Yesterday we celebrated the Jubilee year as a community at church. This was a beautiful way to mark this special year and look at ways we can all be pilgrims of hope. Father Peter, talked us through the beautiful meaning behind the logo. We looked at the four figures, representing all of humanity, coming from the four corners of the earth. They embrace each other to indicate the solidarity which should unite all peoples. The figure at the front is holding onto the cross. It is not only the sign of the faith, but also of hope, which can never be abandoned, because we are always in need of hope, especially in our moments of greatest need. There are the rough waves under the figures, symbolising the fact that life’s pilgrimage does not always go smoothly in calm waters. Often the circumstances of daily life and events in the wider world require a greater call to hope, but God’s love for us will always give us the anchor that we need. We then talked about all the ways that we can be pilgrims of hope, whether this be through prayer, going to church, kindness or spreading our love.
We have reached the end of a very busy and full half term. I know I say this most weeks, but I really am in awe of the work that the children are completing and the expectations that they have of themselves. Whether it be Science, Maths, RE or Art, the children always get fully stuck into their learning and become immersed by what they are being taught. I am so very proud of them all.
Online Safety
In the midst of our busy week, we devoted a large amount of conversation time to online safety. Tuesday was National Online Safety Day and we took part in the BBC live lesson on online safety. On this day, children from all over the country will have been looking carefully at their online behaviour; hopefully they will have learnt a thing or two. We looked at what scams and phishing are, and ways that we can spot them! We have also looked at social media platforms, there age restrictions and how the internet can influence our behaviour, thoughts and feelings, both negatively and positively. We have had some extremely interesting and open conversations around these topics!
Where has our learning taken us this week?
English - ‘Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo.’ This week we have explored Romeo and Juliet’s first encounter and written a recount in role- very romantic! In Maths we have been focusing on our long multiplication and using this to problem solve, then we have started with our long division practice- this will be ongoing now, so please do not worry if we are not 100% confident with this just YET- we WILL get there, we just have to be Sadie Spiders! In RE we have learnt what happens during the Liturgy of the Eucharist, in particular how we are offering our lives to God during the offertory.
This week we have filmed our version of the prologue for Romeo and Juliet- this will be ready to put on the blog first week back, but here is a sneak preview of our the play in 30 seconds and a few photos of our drama in the hall…
Being an active and curious learner.
I am sure the children have come home to tell you that this week we sat our first mock SAT’S papers. They have completed these with great resilience and such a positive attitude. This has not been completely new for your children, they have regularly had a go at example questions, however this is the first time they have completed a whole paper. After half term, we will continue to complete the Maths and Reading, but they all understand the importance of this and I am sure lots of lessons will be learnt which will enable us to build and move forward together as a class. Once they have completed these assessment, they will of course be marked and handed back to them where they will be encouraged to think about their progress and where they want to be next time they take a set of papers. Marginal gains is what it is all about. Over the next few weeks, the children will be bringing folders home, with their papers in them. This is their opportunity to share their work with you, to purple pen, celebrate their successes and reflect on their mistakes. At this point, it is really important to remember that the Year 6 curriculum has not been fully covered yet and we still have plenty of time. Please celebrate your child’s achievements and help them to develop their own targets. You may also find, over the next few weeks, past papers or SAT examples may come home as part of their homework. This can be completed the best way you see fit- whether this is alongside your child, independently or even, if they independently start and then go over their answers after. Homework is not always about assessing your child, this is done in class, homework is all about consolidating what they have learnt in class, revising and practicing skills they will need, so this may not always be formally marked, but what they have gained from carrying out these practice papers will have helped them greatly.
Delving deeper through talk …
How can you keep safe online?
My Happy Mind…
What are you grateful for this week?
Helpers in the morning for after half term:
This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:
Arthur Erin Niamh Faye
World Book Day 6th March- dress up, there are many different ideas that Mrs Gregan has put on her blog, to make this not an expensive event!
Back to school on Tuesday 25th February.
Homework over half term- read lots and practice your multiplications- are you still green on your heat map on TT Rockstars?
Two creative tasks for you to do over half term:
Can you design and make a special lenten box for your Reception partner. This needs to be a specially designed and decorated container that you can give to your partner the 2nd week back after half term ready for them to take home and collect money during lent for our chosen charity. Think about what your partner likes and what their interests are, this may help you when planning what to do- refer to your partners card they wrote for you. You could make your box out of any plastic container, cardboard box, it is up to you- just make sure it is fully cleaned out first! Below is a reminder of your partners and a little inspiration:
Have a a restful half term.
Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker