This week...

A huge welcome back to every one. We missed everyone.

As Lent began during the holidays it has been a bit of a catch up week. It can be of no surprise that most of the week had been dedicated to walking alongside Jesus during His last week. The children have been visibly moved by the Easter story, which as prompted some in depth discussions. One of the questions was “when did God die?” One for Father Peter I think… we will write it in his book.

In our mission to be more like Jesus our Lenten promise wall is full of the qualities we aspire to maintain each day. The children are filling our Lenten Heart by being kind, loving, thoughtful and giving. We are all trying to put others needs before our own, just as Jesus would do.

We have contributed to the whole school Stations of the Cross by depicting the stations 2 and 9. Take a look at our interpretations. Take a look.

Thank you to everyone for bringing in your Lenten boxes. They have now been successfully swapped with our class partners and sent back home. We have talked about completing acts of kindness each day and in doing so collect money that can be donated to our chosen charity, Cafod. Cafod is an international development charity who reach out to people living in poverty with practical help, whatever their religion or culture. CAFOD is the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales and part of Caritas International.

Through their global Church network, they have the potential to reach everyone; campaigning for global justice, so that every woman, man and child can live a full and dignified life.

A worthy mission, let’s work together to make it a huge success and to help as many people as we can. In anticipation, thank you.

As we have been so busy with the Easter story we have delayed our NEW learning thread. We are launching it tomorrow! So you can join us in our learning this half term click on the button below.

Lucky Number 7

This week we have been excited to meet Number 7. Click here to watch.

In this episode the children discovered the relationship between Seven and the other Numberblocks. It gave us the opportunity to practise counting numbers to 7nandto say their ordinal names (first, second third) 7 is also related to the number of the colours of the rainbow and the days of the week.

As with previous numbers, Seven is created through adding one to the previous number, combing 6 and 1. Each consecutive number is one more than the previous one. The children are also beginning to compare 7 with other numbers; seven is taller than six; 7 is one more than 6.

Don’t forget to keep practising writing numbers 0-7 using the special rhymes! Click here for a reminder. Remember duck fingers!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

Welcome back, I hope your all had a wonderful break. We have got straight back into growing our brains and having lots of fun.

We started off this week talking about Lent and it has been lovely seeing all of your amazing lent boxes coming in that you have worked so hard on, so thank you. The children were very excited to swap their Lent boxes with year 3.

We have made a heart that represents our lent promise, and the children have come up with words that relate to this promise such as loving, kind, helpful, patient and many more. The children each get a smiley face stamp on the heart each time they show they are representing one of these words and are so proud when they get a stamp. 

Mrs Gregan has asked the nursery to help make a part of the Stations of the Cross for the school and has given us stages 2 and 9. The children have been very busy painting and helping to bring them to life. 

We have been looking and talking about the 14 Stations of the cross, and reading the Easter story. The children are shocked to hear how Judas made a bad choice, and very sad to hear what Jesus had to go through. But as the children say, it has a happy ending when Jesus “was alive again” Here is a link for the Easter story.

As you may have seen, our nursery garden is having a bit of a makeover and the children have been very excited watching all of the building works that's been going on. The children can't wait to play in their new garden. 

We have been on a walk around the school grounds, looking for signs of Spring. I know, you are all saying 'it's too early', but we found daffodils, crocuses, daisies and snowdrops. We also tried to find some birds nests; we didn’t find any though. The children had so much joy in finding them.

This week we have met number 7. We have been working out with our fingers how we can make 7 in different ways. The children have also enjoyed having a go at writing the number 7 as well.

Have a great weekend everyone and see you all on Monday for more fun and leaning. 


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

I hope you all had a lovely restful week at half term.

This week we have been consolidating our previous knowledge of the letter sounds we have learnt so far. We had done so well!

We have revisited the letter sound ' p' and watched a video of Geraldine the Giraffe and we could think of lots of words that begin with this sound.

Why not have a hunt for things in your house that begin with 'p'

We were very excited this week to watch as our garden is undergoing a bit of a change. It looks very exciting and we can't wait to try it all out. This has not stopped us from going outside as we have visited the castle, investigated signs of spring in the environmental garden and we have even been invited to use reception's outside space too. Thank you Mrs Hartley.

We are now in Lent and we have been exploring the Easter Story. We have tried really hard to be like Jesus and his disciple to earn a stamp on our Lenten promise wall. Although the story of Jesus makes us sad we know that it has a happy ending.

Our crafts this week have mostly involved reflecting on Jesus’s journey to crucifixion.

Have a lovely weekend


As usual nursery has been frantically busy again, but we just love growing our brains. Added to all our learning everyone has been keeping a special eye on the building works that are happening in our garden…we are so excited!!!

I suggest a quiet weekend may be in order because we have lots planned for next week!!! Please keep safe and enjoy just being together. I will see you on Monday.

God Bless


This week...

Another half term over. We are already half way through our year at nursery…tempus fugit - time flies (when you are having fun)!

We have crammed so much into this week. It has been Online Safety Week and Mental Health Week. To help us understand how to stay safe online. We read the stories Once Upon an Online, Chicken Clicking and Smartie the Penguin. This stimulated a huge discussion about when and how often we should use our tablets and what we should do if something happened that worried us -who are safe people to sort the problem.

If you want to read the stories at home:

Click here for Chicken Clicking

Click here for Once upon an Online

Click here for Smartie the Penguin

I hope these stories help you approach the difficult topic of staying safe online at home.

Throughout the week we have been looking after our minds. We have talked about how our brains can sometimes become ‘overloaded’ and too busy’ and it can make us sad and fuzzy. To help us reconnect with ourselves and others we have been doing yoga and mindfulnes techniques…we are all so zen now. On Friday we will be having a Spa Day at nursery where we we be relaxing our minds and bodies, doing hand massages and breathing exercises. Here are a few links for you to try at home.

Bubble bounce

Smell the flower, blow out the candle

Rainbow relaxation

Thought bubbles

Body Scanner

Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone,

I can't believe it's our last week before half-term. Time goes so fast when your having fun at nursery. 

We have been busy enjoying helping the dinosaurs escape from the ice. We put some toy dinosaurs in water and popped them in the freezer. The children then used pipettes with warm water to melt the ice. We were working on our pincer grip and strengthening our muscles. We also used toy hammers, as some dinosaurs were very tricky to get out. As the ice melted, we talked about how the ice was solid at first, then as it melted it turned back into a liquid. The children ended up releasing 10 dinosaurs from the ice, it was great fun.

The children have been little artists outside, drawing their own dinosaurs with chalk. They came up with some fantastic dinosaurs. We did have some sad news though… the stegosaurus that we had made has gone on a new adventure to find a new home. The children have followed its footprints, but just can't seem to see where it has gone. I think the stegosaurus will enjoy a bit of peace and quiet wherever ever it has gone to.

The children did make another dinosaur with Justine, a small t-rex and a pterodactyl. They used the children's arms as a template for their wings. Why don't you have a go at home and see if you can make your own dinosaur over the holidays. Here is a video to give you an idea.

Click here Have fun!

Continuing with the dinosaur learning thread and improving our fine motor skills and hand strengthening, the children have been putting pegs onto dinosaurs. The dinosaurs all had a number on them and the children were working out how many pegs to put onto the dinosaur to match the dinosaurs number. Good counting everyone!!

We have been working hard giving our house outside a 'Spring clean'. We have spruced it up with some curtains, lampshades, fairy lights, and pictures on the wall. We have also added our nursery family pictures…IT LOOKS FABULOUS! The children have really enjoyed going in and playing, as well as looking after their new house. 

This week has been 'online safety week' at nursery, and we have been reading, watching and singing about how to be safe online, and what we should do if ever something unexpected pops up on screen whilst online (tell a safe grown up).

We have been so busy, and now its time for a well deserved rest.

Have a wonderful week off, and see you all soon.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We have had a lovely week this week concentrating on our mental health.

We have had lots of lovely calm moments. One of our favourite moments was rainbow breathing. This is a good technique to use to have a calm moment. Click here

We have also continued to practice our letter sounds and have been playing a game to help. This has helped us with the letter sound g. Here is a link

Playing board games is a great way to practice taking turns. This week we played snakes and ladders and we had to throw the dice and say the number. Subitising is an essential skill to master that will make us maths wizards.

Our wellness week finished on Friday as we had a spa day. So relaxing, what a great way to start the half term

See you all soon and have a lovely half term.



This week we linked our worship word of the week ‘HEAL’ to mental health week. Our lively discussing as always came back to be kind and loving just like Jesus. Everyone, including Mrs Gregan was given two smiles to give away to someone who has lost theirs. We were inspired by two quotes one which said “if you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours” and …in a world where you can be anything, BE KIND. The impact has been astounding, without being prompted the children noticed if a friend needed an extra bit of love, and gave them one of their smiley faces.

Half term Wednesday Word click here

We have been practising our new hymn Shine Jesus Shine and we are getting FABULOUS. We sang so loud that Mrs.Gregan heard us in her office and came into nursery to join us.

Art Exhibition

Don’t forget to pop along to the Art Exhibition at the Heritage Centre in Lytham to take a look at our exhibit along with exhibits from the rest of our school, and other local school! I believe it will be there during February.

Lenten Boxes

As in previous years we will be joining in with school and producing Lenten Almsgiving boxes. Over half term we would like each child to make a Lenten box to swap with a child from our Class link (YR 3). The children could use a margarine tub, small cardboard box or container and decorate it how they choose. Please ensure Lenten Boxes are brought back into nursery by Wednesday 21st February ready to swap.

Spa Day

Such a wonderful way to finish our Mental Health week….

Half term

Nursery closes for half term Friday 9th February and reopens on Monday 19th February. As always I would like to say a huge thank you for all your support of nursery… you are wonderful.

When we return we will be exploring a new learning thread so watch this space (that’s a clue!)

Enjoy a well earned rest if you can and I will see you all on Monday 19th, bright and early.

God Bless and stay safe.


This week....We're going on a dinosaur hunt...we're going to catch the big one!!!!

Such an eggciting week (sorry about the pun). Our dinosaur egg has finally hatched. Wait till you see what was inside it!

Worship-Forever Friends

This week we listened to a story about Freddy Teddy struggling to share at a picnic with his friends. We then children consider how to resolve conflict in friendships through saying sorry and asking for/receiving forgiveness. Children learnt that when we hurt others, we also hurt Jesus – but that Jesus teaches us how to forgive ourselves and others! Click on the button below for the slides.

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We have continued our exploration of all things dinosaur. Finally our dinosaur egg has hatched and we were amazed to watch as a triceratops was filmed in our nursery. Luckily, it was a herbivore so only eats plants. We saw evidence of this on our potted plant it where it has nibbled the leaves.

If you would like to experience having a AR dinosaur in your house I can recommend the app ARLOOPA.

Did you know that if you Google the name of a dinosaur you can see it in 3D?

We also enjoyed practicing our throwing skills in PE.

On Wednesday we made another volcano and watched a short film about volcanoes. We learnt there are volcanoes in parts of the world but none here. 

We continue to practice our counting skills as we had to count out the correct number of plates for the stegosaurus.

What a busy week!

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all next week.


Emma’s Blog

Alert! Alert! Alert!
What a fantastic week we have had.

Dinosaur egg update... The children have been really good looking after the dinosaur egg in nursery, keeping it very safe. However, on Wednesday morning the children were very shocked to find that the egg was broken on the floor. Before nursery opened, Barbara and Michelle caught the dinosaur, and sent it back to the dinosaur zoo, but they managed to record a video to show the children. When the children saw the video, they couldn't believe their eyes as they watched a baby triceratops hatch from the egg, and saw it eating one of the plants in nursery. We were so lucky that Barbara found the egg. The children then each took a bit of the dinosaur egg shell to colour on and take home. What a exciting morning we had.

Justine has been adding some fantastic skin to our stegosaurus, and it even has a pair of eyes now. The children have been really looking after it and have been on some more dinosaur hunts, exploring all the areas of the garden to see if they can find any more eggs or dinosaurs.
The had their nets and explorer backpacks with pairs of binoculars, and although they didn't find any eggs or dinosaurs, they did find some friends who were pretending to be dinosaurs. They found it so funny being caught.

We have a new exciting area in nursery. Our café has now closed its doors for now, and a shoe shop has opened in its place. The children are so excited about this and are really looking after their shop. They like to take turns being a shoe shop person or a customer, but they especially like trying on all the shoes. The children's role playing in the shop is so nice to watch and listen too. If you have any adult shoes you no longer use and would like to donate to our 'shop' it would be much appreciated.

We have started to join in assembly on a Friday afternoon with the whole school. We have been learning a song that the school children sing in assembly called Shine Jesus Shine. The children are trying really hard to practice it so we can join in with the school. The children especially like singing the chorus of the song. Click on the button below to sing along at home!

The children have been very busy learning to write number 6 on paper, on tubes, or outside on the floor, and we have seen lots of fantastic 6's. Here is the saying used on the Numberblocks programme to help when you are practicing at home.
'Start with a curve, then round with a swish, that's the way to make a 6’.

Have a wonderful weekend. Only one week left before half-term. I wonder what fun we are going to be getting up to.

See you all next week.

Here’s the video you have all been waiting for...don’t be to scared, it’s a herbivore!

Isn’t that amazing!!!

I think that is enough excitement for this week! Watch this space to see if another egg appears…and hatches!

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday.

Stay safe and God bless


This week.....

A blustery week! Some days we struggled to get outside in fear of blowing away!!

Nonetheless, our learning has known no bounds. In our quest to find out as much as we can about dinosaurs we even incorporated into our PE sessions! Mr. Nay has been so inspired that he bought a book all about dinosaurs and created new dinosaurs games to practice our Fundamental Movement Skills! Click here to find out more. On Wednesday we pretended to move like dinosaurs to the dinosaur song. Have a go at home….click here and enjoy!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone, 

We have had a fantastic week of fun and brain growing.

We have met new number this week, 6.

We have been very excited as the 'Number Block' 6 has introduced us to a dice and we have been having fun exploring it. From subtising, to copying the numbers with the same amount of number blocks and pom poms, painting dots on the dice and even having a go a writing number 6. We have be so busy. Click here

We have also met some new letter sounds, e, r, h, l, and special friends 'sh'.

The children have really enjoyed meeting the sounds and working hard to learn them. 

We have been continuing to make tricky obstacle courses in the garden with different height obstacles with the children crawling through large hoops, lots of balancing and jumping. They are enjoying the challenge and are also strengthening their muscles, sensory processing and building confidence, and most of all, the children really enjoy doing it.

You may have noticed that the children have brought home a fantastic fossil that they have made. We have been waiting for them to harden before we could add some powder colour to them so the children can see the indentations, shapes and shadows of the fossil. They all look brilliant. 

To continue with our thread learning about dinosaurs, the children have been very busy with Justine, making a very large junk model stegosaurus, adding lots of different materials, boxes, and paint using different colours to give a textured skin effect. The children will continue to add more objects to their stegosaurus and I will keep you all updated on how it's coming along.

The children have also been looking at dinosaur pictures to work out how tall they are using number blocks, by building the blocks to the height of the dinosaur and then counting the number of blocks. It was a bit tricky but the children loved the challenge.

There will be more details to follow soon.

Have a great weekend everyone see you all on Monday.  


Emma’s visit to the Museum

Donald Rodney art

We are so very excited to tell you that the school and nursery are going to be entering an art competition with other local schools. It is going to be held at the Heritage Centre in Lytham during February. The competition is about different artists, as the school has been looking at black history, we have decided to focus on The Black Art Group, which was an association of young black artists who were inspired by the black arts movement.

Our art work has been inspired by is by an artist named Donald Rodney. We have explored some of his art and noticed it was monochrome with black and white drips running down his pictures.

We decided to use our ‘feelings’ as a vehicle to create some Donald Rodney inspired art. Like Donald we only used black runny paint and each mark represented an emotion, for example, a wavy line means calm, a swirl; happy, two lines together; sad, a zig zag; scared and lots of dots meant we were excited. The art that the children have done is truly inspired. Each child was able to describe how they were feeling at that moment in time: a snap shot of emotion. Take a look and see if you can spot how we were feeling.

Michelle’s blog

Hello and welcome to this week's blog 

We have continued to explore our topic of dinosaurs and have been testing our knowledge with Andy's quiz on cbeebies. 

We have also explored where dinosaurs lived and gave made our own volcano, this enabled us to learn words such as lava and eruption. Here is how to make your own volcano at home Click here

We have been very busy learning some new letter sounds this week and have been keen listeners as we need d to work out if we had any of the new sounds in our names 

Recognising our names written down is an important skill to learn. Every day the children have to identify their bag by looking for their name tag. Sorry if it takes them a little longer at the end of the day for them to spot their name. Any practice you can give them at home would be fantastic.

We also met Number 6 this week and have been number detectives working out all the different ways to make number 6.

Hope you all have a good weekend and we will see you next week.


Meet our new sounds

Click here for ‘h’

Click here for ‘l’

Click here for ‘e’

Click here for ‘sh’ - special friends

Click here for ‘r’

See what you can find at home using these sounds. Good luck!

Hello Number 6

Click here to meet number six

Counting to 6. This episode give another opportunity to develop counting skills from 1-6. Watch out to see if your child uses one to one correspondence (match one number name to each object) and, know the number names in order.

Subitising Dice Patterns. The children experince reconising the spot patterns on the dice without counting. This is known as subitising. Being able to subitise small quantities has been shown to be a key skill in developing number sense.

Have fun with six.

Click on the button to make a dice at home

Worship - You’ve got a friend in me

This week we discussed friendship and the different qualities of a positive/negative relationships. We learnt to look to Jesus as a role model for being a good friend.

We have tried all week to be part of Team Jesus (one of our friends at nursery though of the name). We have been casting our net to be fishers of people to join our team.

As usual we have been working so very hard. Next week we will continue to challenge ourselves and to learn even more!

Have a lovely rest this weekend.

Stay safe and God Bless


This week....

What a week!

We have completed two displays. One by painting dinosaurs and another by drawing our favourite dinosaur independently. The children have really thought about their paintings and recreated all the characteristics that make them unique.

We have added to our wow words dictionary with words such as extinct, fossils, herbivore, carnivore and omnivore and all the names of the dinosaurs…they are really tricky! We are definitely being challenged!

On Wednesday we read the scary story ‘Wolf’s Coming’, it’s one of our favourites. We noticed at the end of the story there was a pin the tail on the donkey game at Wolf’s birthday party. We decided to make a pin the tail on the dinosaur. What great fun we had, we pinned stegosaurus’ tail in very odd places. Click here to be scared!

Worship - Created to Love Others

This week we explored the individual’s relationship with others. Building on the understanding that we have been created out of love and for love. We talked about how we take this calling into our family, friendships and relationships, and learnt strategies for developing healthy relationships and keeping safe both online and in our daily lives. Click on the button below to discuss the slides.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have been so busy this week working our brains.

We had a fantastic time with Mr Nay this week. He was helping us to practice our throwing, and he gave the children some shuttlecocks to throw around. The children loved this as they could see how far they would fly through the air. Mr Nay and Mr Murray had hung a huge parachute with a target on, and Mr Nay asked the children if they could throw the shuttlecocks to try to hit a particular colour. When some of the children hit the bullseye and we all cheered. We had so much fun.

We have been making some tricky assault courses in the garden to help build the childrens strength and to work their muscles. The course involved climbing and balancing which also helped them with there confidence. We made our own pretend ball pit using bits of foam which the children loved falling into.

We are continuing our dinosaur topic and are very excited that we have found 'dough disco dinosaurs'. It's brilliant and the children got to make a herbivore chewing leaves, the diplodocus neck and the pterodactyl’s beak. Here is the link for you to have a go at home, have fun. 

 Click here

Click here

 Click here

To concentrate on strengthening our hand muscles, and practice using our knife and fork, I made a dinosaur spaghetti swamp but the only way for the dinosaurs to get though it wasfor the children to cut the spaghetti up using their knife and fork. Let's hope some of the dinosaurs didn't get stuck.

We have been busy continuing to work on our letter sounds and our numbers, and we have been working our brains with our maths mastery wall, working out how many animals are in the grassy field and the flower meadow, then adding the total together, a bit like a number strory. The children enjoyed getting involved. Here is a link to a number ordering game for you to try at home. Click here.

I hope you all have a great weekend, and with the weather being so cold, wrap up and stay cosy.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We have continued exploring and investigating dinosaurs.

We have been investigating what a t-rex ate and how they found their food. We have found out about carnivores, and herbivores and also omnivores.

We looked closely at the t rex this week and we discovered the head of a t rex was 1.5 metres wide. We measured this and this is as wide as 6 children or 3 nursery ladies 

Justine very kindly shared her photos of her visit to a real dinosaur fossil in Manchester Museum. Thank you Justine. This is a very worthwhile trip to make if you are looking for a day out. The museum can be found on Oxford Road in Manchester.

We have been very busy making our own dinosaurs, painting, drawing and using junk materials 

Emma let us help her in her activity to cut up the swamp spaghetti to help the dinosaurs feed. But we only had knives and forks! It was tricky. Using a knife and fork is an essential skill and one your child will need to master. Let them have as much practice with this at mealtimes as you can.

As well as PE on Monday and Tuesday, we now have a session on Wednesday. This week we practiced our running skills and our throwing skills. So much fun.

Apologies for the link not working last week for the dinosaur discovery game. Here it is again. Click here

Have a good weekend and we will see you next week.


Justine’s trip to the museum

Parent questionnaire

Thank you to everyone that has managed to complete this years questionnaire, it is greatly appreciated. Don’t worry if you have not had time yet I have attached another copy, just in case you have a few moment this weekend.

Parent ‘Drop In’ session

This half term we will be holding our drop in session on February 6th from 3.45-4.45 pm. This is a great opportunity to have an informal catch up with the nursery team and to see what we have been doing. Please try and pop in for five minutes we would love to see you…no appointment necessary.

Andy’s Dinosaur adventures

If you fancy finding our more about dinosaurs click here

Meet the Dinos click here

Inspired by our discovery of all kinds of dinosaurs we have written a song and also a started our own dino story.

Ask your child to sing our dinosaur song…its funny! When we have finished our story I will put it on the blog!

Next week we are planning to meet Number 6 and a new set of sounds. We are sooo excited. Keep practicing at home!

I hope the weather isn’t too cold this weekend although a bit of snow may be fun!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and I will see you on Monday morning bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Keep safe and God bless.


Welcome back!

Welcome back to nursery everyone, and a Happy New Year! I hope all had a fabulous Christmas and managed a little rest too. It was so lovely to see how the children were happy to be back at nursery.

We have started this year finding out about ‘dinosaurs’. This was the children’s request and we have learnt so many facts already. The children are really growing their brains!

If you click on the button below you will be able to see everything we will be doing this half term. Perhaps you can get involved at home too. I will be sending home little challenges for you to do.

As you can see we are going to be extremely busy! All this on top of what the learning we so on a daily basis!


Religious Understanding.

This helps children to understand why the Bible is so special to Christians, showing us that Jesus loves us and is a role model for us to copy in loving one another. We discussed the Gospel account of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet, showing that He loves us and is a role model for us to copy in loving one another.

We looked at our Bible in nursery and then challenged ourselves to be good role models to one another and show Jesus’ love in all that we do.

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome back. I hope you have all had a fantastic Christmas and New Year. It has been lovely listening to the children excitedly telling us all about their experiences over the holiday period.

Thank you so much for all the lovely cards and gifts, it is very much appreciated. We hope you all liked your boxes.

This week we have begun a new topic, by request of the children we will be learning all about dinosaurs. As you know, some of the children are already experts in dinosaurs, so I expect they will be teaching us grown ups a thing or two. We have begun by looking at the different types of dinosaurs and have explored and investigated their differences and similarities. We then discussed our favourite dinosaur and had to tell our friends why we had chosen that particular dinosaur. Mine is a Parasaurolophus, because I like the idea that it used its horn to make a noise. Maybe you could draw a picture of your favourite dinosaur and bring it in next week. This is a good game to play with your child, it made us do lots of thinking, growing our brains as we investigated and asked lots of questions about dinosaurs. Click here.

We have continued to practise our letter sounds, we really do know quite a few now. We have not forgotten them over the  Christmas holidays!  We have also really enjoyed our PE lessons this week, as we now do PE on a Wednesday as well. We are getting so good at putting our shoes and socks on now and nearly all of us can now zip up our coats. With practice we know that we will all get there!

Have a lovely weekend everybody and we will see you next week,


Cherry tots

As well as practising our Fundamental Movement Skills we have also started ‘Cherry Tots Dance. These are activities with words, actions and music designed yo help young children to recognise and react to their moods and emotions. This week we have been ‘Sad and Glad’ cherries and ‘Quiet and Mad’ cherries.

Emma’s Blog

Happy new year to you all, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and new year. I've really enjoyed listening to the children talking about what fun they got up to over the holidays. 

As we approach the end of our 1st week at nursery of 2024, you are not going to believe what we have been up to. One word... Dinosaurs! This half term, to start of our brains growing we will be learning all about dinosaurs. As you can imagine, the children are very excited. 

As we become paleontologists and dinosaur explorers. We have been digging and searching for fossils and bones in the sand, using our small brushes and mini spades to search with. The children found different sizes of bones and were trying to work out, by the size and shape, which part of the dinosaur body they came from. The children enjoyed doing this, so we decided to make our own fossils out of salt dough. The children helped to make the dough and we used different parts of a dinosaurs body, or fossils, and printed them into the dough. When it dries out, we will add a bit of colour to them and then hide them in our sand for the children to dig and search for. Here is a link to see some facts all about fossils. Click here.

We have also become dinosaur explorers. Andy the explorer, on cbeebies, has inspired the children and nursery ladies to go on a dinosuar hunt in the school woodland trail. We had to look for dinosaurs hiding in the bushes or up trees. We were so happy and relieved that we found the nine dinosaurs that had escaped from nursery! We put them all safely back in our explorer's backpack and took them back to nursery. The children and nursery ladies had so much fun!

We have been exploring what different dinosaurs eat. Those that have only a diet of meat are carnivores, those with a vegetarian only diet are herbivores and those who eat both are omnivores.

Which one would you be? 

On Wednesday, something very exciting happened and the children couldn't believe there eyes. We found a dinosaur egg in nursery!

The children are going to keep it safe and look after it and we will have to wait and see what's going to happen to it. I will keep you all posted. 

Have a 'roarsome' weekend, 

See you all on Monday  


Andy’s Adventures

Dinosaur facts, want to know more, click here

Parent questionnaire

Each year we send out a questionnaire for your feedback about nursery. We are always seeking to improve our practice so if you could take a few moments to complete it we would be most grateful.

Lastly, I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday for even more fun and learning.

God Bless


We Wish you a Merry Christmas...

I can’t believe that we are already one third of the way through the school year. Time certainly does fly when you are enjoying your self!

It has been an extremely long term and the children (and nursery ladies) are all exhausted, everyone has been growing their brains. You should be so proud of your child, they have learnt so much, they have made new friends and grown in confidence and independence.

During Advent, we have journeyed to the stable together. It has been such a wonderful experience for the children to have the opportunity to pause and give thanks for the love, hope and joy found in Jesus – our Saviour and our friend.

On behalf of the nursery team can I say a huge thank your your kind words and gifts this Christmas, they have been greatly appreciated. Working alongside your children and seeing them grow and develop daily is a privilege; we are grateful for your trust in us and for sharing your precious children.

Making a birthday Cake for Baby Jesus

It was sooo delcious!!!

Christmas Party

What a fabulous party!

It just remains for me to say I hope you all have a Happy and Holy Christmas and we will see everyone in 2024!

Stay safe and God Bless


This week...

As we limp towards the end of term our learning and Christmas fun just keeps on going. This week, please don’t thin we have gone mad! Your childs key person blog reflects learning that happened in nursery week commencing 8th December as last week we dedicated to our Christmas Nativity; you will have noticed that there has been no frosty weather this week.

Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone, 

What a wonderful and busy week we have had.

Firstly, we are super proud of all the nursery children with how wonderful they were in our nativity. We hope you enjoyed watching it as much as we did putting it together and learning all the songs. Thank you for your support. 

The children have been quite excited that Jack Frost has been to the nursery garden, they have been playing detectives in the garden, finding frost on the ground. They liked to touch and walk on it to feel how different it felt under their feet. They also discovered ice, which the children enjoyed looking through and watching it melt in their hands. We then left some cups of water outside overnight to see what would happen and we discovered that the liquid had turned into solid ice and then saw as it warms and melts, it turns back into liquid. We wanted to do it again, but the next day wasn't as cold for the liquid to freeze. The children make great detectives. 

As December has arrived, and therefore the start of advent, we attended assembly with the rest of the school and we lit our first candle HOPE on our Advent wreath.

Nursery also has it own Advent celebrations and every day one of the children will open a pocket to see what exciting knitted object is hiding in there!

We also have been busy putting up the Christmas tree in nursery and the children helped to decorate by putting baubles on the tree. We have had lots of fun. Here is a link for you to decorate your own tree. Click here

TROUBLE IN NURSERY! Don't worry you're not in trouble, we have a little elf that has come to join in with our learning, but he keeps getting up to mischief and his name is ‘Trouble’ the elf. He has been hanging his washing up in nursery, he's been jumping on Barbara’s back and she didn't even know! He's also climbed up into a tiny hole in the ceiling. He is so cheeky. I hope you haven't got any cheeky elves at home?

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and see you all on Monday.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog. This week we have very much been feeling the festive spirit as we began our Advent celebrations. We were excited to join the rest of the school for Advent assembly, where we sang one of our favourite songs, Away in a Manger.

This week in Advent is all about Hope. We hope that you all enjoy our Nativity performances. We were so excited to perform them for the school and our friends and family. We have been practising so hard, and I’m sure you will agree that we were all fantastic! We are looking forward to watching the rest of the school perform their Nativities. We have heard them practice and can’t wait to see them. We are also looking forward to our Christmas party. We’ve heard that chocolate cake might be involved.

As it is the beginning of Advent, we had a very important job to do as we decorated the Christmas Tree. We all think it looks so magical.

This week we have also made snow and enjoyed reading our Christmas stories in our very own snow cave. We have also enjoyed taking home the Travelling Nativity to our homes and sharing the story of the birth of Christ with our families. The photos have all been truly wonderful, we hope you have enjoyed taking part in this special celebration. Please don’t worry if you haven’t had a turn yet, we still have a few more homes to visit yet before the end of term.

We have continued to explore the letter sounds we have been learning. These are m,a,s,d,t,i,n,p,g and o. We have also been practising writing these in the sand and as we write our names in our Christmas cards we discovered that some of these sounds are in our names. Any practice that your child can get at home writing their name will be so beneficial for them.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you next week.


Read, Write Inc

Due to a popular request from the children we have started to learn some new sounds this week. The nursery ladies were going to wait until the New Year but the children insisted !!

The sounds are c, k, u, b, f. Click on the links to watch Geraldine the Giraffe

c - click here

k - click here

u - click here

b - click here

f - click here

The children are spotting sounds everywhere, even in the beginning, middle and end of their names. Enjoy sound spotting!

Travelling Nativity

Maths Mastery

Number 5

Five arrives to get the band together - and gets the party started with a big high five!

We have:

  • Met five

  • Learnt that 5 is one more than four

  • Counted to five

  • Lined up1 to 5 in order

  • Practiced writing 5

Click here to meet 5

Click here to practice writing 0-5

Christmas Activities for the holidays

Next week we will be sending home all the Christmas surprises the children have been making for you, keep a look out!

I will also be sending home our Christmas Taskmaster Activity ( if you have time!). It is packed full of things to do and to find our about. We hope you enjoy it. Send us some photos if you mange any of the challenges.

Lastly, a few reminders!

Nursery will close for the Christmas holidays on Thursday 21st December at 2 pm.

Christmas Party

Wednesday 20th of December will be KS1 and Foundation Christmas party. All the children are invited to join in the fun but if it is not you childs usual session can you please bring them at 9.15 am and collect them at 11.45 am.

Please do not bring any snack this morning as we will be having a birthday cake to celebrate Baby Jesus’ birthday! The children have requested a chocolate cake with chocolate icing and Smarties on the top!! Mmmmmm sounds yummy!

Party clothes and dancing shoes please!

School Admissions September 2024

We still have some families that have not yet applied for a school for September 2024, or, returned their supplementary forms etc to school.

It is very important that you apply for school online before January 15th 2024 ( or call 01524 581148). You will need to bring to the school office your supplementary form signed by your Parish priest, along with a copy of your childs baptism certificate a.s.a.p. Please don’t leave it too late, time is running out!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, have a rest next week is VERY busy!

Stay safe and God Bless


This week...a Christmas Special

Well what can I say, such a special week. I am sure that you will agree the Foundation Nativity was a triumph! I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

The children have all worked so very hard learning lines and remembering songs and their actions (it was tricky for the nursery ladies too!). For such young children to have the confidence to perform to a packed audience is truly amazing.

This week we are dedicating the blog to a celebration of the birth of Christ. During December it is easy to get lost in festivities and lose the true meaning of Christmas, Enjoy looking at the photos and maybe take five minutes to pause and give thanks for the love, hope and joy found in Jesus.

Next week your child’s key person will be emailing any additional Nativity photos that we may have...keep a look out!

Travelling Nativity

The children have really enjoyed taking the Travelling Nativity home. Don’t panic everyone will get a turn. It is so lovely that we are able to take this journey together.

Christmas Bake Off

A big thank you to everyone for your fabulous cakes and biscuits! Prue and Paul would be proud. We enjoyed tasting them all!

Christmas Party

Wednesday 20th of December will be KS1 and Foundation Christmas party. All the children are invited to join in the fun but if it is not you childs usual session can you please bring them at 9.15 am and collect them at 11.45 am.

Please do not bring any snack this morning as we will be having a birthday cake to celebrate Baby Jesus’ birthday! The children have requested a chocolate cake with chocolate icing abd Smarties on the top!! Mmmmmm sounds yummy!

Party clothes and dancing shoes please!

School Admissions September 2024

We still have some families that have not yet applied for a school for September 2024, or, returned their supplementary forms etc to school.

It is very important that you apply for school online before January 15th 2024 ( or call 01524 581148). You will need to bring to the school office your supplementary form signed by your Parish priest, along with a copy of your childs baptism certificate a.s.a.p. Please don’t leave it too late, time is running out!

Click on the button to access the Supplementary form

After such a hectic week it just remains for me to say…have a good rest this weekend and we will see everyone on Monday.

God Bless


This week....

A hectic week at nursery. We have been talking about Advent and what is means; the first season of the Church year, leading up to Christmas and including the four preceding Sundays. We have therefore been making room for our Christmas tree, organising our Worship area, preparing festive activities and everything Christmassy. We even have Christmas sparkly sand and on Monday we are going to make snow!!! We are all very excited!

All our families have said how much everyone at home has enjoyed taking home the Travelling Nativity. If you haven’t had your turn yet don’t worry we havent forgotten you! Here are this week photos

Fred Talk

This week some of our children had a go at ‘Fred Talk’ using only the sounds that we have learnt. We had such fun and made lots of words, such as p-a-t, s-a-t, m-a-t. Here’s a short video to explain Fred Talk. Click here

The children found out that the more sounds we learn (more after Christmas, we mustn’t run before we can walk!) the more words we can Fred Talk!

Maths Mastery

We continue to explore the ‘fourness’ of four. 4 is a small number and counting to 4 provides lots of practice in developing skills of counting such as one-one correspondence and saying numbers in the right order.

Four appears in lots of contexts, such as four legs on a table. We encourage the children to become ‘4 detectives’ Four has the special property of being a square number and the children’s attention has been drawn to this through the arrangement of 4 blocks or squares. Have a go at home at making 4!

We have also been identifying similarities between shapes:

At this stage, children show increasing intentionality in their selection of shapes, for example using cylinders to represent wheels because they can roll. Draw children’s attention to specific properties by using specific language in everyday situations, while children may use informal language. Properties may include:

  • curvedness

  • numbers of sides and corners (2D) or edges, faces and vertices (3D)

  • equal sides

  • parallel sides

  • angle size, including right angles

  • 2D shapes as faces of 3D shapes.

In their play the children show that they are utilising this knowledge by gathering specific items that are needed for their construction, e.g. making a bed for a teddy and gathering blocks of equal length to make the rectangle; taking time with constructing corners so the shapes fit together to make a right angle.

Here’s a great Shape Song. Click here

Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog. We have had another fabulous week of fantastic brain growing. Our focus this week has been learning about shapes. We have learnt the names of lots of different shapes as well as looking at similarities and differences. We are able to say whether a shape has three or more sides and how many corners the shape has too. We went on a shape hunt around nursery, finding lots of shapes in different places. We also had a go at drawing the different shapes on the interactive board, as well as cutting them out to make a collage. Why don’t you try to find as many different shapes on a shape hunt at home or when you are out and about.

We also used the shapes to explore different prepositions and had to describe whether the shapes were under, on, behind, in front of or next to the chair. This is something you could also do at home. Set your child a challenge so they have to find an object only by the clues you give them, e.g “ It’s behind or in front of etc”.

Here is a fun game to reinforce the shapes we have learnt this week. Click here

We have also had lots of activities this week to develop the muscles in our hands. This is all good practice before we start Reception. These hand strengthening activities also help us to have strong hands to put our shoes and socks on and to do up our zips. WE are practising our zips every day and more and more of us are now able to do this independently.

Here are some more ideas to try at home. Click here

Finally, we have started our Christmas crafts and we are as busy as elves. All top secret now though!

We are really looking forward to welcoming you all next week for our Nativity performances. We have been practising really hard!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you next week.


Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have had a fantastic week of fun and learning.  

Firstly, I just want to say that we have really enjoyed seeing the children's pictures of the Travelling Nativity. The children have loved telling us about their experiences with it and we can't wait to see more photos as it continues to travel around.

We have been getting very creative with making Christmas cards this week and have been looking at how different Christmas trees are in shape, size and colour. We made a mood board filled with different Christmas trees to help inspire the children with their ideas. The children have come up with some wonderful creations, not only with paint, but on the computer also. We can't wait for you to see what your child has created. 

As we have been looking at the different shapes of trees, we have linked it to our more general leaning about shapes. We are looking at what they are called, working out how many sides the shapes have and how they are all so different, we also had an ago at drawing shapes on the screen. We played a shape game on the screen and here is the link. The children found it to be really fun. Click here

To continue practising our fine motor skills, we played a game where the children had to stretch hair bands over a large tube. The activity also helps the children to learn a way of putting on their socks, socks can be tricky. It will also help to strengthen their hand muscles, and great for problem solving and resilience.

We had a special visit from year 3 in nursery. They joined in with our activity, dough disco. Year 3 LOVED it, and the nursery children enjoyed being with the older children, as they showed them how to do dough disco. Thank you year 3 for visiting us.

We are all very excited for next weeks Nativity performance. The children have been playing, drawing, and reading stories all about the Nativity. When reading Nativity stories they have been relating the animals and characters back to their friends who will be playing those parts in the play.

Have a big rest this weekend as we are going to be working really hard again next week. I hope you all have a nice weekend and see you all next week. 


Your final reminder for the Nativity

This year the Foundation Stage Nativity is as follows.

Dress rehearsal for the whole school 5th December. If you would like your child to be on the DVD you MUST attend this performance.

Parents performances will be on the 6th and 7th December. These are a ticket only events, with an allocation of 4 tickets per family over the two performances. Letters to purchase your tickets have gone out this week…check your child’s bag.

All children should be in nursery no later than 8.45 am on each performance day. If it is not your child’s usual session could you please collect them promptly at the end of the play (at the nursery gate).

If your child requires a costume for their part in the play you will have received an email from the office this week, otherwise you can assume that there is an outfit available here.

We will need all additional costumes in as soon as possible please. If you are struggling to find any item just drop me an email.

If I can just mention two small things; after many decades of Nativity experience I find that sometimes three performances are a big ask for nursery children. It may be an idea to attend the dress rehearsal and one other performance (if possible, I understand that it will not be possible for all our children). Also another top tip, it is wise to sit where you can see your child but they cannot see you, as this often unsettle them and then they will not take part.

Sharing in the Nativity

Next week, we will see the first of our nativity performances taking place. Across the school, each class team and key stage have been working hard to bring the most amazing story to life through song, prayer and performance. For our children, this will be a special moment in time. We know that for parents and families too, there is no greater joy than seeing your child perform the Christmas story; it will bring back memories of your own time in school. For us, the nativity is central to our prayer and liturgy. When the children tell the story, we are praying to God for the gift of his son. The children who will initially be taking to the stage are our smallest children; for which this can be very daunting.

When you arrive in school for the nativity, can I ask that you just bring yourselves ready to be present in the story. There will be enough seats for all tickets that have been sold, to avoid the need for any standing. Often we can get tempted to stand to watch, or stand to wave so that our children know we are there. This isn’t needed; they know you are there and they need you to be as still as you can so that they can perform like they have been practising. It is always nice to sit somewhere where you can see your child, but they cannot see you. You can both then enjoy the liturgy as intended. I would be really grateful if you can pass this message to whoever is coming to watch the performances. If you know of someone coming who will need additional support or seating, please do let us know and we would be happy to help in any way.


Lastly, as we start Advent I would just like to share this mostly lovely story which I feel tells the how Christmas is about being kind, thoughtful and caring to everyone we meet. It is a heartwarming Christmas story, I hope you enjoy it as much as we have at nursery. Click here for ‘Room for a Little One’.

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday.

God Bless


This week...

A fabulous week! We have had a ‘Super Sorting’ table where we organised small objects by colour and then categorised them further according to fruits, dinosaurs, transport, and animals. It was really tricky, but we did it!!

We have also been practising writing our ‘sounds’ using magic writing sticks and coloured sand. We are getting very good. Thank you for your support at home.

We have had lovely feed back from the children who have already had a turn of taking the travelling Nativity home. The photos are wonderful, the true meaning of Christmas. Take a look at some of the photos

This week we have had problems with our camera’s so all the key person pictures are all together! Sorry!

Emma’s Blog 

We have had a fabulous week of fun and lots of learning.

If you hear your child singing songs about baby Jesus, an Angel or a star, yes you've guessed it, we have been very busy learning our Nativity songs. The children are really enjoying singing them!

Everyone has been working so hard this week. We have been mark making the lsounds hat we have been learning in the sand using sticks or our fingers, saying the sounds as we arite them. It is nice to see how the children are using their duck fingers to mark make. Saying the rhymes really helps us to form their sounds.

We also met some new sounds and letters this week; p, i, o, g and n. We have been practicing forming the sounds on the Touch Screen, fabulous work!

We have continued our learning thread; listening. We have played a listening animal game which will help the children with their concentration and listening skills.

Here is the link to play the game. Click here

We have also been Cooper Crabs in our PE class. We had to follow instructions about how to use our bean bags and ribbons. There were some really tricky moves, the children worked so hard (including Barbara and I).

On Monday the children had lots of fun in Mr. Nay's PE lesson. Not only were we practicing our hopping, jumping and running skills, we were working against the really strong winds! Whilst doing this, the wind blew Mr Nay's cones all over the playground. The children were so kind and enjoyed picking them up for him. I think he was pleased too.

Lastly we have met Number 4 this week. We worked out that we could use 2 fingers on each hand, put them together and make 4. The children have been learning to write the number 4 on a long length of paper on the floor. When doing this we were saying our rhyme, 'down and right, off once more, cross the line and that's a 4.'

Look out on Purple Mash as I have set the children some work to practice their numbers and sounds at home. I can't wait to see the work they have done.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and see you all on Monday.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

This week we have continued to practise our writing skills by writing on lots of different surfaces. We used sticks in the coloured sand, we used the pen on the Touch Screen, we used felt pens on the white board and we used pencils on really long lengths of paper on the floor. We made sure we used our 'duck fingers' as we practised writing the sounds we have been learning. We have learnt some new letter sounds this week- i, o, p, g and n. We did have fun this week as we experimented with sounds as we imagined what our names would be if they began with a 'd'. It gave us the giggles!

We have also met Numberblock number 4 this week as we begin to understand that 4 can be made in a couple of different ways.

Practice for Nativity is going really well. Don't forget to return the form with your request for tickets so you can see our fantastic songs we have been learning.

It was lovely to see so many of you at Curriculum Evening as we explained a little about why nursery is so crucial in becoming a confident learner. Independence is so important.

 Here is a little quiz for you: How well does your child score?

My child can…….

  • Get dressed by themselves. Think about fastenings on clothing, for example dungarees are tricky.

  • Put on shoes and socks. Again choose shoes which are easier to put on. 

  • Wipe and blow their nose and throw the tissue away afterwards.

  • Peel and eat whole fruits (not water melons!).

  • Use a knife and fork to eat.

  • Recognise their own name when written down.

  • Put on and take off their coat, and hang it up.

  • Do up their zip- again a bit tricky but keep going.

  • Tidy up after playing.

  • Go to the toilet independently and wash hands afterwards.


7+ Fantastic!!!!

4-6 Well on their way to being more independent

0-3 More practice will help your child become more independent

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


Meet Number 4!

Four is the new block on the block and he can’t wait to share how much he loves to be square. Click here to watch.

We are:

  • learning that 4 is one more than 3

  • counting to 4

  • the structure of 4 as a square number

  • recognising if 4 items without counting (subitising)

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next weekend


Sounds (n,i,p,i,g,o)

It’s Geraldine Giraffe time!

n - Click here

o - Click here

p - Click here

i - Click here

g - Click here

Use your sound at to have a go at writing the sounds. Be a Tommy Turtle and ‘have a go’!

Christmas Nativity Reminder

This year the Foundation Stage Nativity is as follows.

Dress rehearsal for the whole school 5th December. If you would like your child to be on the DVD you MUST attend this performance.

Parents performances will be on the 6th and 7th December. These are a ticket only events, with an allocation of 4 tickets per family over the two performances. Letters to purchase your tickets have gone out this week…check your child’s bag.

All children should be in nursery no later than 8.45 am on each performance day. If it is not your childs usual session could you please collect them promptly at the end of the play (at the nursery gate).

If your child requires a costume for their part in the play you will have received an email from the office this week, otherwise you can assume that there is an outfit available here.

We will need all additional costumes in as soon as possible please. If you are struggling to find any item just drop me an email.

If I can just mention two small things; after many decades of Nativity experience I find that sometimes three performances are a big ask for nursery children. It may be an idea to attend the dress rehearsal and one other performance (if possible, I understand that it will not be possible for all our children). Also another top tip, it is wise to sit where you can see your child but they cannot see you, as this often unsettle them and then they will not take part.

Don’t forget to return your ticket request form and money a.s.a.p.

PJ Day

Thank you for joining in PJ Day in support of Brian House are our local children’s hospice. Your donations are gratefully received.

Smile everyone and shout ‘silly sausages’!

Lastly, a big thank you everyone who managed to make it to Curriculum Evening on Thursday. It is always to lovely to see our families get involved.

Have the most wonderful weekend. I believe it’s the Christmas lights switch on in Lytham on Saturday! I will keep a look out for you!

Keep safe and God Bless


Curriculum Evening and PJ Day

Curriculum Evening

This Thursday, 16th November, is our annual CURRICULUM EVENING. School will be open from 5.30pm-7.00pm for you to take part in lots of tasks and challenges, showcasing what your child will learn as they journey through school. This year the focus is on the wider curriculum. What opportunities will your children have beyond the core subjects learn? Each subject leader will be setting up lots of activities for you to try alongside your child. Some of our Year 6 leaders will also be on hand to answer any questions that you might have.

We hope that you will be able to join us - we are looking forward to showing you how we learn.

PJ Day for Brian House

This Friday, 17th November, is our annual pj day in school. Brian House are our local children’s hospice, and having visited them with pupils before, I know just how much they need our support. For £1, the children can come into Nursery in suitable pjs and dressing gowns for the day - bringing a teddy if they wish. Trainers must be worn, not slippers, as the children will be heading out in the garden to play at times.


This week....

A very reflective week at nursery. We have been remembering all the servicemen and women who keep our country safe, and also those who lost their lives or were injured in conflicts over the years. We all watched a short video to help us understand. Click here to watch. Everyone thought that if we were more like Jesus there would be no more fighting. They are quite right.

You will be so impressed at all the different ways we have made remembering poppies. Take a look at our displays.

As we normally do we visited the chapel and were amazed to see hundreds of poppies cascading down from the chapel roof to the garden. We all thought it looked wonderful and made us think hard about the significance of Remembrance Day.

Thank you to everyone who sent in donations towards the Poppy Appeal.

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog. We have had a very busy week learning about Remembrance Day. We watched a short video that helped us to understand that poppies help us to remember those affected by war. We then got very creative and made poppies in lots of different ways, printing using potatoes, collage using flower petals and using ICT on the interactive white board.

We also explored mixing colours with shaving foam and paint, experimenting with different colours as we remembered the fireworks we saw on Bonfire night.

A really important skill that we all need to learn is how to listen. Playing listening games is a really good way of developing the skills needed to learn to read and write. This week we played a game where we had to listen and follow the sequence. It got harder and harder but we concentrated like Cooper Crab and had a go like Tommy Turtle. Here is the game if you would like to have a go at home. Click here

We have continued this week to learn our letter sounds. We have learnt to recognise a, s, m, t and d. We are working really hard to write these letters too. Please look on Purple Mash for some phonic activities to do at home. Everyone should have received their log in details in a brown envelope a few weeks ago. Please do let us know if you need a reminder.

Please do read Emma’s blog too, as we both take lots of photos and do activities with all the children, not just our key group.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week


Emma’s blog

Hello everyone. We have had a wonderful week of learning and with the weather being not so great we still continue to have lots of fun.

As Remembrance Day is this Sunday, the children have been learning about why we wear poppy's. We have watched a beautiful animated film about how some small animals experienced the effects of the fighting during World War One on the battle field. We then made our own poppy's using rose petals. We went to visit the Chapel and the children were very excited to see the school children's poppy's cascading from the top of the Chapel down to the ground. When we were in Chapel, we said a prayer about Remembrance Day and sang some hymns. 

We continue our thread, learning about colour. We had some fun mixing different coloured paints with shaving foam on the table. At first, the children used one finger to make a new colour and by the end of the activity they were mixing with both hands, making different marks all over the table. We made a beautiful peach colour using all the colours we had started with. Some of the children practised their mark making by writing the sounds we have learnt or numbers, some made firework marks. The children (and grown ups) had so much fun getting messy. 

We have also been strengthening our hands by squeezing and squashing clay and by screwing and unscrewing nuts and bolts. This will help the children's fine motor muscles develop and help their pencil grip and in turn their mark making skills. The children especially enjoyed playing with the clay and making some funny people and animals. 

Please see the below link to a fine motor dance and freeze game. Enjoy building your muscles in your hands! Click here.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and let's all keep our fingers crossed for a little sunshine. 


Watch Geraldine the giraffe find out about m,a,s,d,t!

m - click here

a - click here

s - click here

d - click here

t - click here

We have also been identifying these sounds using the Alphablocks song. Click here to see if you can spot them at home! Click here.

Don’t forget to use your sound mat to help you practise writing these sounds at home…good luck!

The Our Lady Christmas Bake Off!

Click on the button and get involved! It is going to be so much fun!!!!

Travelling Nativity

Our Travelling Nativity has started it journey visiting your homes. It is yours to keep for one sleep and then you must return it to nursery. Please make sure that it is complete ready for another friend to enjoy.

You will find instructions and a camera in the sack so that you can share photos of you enjoying the birth of Christ at home. We will download them each day on the return of the sack.


This year the Foundation Stage Nativity is as follows.

Dress rehearsal for the whole school 5th December. If you would like your child to be on the DVD you MUST attend this performance.

Parents performances will be on the 6th and 7th December. These are a ticket only events, with an allocation of 4 tickets per family over the two performances. Letters to purchase your tickets have gone out this week…check your child’s bag.

All children should be in nursery no later than 8.45 am on each performance day. If it is not your childs usual session could you please collect them promptly at the end of the play (at the nursery gate).

If your child requires a costume for their part in the play you will have received an email from the office this week, otherwise you can assume that there is an outfit available here.

We will need all additional costumes in as soon as possible please. If you are struggling to find any item just drop me an email.

If I can just mention two small things; after many decades of Nativity experience I find that sometimes three performances are a big ask for nursery children. It may be an idea to attend the dress rehearsal and one other performance (if possible, I understand that it will not be possible for all our children). Also another top tip, it is wise to sit where you can see your child but they cannot see you, as this often unsettle them and then they will not take part.

Finally, have the most splendid weekend and I will see you all on Monday.

God Bless


This week...

I hope that everyone has had a lovely half term break and has managed to get some family time. Thank you to those who have sent in photos of their adventures.

What a soggy week! It’s been so wet nobody has wanted to play in the garden, we had to wait for little glimmers of sunshine and then race outside!!

We have devoted this week to firework safety and colour. The children have made the most wonderful splatter pictures using paint and also using a computer programme.

We watched a short video which told us about Guy Fawkes making a bad choice and Bonfire Night Celebrations Click here to watch.

Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone. Welcome back. I hope you all had a wonderful half-term 

After our rest we have got straight back to growing our brains and this is what we have been up to. 

We have been learning about why we celebrate bonfire night and have talked about being safe when going to see a bonfire. To link in with our leaning, the children have had so much fun creating their own firework pictures by using watered down paint colours and flicking their paint brush onto paper whilst making the sounds of fireworks. There has been a lot of sparkles thrown in there too. The children have been busy making some fabulous sound's and art work.

We have also linked this in with looking at the 3 primary colours; red, yellow and blue, and talking about how the colours make new colours by mixing them together.  

You could make your own colour wheel spinner at home and watch how all the colours mix together when you spin yours. Its so much fun to make and watch.  

Here is a link to have a go at home:

This week we have started a new sound 't,d s'. As the children practice writing this sound, we say, 'slither down the snake'.

We have also moved on to learn a new number, 3. As the children learn to write 3, we say, 'make a curve just like me, then one more and you've got 3'. This really helps the children to understand how to form the numbers and letters.

As the cold weather is here, it's that time of year for coats, hats, gloves and scarfs. If you could please ensure you put their names inside their items as this will help the children to recognise their name and help to build their independence (as well as helping us of course!) this would be really helpful, thank you.

Enjoy and stay safe if you are attending any bonfires this weekend and see you all on Monday. 


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome back after our half term break. 

Our learning continues this week as we have been exploring colour. We  learnt that there are 3 primary colours as we watched this video 

We have been very artistic as we have painted our firework pictures using florescent paint. We also made firework pictures on the interactive white board, trying to fill all the space with colour. We then learnt how to stay safe around fireworks, bonfires and sparklers. Remember sparklers are not recommended for young children.

We have worked really hard this week learning to write the number 3. We used the interactive white board as well as really long lengths of paper on the floor. If you are practising at home remember it's " make a curve just like me, then another one makes a 3". We have also explored how 2 plus another 1 makes 3 and have used our fingers to show this.

In PE we have continued to practise our hopping and our jumping as we had to collect different colour cones. We also wowed Mr Nay with our ball control as we rolled them along the floor to hit the cones. He could tell we have been practising.

We have also been practising our independence skills by putting our coats on and trying to do the zip up. Any practise that you can do at home getting dressed independently will benefit your child immensely.

Finally, we have met 2 new letter sounds this week 's' ‘d’ and 't'. As well as learning the sounds we are also learning how to write them. We are remembering to use our 'duck fingers' when writing.

Have a safe bonfire weekend and we will see you next week



On Wednesday we celebrated All Saints Day. First of all we had to find out what a Saint was. Click here to find out.

We all decided that it would be a good idea to try to be a Saint for the Day. It’s really tricky, we really wanted to be more like Jesus. We are going to try every day.

Travelling Nativity

Starting next Thursday each child will be coming home with a Travelling Nativity sack. It contains Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus along with a book about the birth of Christ. We want every child to have the opportunity to take this special sack home so your child will only be able to have it for one night. It is important to return the sack the following day to ensure nobody misses their turn. Thank you as always for being so understanding.

If you visit the school blog on the main page Mrs. Gregan will tell you more.

Read Write Inc.

If your child is learning to read at school with Read Write Inc. Phonics, they will be at one of the following stages: We are following Stage 1

Learning Set 1 Speed Sounds

These are the Set 1 Speed Sounds written with one letter:

m  a  s  d  t  i  n  p  g  o  c  k  u  b  f  e  l  h  r  j  v  y  w  z  x

These are the sounds written with two letters (your child will call these ‘special friends’):

sh  th  ch  qu  ng  nk  ck

Check if your child can read these sounds. Make sure they say sounds like ‘mmm’, not letter names like ‘em’. Watch the Sound Pronunciation Guide video to help you. Click here

If your child is learning Set 1 Speed Sounds, help them to:

  • Complete the Speed Sounds practice sheets for the Speed Sounds they have learnt.

  • Scroll down to the bottom of this page until you reach the Speed Sounds practice sheets Click here. This is a wonderful webpage but remember we are only learning at Stage one.

    This week we have been learning these sounds only m,s,t,a,d. If you could focus on these sounds that would be a great start. Remember ‘duck fingers’!!!

    I am sending home a Read Write Inc word mat and a Speed sound chart so that you will be able to follow our sequence of learning at nursery.

Maths Mastery

This week we met Number Three!

We have:

  • found out that 3 is one more than 2

  • been counting to 3

  • comparing numbers 1,2,and three -’bigger’ and ‘smaller’

  • ordering numbers 1 to 3

  • found out that 3 is made of 2 and 1

Three arrives with a bang and a song and dance about her favourite number:1,2,3, Everybody Look at Me. Click here to watch.

We have also been writing number three. Here’s the rhyme, try and have a go at home.

3 Make a curve just like me, then one more and you’ve got three!! Good luck

Christmas Nativity

This year the Foundation Stage Nativity is as follows.

Dress rehearsal for the whole school 5th December

Parents performances will be on the 6th and 7th December. These are a ticket only events with an allocation of 4 tickets per family over the two performances.

As I receive more details I will let you know….keep watching the blog!

Remembrance Day Poppies

Sticker poppies are now on sale in nursery. Please send your donation in if you wish to help the Royal British Legion Charity.

Lastly, I am hopeful for a brighter weekend but as yet it is not looking too promising. Try and have a lovely weekend whatever the weather. If you are having fireworks at home or attending an organised event please keep safe.

God Bless


School Photographs

On Monday 30th October, a photographer will be in school taking the annual photographs of the children. Those nursery children who are in on a Monday will be included in these during the school day.

If your child is not in nursery on a Monday, but you would still like them to have a photograph taken, please bring them into the school hall between 8.30am and 8.45am. The children will be able to have their individual photos.

This week...

It’s hard to believe that we are already approaching half term! Nursery will close for the holidays next Wednesday (18th) and reopen on Monday 30th October. This will give everyone time to recharge their batteries in readiness for a very busy run up to Christmas.

We are all so pleased with how all the children have settled into nursery life. They are making lots of new friendships and are growing their brains!

This week we have been learning about our skeletons and the major organs of the body. They children were amazed to discover that they had a skeleton hiding inside their bodies!

Throughout the week we watched a few short videos to help us understand what our skeleton and organs do.

Click here to watch What does your skeleton do?

Click here to watch Parts of the humans body

Click here to watch Major organs of the human body

Click here to watch Skeletons

We loved reading the Funny Bones stories which was great fun! Click here to listen to Funny Bones at home and here for Funny Bones: The Pet Shop

We also explored the skeletons of the human body and animals using x ray pictures. Haven’t we been busy. We will continue finding out about our bodies after the holiday. I can’t wait!

Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone 

What a fantastic brain growing week we have had.

We have found out that we all have a skeleton and that we have 206 bones in our body and if we didn't have our bones, we would all be jelly (not the sweet kind of course!). We danced to a song called 'The Skeleton Song' and worked out, using a large skeleton jigsaw, how our bones all connect together to make our body parts. Barbara and the children thought it would be really fun to attach the skeleton to me to show the children where the bones would be on my body. Everybody thought it was funny. 

Here is the song we have been singing: Click here

Keeping to our leaning thread about our body, we also looked into washing our hands and why its so important to keep the germs away. We watched and sang a song about washing you hands and talked about when and how we should do it.

We then became scientists and we did a little experiment using water, pepper and soap.

I pretended to cough and sneeze in to the water and then threw in some pepper to represent germs, so the children could imagine where the germs would go. Using the soap on my fingers in the water, the pepper (germs) moved away to the edge of the water which the children were shocked to see that the soap could do this. We had such good fun! 

Here is the washing hands song. Enjoy! Click here

Continuing from last week our Harvest learning thread and working our fine motor skills, the children have been using real hammers, hammering golf tees into a pumpkin. The children and myself risk assessed the use of hammers and wore safety glasses to help protect our eyes. They had fantastic control and grip when using the hammers. We then used the other end of the hammer, called the claw, to pull out the golf tees. We had made lots of holes in our pumpkin! The children wanted to see the seeds inside and we are planning to grow our own pumpkins next year, so watch this space. 

Lastly, a big thank you for bringing in your Autumn finds. We have really enjoyed seeing what you have all been collecting.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

See you all on Monday for our last 3 days before half term.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone,

We have had another busy week of learning. This week we met Number Two and have been exploring how one plus another one is two. Our number writing is now coming along as we have been practising on the white board, The Number Two writing rhyme is ‘one curve down is what to do, then straight across to make a two’.

You may have noticed that your child is starting to write lots of numbers, this has certainly been a favourite activity this week. The other rhymes to help with writing are ‘round in a loop like an empty hoop’ for zero and ‘one line down like a stick makes a one, that was quick’. You may want to help your child to practice at home.

As well as meeting Number two we also met the first of our letter sounds. We have been learning to recognize and say the letter sound 'm'. Of course, we had to have a go at writing it on the interactive white board. When we explored our 'm' sound bag we found an imposter in there. We had to work out which object didn't begin with the same letter sound 'm' as all the rest. Then we all got the giggles as we explored what our names would be if they began with 'm'. Give it a try at home, good luck!

We have been learning about our skeletons and how they help us to move and protect our internal organs. We used the skeleton model to draw out own chalk pictures. Did you know we have 206 bones in our body? 

We also enjoyed our PE lessons this week, practising out throwing and dancing to Sticky Kids.

Our gardening club has kept us busy, sweeping the leaves and putting them in the compost bin. 

Our independence skills continue to develop as this week we have practiced putting our shoes and socks on. Some of us still need a little help with this so it would be very helpful if you could practice this at home too.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you next week.


Meet Number Two

Click here to meet Number Two

Purple Mash

Remember to check if there are any activities waiting for you to do! I have pinned some topics to explore and your child’s key person will have set some learning for over the half term holiday. We hope you enjoy them.


This week we discussed similarities and differences, helping children consider what likes and dislikes they have in common. The children also participated in a story in which Mollie the Cat feels bad because she doesn’t like catching mice, but comes to a place of self-acceptance with the help of her friends. Click on the button to read the slides at home


On Thursday the children celebrated Harvest with Reception. We said ‘thank you’ for our wonderful earth and that we can grow foods to eat. If you check the school blog on the main page I’m sure Mrs. Gregan will be posting some pictures.

A big thank you to everyone for the tins of bean that you kindly sent in. We counted them and we had a whopping 47 tins!

If you want to find our more about Harvest, click here to watch ‘Harvest down on the Farm’ and here to learn about Harvesting machines.

The Crocodile Snap.

Why not have a go at the Crocodile snap to help with pencil hold! Click here

Lastly, this will be the last blog for the half term, please do have a rest and enjoy spending time with your loved ones.

Keep safe and look after each other.

God Bless


This week...

This week we have continued our exploration of ‘Harvest’. We talked about what Harvest means and all the foods that need harvesting to make sure that we have food for the winter months.

We also found out about wheat and made some bread, with the help of Pip. It was sooooo yummy! Click on the button below to find out more.

If you click here you can go down on the farm with Cbeebies, or click here to find out about bread With Auntie Mabel.

Bread making

Michelle’s blog

We have had another busy week of learning this week. We started the week by learning about harvest. We learnt where we get wheat from and how the wheat is made into flour. We then donned our aprons, rolled up our sleeves and made out own bread. It was delicious- we ate it at snack time and we liked it so much we did it again on Wednesday. We have been dancing all week to the harvest samba "cabbages and greens, broccoli and beans" Thank you to everyone who has sent in a donation of a tin of beans for the food bank. 

Here is a video of JoJo and Gran Gran finding out about harvest festival. Click here.

Our explorations of number continued as we met another one. One and another one makes two.

We have been practising hard writing the numerals 0 and 1.  Why don't you go on a number hunt? See if you can find number 1 in your house or out and about. You can always email your photos to us here at nursery.

We have been very enthusiastic at sharing traditional stories this week, using puppets to retell the stories and using the iPad to scan a QR code to listen to our favourite stories.

Stay safe from the big bad wolf and we will see you next week.


Emma’s blog

We have had a very busy week.

To start, we have been continuing to look after our bodies by doing lots of exercise activities, such as building an assault course to help us move our bodies. We climbed up and down differing levels of the crates and balanced along planks of wood. We have been practicing our aim by throwing balls through a hoop. The children loved doing this so much that I put up a hoop in between the trees as a permanent resource. This now means they are not having to use me as their hoop stand!

The children have been playing running games like 'Trolly trolly can we cross your river' and 'What Time is it Mr. Wolf'. In Mr. Nay’s outdoor PE lesson we practised running, hopping, jumping and throwing a ball high into the air. We have even played a game called 'hop and stop' which we all loved.

During our indoor PE lesson in the hall we has to listen and follow instructions. We had to walk (heel first), walk on our tip toes, walk backwards (toe first) and gallop. We had to remember where our special standing spot was when we moved away from It. We have definitely been working our bodies.

We have continued to look at healthy and non healthy foods, the children enjoy discussing all the healthy snacks that we eat.

Thank you for bringing in the cans of beans that we are collecting for the Harvest Festival. We have been very excited learning ‘The Harvest Samba’ song, which was on last weeks blog. We have even been doing the conga around the room!.

Inspired by our bread making we thought we would make our own playdough. We all got stuck in (literally ‘stuck in’ all the flour and water!!). The children enjoyed getting messy by mixing the mixture with their hands. We used a whole bag of flour and it made a lot of playdough; enough for the children to all have a go at dough disco. This activity really helps to strengthen the children's fine motor muscles, which helps to develop strong pencil grip, which in turn will help with writing skills. Here is the dough disco video to try at home. Have fun! Click here

To keep to our Harvest learning thread, we printed with fruit and vegetables. The children enjoyed pressing the vegetables and fruit into the paint to see what shapes they made. They talked about how an apple made a heart shape and if you roll baby sweetcorn on the paper it made lots of dots.

We have had so much fun this week, I think we need a rest now so we can be ready for a new and exciting week at nursery next week.

Have a lovely weekend everyone



The aim of this session is for us to look after our God-given bodies. The children had to help Freddy Teddy to make good, healthy lifestyle decisions, including about exercise, diet, sleep and personal hygiene. Click on the button to access the story.

Purple Mash

You should all have received your login details and instructions to access Purple Mash. If you haven’t received them drop me an email or catch me at the gate. Keep a look out your child’s key person will be posting activities to do at home! Enjoy!

A big thank you to everyone that has brought in tins of beans. Don’t worry if you haven’t managed it yet we still have another week.

Lastly, if you check Emma’s post I have dropped in some useful information about ‘movement’ and ‘early mark making’. Try and take a look if you have time.

I am praying for fine weather this weekend, fingers crossed.

God Bless


This week....

Another busy week at nursery. We have embraced to changing weather and conditions by exploring Autumn. We have looked the trees and noticed their losing their leaves and also that the leaves are now different colours. We even went on a discovery Autumn scavenger hunt in the environmental garden in school. We found all sorts of interesting things.


We have been practising our pencil hold by writing Number one, here’s the rhyme

1- One line down like a stick makes a 1, that was quick!

If you fancy why not have a go at writing 0! That’s a challenge!

0 - Round in a loop, like an empty hoop

Next week we will be moving on to Number 2. One discovers it’s tricky to play tennis when you are the only block in the world. She bumps into Another One - and they join forces to make Two. Why not get ahead of the game and meet ‘Another One’ Click here.

Good luck everyone!


Our Harvest celebration will be on Thursday 12th September. We have been invited to join with Foundation and KS1 class worship. This year we are asking for donations of tinned beans as nursery’s contribution to this years chosen charity; Fylde Foodbank. Fylde Foodbank is a charity which fulfils the aim of providing food to people and families in crisis. Please give them your support.

As in previous years nursery will be doing the Harvest Samba song and dance (along with other class choices). Click here to have a go at home!

There will be a box outside nursery from next week to collect your donations. As always thank you.


Some of our families have mentioned that they are struggling to find the school admission form on the website. It is located on the main school page. If you scroll down you will find a selection of buttons including the Admissions button.

If you click on the button below I have put the correct form to complete. I would advise that you still visit the school website as there will be additional information for you.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone, 

What a wonderful fun packed week we have had.

On Fridays we take a little walk across the playground and school field to the Chapel. We take our feelings jars and our reflection candle to help us say a prayer and talk about who we would like to pray for. We try to learn a new song about God or Jesus each week! The children really enjoy their visits to the Chapel.

As the season is changing, it’s that time of year for putting away our summer clothes and bringing out our thick coats, hats, scarfs and gloves.  It would be really helpful if you could have your child's name on the items which are likely to be removed (and lost) but also it helps the children to recognise their name. Thank you. 

We have also been practicing putting on our own coats, by laying the open coat flat on the floor with the hood facing their feet, the children put their hands in the arms of the coat then they flip it over their heads. It's a bit tricky but we are practicing and improving. Doing this will help the children become even more independent. Shoes next!!.

Something exciting has happened in nursery.  We have an Autumn table full of all colours with leaves, conkers, acorns and also there may be a squirrel and a hedgehog (not real) hiding in there too. We have been making some Autumn pictures for our wall display using Autumn coloured paints and different autumn coloured collage bits and bobs to decoration. If you are out and about on a walk or in the park this weekend, see if you see any different coloured Autumn leaves and bring them in to add to our table. I've also printed out an autumn hunt checklist for when you are out and about. It would be lovely to see what you have found in your area.

The children have been having so much fun learning some new songs by Spud and Yam. Their songs are packed with lively Celtic and Caribbean rhythms, rhythm and songs. The children’s favourite song is all about the Bogey Man! But if your child sings it to you, you might be scared BOO!

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.  


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone

We have had another fantastic week of brain growing.

We have had lots of fun with Mr. Nay during our PE which we managed to do outside. This week we had to listen carefully to his instructions as we moved around the playground in different ways.

We have also continued to explore Numberblock number one, learning to recognise him and when he is hidden amongst numerals. We have also been learning how to use the interactive white board to work out our number problems.

We have also been learning more about our bodies and what keeps us healthy, sorting food into healthy and unhealthy categories. It was ne of our friend’s birthdays this week ad we helped them to celebrate by sharing chocolate cake which was ok because we have lots of healthy fruit and milk, so a little treat is ok.

As the weather turns a little cooler we have been discovering all about Autumn as we went for an Autumn Hunt. We found lots of clues that tell us Autumn is now here. An Autumn Hunt is a fun activity to do this weekend if we get a nice day. You can always send in any finds for our Autumn Investigation table.

We have been trying really hard to put our coats on by ourselves and have been using this fantastic trick. Click here

Being independent and doing things for ourselves gives us a confidence boost and helps us to learn more. If we think we can then we can!

Have a lovely weekend everyone,



In this weeks session we explored the movements our bodies can make by taking part in a story where Freddy Teddy and Mollie the Cat take a morning walk. It helped us to realise how wonderful our unique, God-given bodies are.

Click on the button to read the story at home.


This week we had the BIG story telling puppets out to help us retell the story of the Three Little Pigs…what fun we had. There were some really scary wolves! Click here to listen to the story of the Three Little Pigs at home. Perhaps you could act it out at home!

Lastly, I hope you all manage to get five minutes rest and quiet this weekend to recharge your batteries for what will inevitably be another busy week next week. Stay safe.

God Bless


This week....

A bit of a wet one this week. The children have been less keen to go in the garden. Towards the end of the week when the sunshine popped his head out we quickly found that the garden was a bit muddy and full of leaves and twigs that had been blown off the trees! A big clear up team was needed!

Dan Worsley: Author visit

On Wednesday, Dan Worsley came to school. Dan is a local author and ex-primary school teacher who is passionate about developing a love of books and story telling. Mrs. Gregan invited some of our children to join Dan as he told magical stories. We loved it!


Me, My Body, My Health

The children met the story book characters of Freddy Teddy, Mollie the Cat and Billy Bird who will reappear throughout this scheme of work. They will learn about their uniqueness in real terms, including celebrating differences and individual gifts, talents and abilities. They will learn about looking after and using their God-given bodies and develop their vocabulary around this topic.

Click on the button to read the story

We also continued looking at God’s Wonderful Earth by watching a short video about the story of ‘Creation’. Click here to watch.

Meet One- counting to one

A little block falls out of the sky, meets her numberling and discovers one wonderful world, singing and counting to one. Click here to watch at home.

The children have been spotting ‘one’ everywhere! Click here to meet one and perhaps you could count ‘ones’ at home; one pan, one chair, one carrot…you get the picture…enjoy.

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone

We have continued with learning about the Creation and this week have concentrated on "one world, one me" exploring similarities and differences. We learnt that although we are all people, we are all unique, with our own skills and talents. Even though people can have the same name, nobody is the same. 

We are absolutely loving our PE sessions with Mr. Nay and this week we also had a session of Cherry Tots, where we explore our emotions through music and dance. This week we met Sad and Glad cherries and had lots of fun pretending to be sad and glad.

One of our independent skills we have been practising this week is putting our shoes and socks on after PE. This is a good skill to have so any practise the children can get at home will help your child enormously when they go to school.

Some of the children were chosen to represent nursery at a storytelling workshop by a local author. This was lots of fun and we were so proud of how well the children sat and listened during this event.

This week we have also met Number block number one and have been exploring the oneness of one. We will be meeting the rest of his friends over the coming weeks. 

As part of our healthy eating project we made (and ate) fruit kebabs. They were delicious!

As you can see we have been so busy this week, I'm sure I've forgotten lots of other things.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you all next week.


Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone I hope you are all well.

All the rain and wind has not stopped us from having so much fun this week at nursery.

The children have been working on moving their bodies in Mr. Nay's PE class on a Monday morning. Mr. Nay has been very impressed with how our children can follow his instructions by showing him how good they listen. We played a game where the children were split in to 3 teams and they took it in turns to run to the middle of the room to get a bean big and then take it back to their team. At the end, we all counted how many bean bags each team had collected. The children thought this was brilliant. We also played a moving game where Mr. Nay would shout out a movement such as hopping, running, backwards, jumping etc. The children had to listen and follow the instruction but he was quick at changing the movement. The children are having so much fun in Mr Nay's PE classes. 

This week we have started to look at the number 1. We have been busy with different activities such as playing find the number one on the tuff tray. There were different numbers in the tray and the children had to pick out the number 1 by covering it with a gem. The children found this to be working there brains. I'll be sending this activity to take home and you could try using an object to cover the number 1 and when you find number 1 colour it in. We also have been looking at the number blocks on the screen and meeting number 1 which children recognise. We also have been writing the number 1 on the TouchTV. The children all did really well with controlling the big pen for the screen (duck fingers). There were lots of different coloured number ones; we had a rainbow of ones! 

Here is a number counting game for you to play at home. If you start from 1 to 5 and if children would like it a bit trickier, go higher with your counting. Have fun and good luck. Click here

The children have been busy painting their own colour monster out of kitchen roll. The children chose the colour which showed how they were feeling; red for anger, blue for sad, green for calm, pink for loved, yellow for happy and black for scared. When the children had finished, they glued on some googly eyes to make them look more like monsters. The children had lots of fun and enjoyed tell us how they were feeling. They are now pinned up on our colour monster wall in nursery. The children are so proud of their monster.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend. See you all next week, take care.


…and a few extra form Justine.

This week we met Sadie Spider...

Nestled in the rolling hills of Cape Ability, lies Weaver’s Cottage.  This is where Sadie Spider lives, spending her days trying to catch those pesky little flies for her lunch, but it isn’t easy!  

Through her story, Sadie showed us how to keep going when things got difficult. She helps us to change our mindset and have a more resilient attitude towards challenges in life.

Sadie showed such resilience when she kept trying to make a successful web. She modeled true grit and has the mantra, ‘Try, try, try (to catch that fly)’ She expects to work hard and enjoy the process! We have all been trying to be more like Sadie Spider and not give up when things get tricky!

Lastly, this week we have been celebrating our uniqueness and the fact that we are all so different. Click here to read about Colin and Lee Carrot and Pea and find our how it’s good to be unique. Click here.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and enjoy being together.

God Bless


This week...

Wow, what a week!

The children are really enjoyng nursery and making new friends. We have had a fun week even though the weather hasn’t been too good.

We have visited the chapel and we each friend said a prayer for someone they love. we talked about how we were feeling and chose a pom pom to represent our emotions. I was glad to see we were mostly yellow, green and pink, phew!


Our worship this week introduced the children to the story of creation, where God created the earth, sea, stars, plants, animals and humans. The five-story sessions encouraged children to creatively explore this topic and help them to deeply know that they are created by God out of love and for love.

Click on the button below to talk about the slides at home.

Click here to read about God’s Wonderful Earth.

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have had another fantastic week at nursery and we can’t believe some of these children have only been with us a week. We have all been so impressed with how they have taken to all the nursery routines- it’s like they have always been here!

Thank you to everyone who read last week’s blog and has sent in their child’s snack in their book bag, it makes it so much easier for the children if they can get their own snack out of their trays. Independence is a big part of what we do at nursery, as we prepare all the children for their next journey, which will be starting school. We impressed Mr Nay, the sports teacher for the school at our first PE lesson this week. He said our listening skills were amazing. Thank you, Mr Nay, we thought our PE lesson was amazing too, and we can’t wait to do PE every week. We are going to be just like athletes by the time sports day comes around.

As well as PE, we have also had lots of practice balancing in the garden as we built our own obstacle courses. We turned ours into a pirate ship and used the telescope to look for pirates. We do have good imaginations. It has been so much fun this week getting to know all our new friends and playing games together. Here are some ideas for imaginative play outside while the weather is still nice Click here.

Our busy week continued as we explored our topic of All About Me by painting our self-portraits. They are so good we are going to have to display them in our very own art gallery. We looked really closely at our features in a mirror so we could make sure we used the right colours for our hair and our eyes. We learnt about differences and similarities and this theme continued into worship this week as we learnt about the Creation and how God created everything, including us.

We learnt we are all people but we are all different. I don’t know how we found the time but we also visited the castle on the school field, for a play and decided to make our own box of props to take with us next time, lots of knight costumes, some princess ones and even a dragon. After we had been to the castle we also visited chapel, where we prayed for all our loved ones and sang a song about how God is big and mighty.

Take care everyone and have a lovely weekend


Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have had a fun packed week with lots of giggles and working our brains hard.

We have been getting to know each other by looking in the mirror and talking about what we see, eye colour skin, hair and we have been painting pictures of ourselves to go onto the nursery wall.

We continue to make our faces using paper plates, coloured buttons for eyes and wool for hair. The children drew their nose and mouth, then we talked about how they feel by discussing the expressions shown from the mouth. The children wanted to take them home so maybe try to make your own faces at home using paper plates and different household objects and talking about your feelings based on the facial expressions.

In nursery, we all like to be healthy and we have been looking and talking about healthy and unhealthy foods. We play a game with the children where there are different foods in a shopping basket and the children had to think about the foods and pick foods as to whether or not they are healthy using a thumb up for healthy and thumb down for unhealthy. It really made the children think about whether sweet foods were healthy or just for treats. I have added a link to a game below for you to play which is all about healthy foods. Click here

We have been on an adventure to the castle in the school field. The children have been really excited to see it and we had lots of fun playing in it and climbing. We decided to make a flag for the castle and get dressed up so we could play the roles of knights, princesses, witches, dragons and we even had a parrot! We talked about what we would put on our flag and the children came up with a dragon, star and moon and we called it St Patrick’s Castle which is after the name of the road the nursery and castle face onto. The photos of our castle adventure are in the blog, the children had a fanatic time.

We had an adventure out of nursery with some of the children, taking them to the library for story time with myself and Barbara. We walked all of the way there and when we got there we sat and looked at the books whilst we waited for story time. The lady at the library read three books about different animals. The children sat really nicely and enjoyed listening. When we finished, the lady gave the children a picture of a parrot so when we got back to nursery we coloured and glued coloured feathers to our parrot pictures. The children loved doing this.

We have had a fantastic second week. I wonder what fun next week will bring.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


…and just a few from Justine!

Our Visit to the Castle

Such a fabulous week at nursery. Next week watch out for your child’s Purple Mash codes coming home. You will be able to access the virtual classroom and home learning that your child’s key person will post. It’s great fun!

Health and Safety notice

Could I please ask that if your child is bringing grapes, cherry tomatoes or large blueberries for snack or lunch, could you please cut them into quarters accordingly e.g. grapes need cutting into quarters. They foods can pose a choking hazard to young children

Family photos

We have started My Family wall but we are still some family photos missing. It would be great if you send in a photograph of your family for our wall. The children love to talk about everyone who lives in their house. Thank you.

Don’t forget it is the parent drop in on Tuesday 3.45-4.45 pm. We are looking forward to a catch up. Please note this is a catch up for you, could you if possible find alternative care for your child.

Lastly, I’m not sure what the weather will do this weekend but I’m sure you will find lots to do. Keep safe and I will see you all on Monday.

God Bless
