before we even started our discussions. We then placed these in order and matched these with their correct illustration.

We also finished creating our beatitudes and we have been blown away by the children’s beautiful choice of words and ways of wanting to live. Big shoutout to Mrs Tierney for bringing this to life in one of our school boards.

This week, we have been learning…

  • Maths- We have been back onto the children’s favourite method of ‘the bus stop’ in our division topic. The children are feeling so much more confident with this and have been taking extra care with their presentation to help make their jotting clearer.

  • Science- we have been experimenting with air resistance by analysing how this force applies to a parachute. We broke into teams and designed our own parachute and dropped these to test the timing and safety of them- don’t worry, no child was used in any parachute attempt.

  • Geography- We have began our new geography unit of different figure map referencing. We have been able to apply our previous knowledge from our world’s countries and continents topic to our world map to precisely plot locations.

  • French- We have been applying our geography knowledge into our French by looking at French directions and using these to hunt for treasure.

Conversation starters

My Happy Mind- We have been discussing what our top strength is and sharing how often we show this strength. Tell your family members when and where you used this strength. Can they think of any other examples of when you have used this strength recently?

Geography- We have been using grid references to locate specific locations within some rural towns in England. We looked at towns that belong in different counties of England. There are 48 counties in England, how many can you and your family name?

Let’s Celebrate

Learning Certificate- Gus for being a enthusiastic and determined learner. You have taken to the bus stop method like a duck to water Gus. It is clear to see that you have put in the work at home prior to us starting this unit and it is paying off! No matter how hard of a question I throw at you, you have been able to over come it.

Virtue Star of the Week- Our star of the week goes to Matilda. You are so grateful Matilda- Even for the smallest of opportunities. Your manners are impeccable and you are so generous towards everyone in our class- children and teachers included. We are so grateful for this!


  • Homework- Please check the homework blog to keep on track of your child’s SPAG, multiplication and division practice and also their reading.

  • Wednesday 19th March Schoolastic Book Fair- From this date until the following Wednesday, the hall will be open at the end of the day for the chance to buy a book at our annual book fair sale.

  • Friday 21st March ‘People We Love Planters’- Our forest school leaders are hosting, in association with ‘Leafy Lytham’, a planting session where the children can take these home. If your child would like to take part, please complete the payment on ParentPay.

  • Friday 21st March Easter Egg donation- Own clothes day and bring an Easter egg for our raffle.

  • Wednesday 2nd April- School Photo Day

  • Friday 4th April Reconciliation- Our Year 5 and 6 children will be given the opportunity for reconciliation by having confessions with our Father Peter in the lead to up to our lent preparations. This is usually done in high school but yourIf you would not like your child to participate then please let Mr Cornwell, Mrs Gregan or the school office know.

    If your child is likely to attend St Bedes High School. They are given the opportunity to make their sacrament of confirmation. We have been given the opportunity to do this when the children get to Year 6. Please complete the form below to choose which option you would like for your child.

  • Thursday 10th April Crucifixion Assembly- This will be held at school around 9:10am

  • Monday 28th April- We will be taking a visit to The Grand in Blackpool to watch our wonderful Year 4 children in their Shakespeare production of ‘The Tempest’- travel costs have been uploaded to ParentPay.

Year 6 Weekly Blog 'Lent is a time of renewal for the whole Church, for each community and every believer. Above all it's a time of grace' Pope Francis

We are now right at the beginning of Lent and Year 6 this week have spoken about in Liturgy what we must do to prepare for the death adn resurrection of Jesus, as we journey towards the cross. We have reflected on how we can build our relationship with God through many different ways such as prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We then made our own lenten promises, of what we will do during this time to become closer to God and added it to our Prayer and Liturgy display.

This run up to May is always a crucial one, where we can really refine the skills we need and reinforce any necessary information. So many of you have asked how you can help your child at home and what you can do to give them confidence in the final few weeks. Staying calm and not putting unnecessary pressure on children will ensure that they remain confident and continue to have that ‘I can’ attitude; early nights will be crucial over the next few weeks as they will be tired from all of their hard work and of course keep talking to them about their success but also areas to improve, helping them to set a plan of what they can do to reach their targets. One HUGE way to support your child, is homework. Every week, I spend time organising and planning for the areas that Year 6 need the most, complimenting what we are doing in class. Having a parent work alongside them to do this homework WILL help them. Reading is the other area, reading alongside your child every night- modelling fluency and pace, modelling reading punctuation and asking them questions about what they have read will also have a great impact.


What have we been learning this week?

English - This week we have looked in to the fight scene of Mercuito and Tybalt, as well as continuing to revise the tense rules for simple, perfect and progressive tense, as well as working on the active and passive voice. Yesterday, we reflected closely on Juliet’s response to hearing the news and looked at her confusion and confliction as we gather oxymorons and even made our own!

Maths - We have continued to master our fraction work, solving problems, converting mixed and improper fractions, comparing and ordering and of course consolidating our arithmetic.

French- This week we have started looking at items around the home in french.

PE- This week we have been working on our racket control and rallying skills in tennis…


Leading Learners

Well done to Cora this week.

Cora, you have been so resilient in your learning and this week we can see how your hard work is paying off! You have persevered with that deep maths learning of new methods, you are retrieving your grammar much more with ease and you have been so determined to complete all your work independently. Your fraction work this week has clicked in to place and you are whizzing through it, as you have such a sound recall of your times tables. We are so proud of your ‘I CAN’ attitude, enthusiasm and determination!

Grateful and Generous stars…

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that show our two virtues of the half term in their actions. Children who show gratitude for all of their own and other people’s gifts- also regarding other people as precious gifts themsleves, reflecting our school’s mission statement. We will also be spotting children who are generous, who show generosity in their service for others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Dominic for being Grateful and Generous.

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Erin Esther Ella Riley


  • Date for the diary- Year 6 Resurrection Assembly is on Friday 11th April.

  • Friday 21st March Own clothes day and bring an Easter Egg for our Easter Egg raffle.

  • If your child would like to make a ‘people you love’ planter on Friday 21st March during school, then the payment for this is on ParentPay- it is the perfect time with mother’s day and Easter just around the corner! Final payments are due before Tuesday, this will be when orders are taken and unfortantely no later payments will be accounted for.

  • Scholastic book fair starts after school on Wednesday19th March- 21st March.

  • School Leaver Hoodies- a Parent payment of £20 has now been set for all those wanting to purchase a school leavers hoody. These are a great keepsake for the children and usually they request to wear these on their leavers day out ready for a class photo! Top Marques, St Annes, are now expecting you to go in to shop to make sure you get the correct size and let them know what size you want- payment is not needed in the shop this is through ParentPay.

Have a lovely weekend.

We will see you on Monday.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker