Year 3 Thursday 30th April home photos

What interesting things have your friends been up to that you could try? Here are the photos we have been sent today, thank you for sending them to us. I have put them on in a different way so we can hopefully see the work completed a little more closely, to move the photos on to the next one click on the right hand photo.

Year 3 Wednesday 29th April Photos from your Learning from Home

Good morning everyone. We hope that you will enjoy your learning from home today, Here are the photos that you have sent to us. We love seeing them and hope that you do too.

Have a good day!

Year 3 Tuesday 28th April Photos from your Learning from Home

Good morning Year 3. We hope that you are all staying fit and healthy and enjoying your learning from home. Here are the photos from today’s learning from home. Keep sending in the photos we are really enjoying them.

Have a great day!

Year 3 Monday 27th April home learning photos

What a lovely start to the morning to log on to Acceleread to see that another two children have met their reading targets over the weekend. Well done to Mason and Olivia, great work you two! Will anyone else be able to reach that golden 100% today? Here are the photos we have been sent today, keep them coming please.

Year 3 Friday 24th April home learning photos

Well the end of another week of all this amazing home learning that you are completing, we are very proud of you. Thank you for keeping in touch with us, it really is so important for all of us to maintain that sense of togetherness as a class. We love looking back at photos from this time to see how each of you are getting on, if you haven’t for a while go back a few pages to see how your friends are doing. Some of you look like you have grown, lost teeth and some different hairstyles too. Have a lovely weekend, God bless. The Year 3 team.

Year 3 Thursday 23rd April Photos from Learning at Home

Good morning Year 3 and a very happy St. George’s Day to you all. What do you know about St. George? Maybe if you have a little extra time today you could find out about him or draw a picture of him or an England flag.

Have a lovely day of learning and don’t forget to send us your photos - we love getting them and sharing them. Take care and stay safe.

Here are the photos for today’s learning…

Year 3 Wednesday 22nd April Photos from your Learning from Home

Thank you for your lovely photos we really do like seeing them. We are really proud of all the super work that everyone is doing and how you are helping at home and being kind to each other too. Keep up the good work, keep smiling and keep being helpful and kind.

Some people might not have been able to get on the internet this morning - don’t panic, we totally understand. Those children working in school couldn’t get on either. Please don’t worry but please make sure that you do today’s work (Maths and English) before you do tomorrow’s work - otherwise some of it won’t make any sense!!! Don’t worry if you don’t get through it all by Friday!

Here are the photos for today’s learning from home…

Lancashire School Games KS2 Virtual Competition - Challenge 1 Rugby

The Summer term is all about competition and this Summer is no different. Every year, the Lancashire Youth Games is hosted in Blackpool. For the past number of years we have had various teams complete. Last year, our Year 3 & 4 athletics team were there representing Wyre and Fylde. This year it is still going ahead…we can compete against other schools…virtually! Come on, let’s get Our Ladys involved!

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Year 3 Tuesday 21st April Photos from your Learning at Home

Thank you everyone for getting in contact with us. We are missing you all and we know that everyone likes to see the photos of what you are all getting up to. It’s good to know that you are helping around the house and doing little jobs too - Holiie-Rose has been making the beds, Jess has been making potato cakes (yummy). What have you been up to?

Here are the photos for today: - enjoy!!!

Year 3 Monday 20th April Learning from Home Photos

Hello Year 3

We hope that you have had a lovely weekend and you are ready for another week of learning from home.

Here are the photos that we have been sent for today. Please keep sending them in, we love to see them and hope that you do too.

Enjoy your learning. Take care and stay safe.

Year 3 Photos for Friday 17th April Learning from Home

Keep up the good work everyone, you are all doing a splendid job. Make sure that you remember to thank your mums and dads too. They are doing a fabulous job helping you with all of your work, sending the photos to us and writing lots of lovely emails explaining what you are doing. (Thank you parents this is really appreciated - it’s so important that we can keep that link with the children.) I can’t believe it’s the weekend again after today’s learning. Have fun together and remember to be kind and helpful.

Here are the photos sent to us for today…

Year 3 Thursday 16th April Photos from your home learning

Thanks for all of your lovely photos. We love to see them and we are sure that you do too.

Keep up the good work. Remember to make sure that you work neatly and carefully in all of your books. Don’t forget lots of reading too. Targets have been reset - can you reach yours? Let us know when you get there and we can celebrate and reset them. Happy reading!!!! (Let us know the best places to read too - a photo would be great!!)

Year 3 Photos for Wednesday 15th April

Thank you for sending us your lovely photos. We love seeing what you are getting up to.

Here are the photos that have been sent to us today.

Year 3 Photos for Tuesday 14th April

We hope that you all enjoyed a lovely Easter break (some chocolate too!) and you are now ready to start your learning from home again. Please send us your photos and we will pop them on our blog so that you can see what everyone is doing.

Take care and stay safe from all of the Year 3 team xx

Year 3 Friday 3rd April Photos from your Learning from Home

Thank you for all of your lovely photos. We love receiving them and hope that you all like looking at them too.

It’s great to see so much learning going on and to see how much care you are taking when completing all of your work. Remember to keep it neat and to make sure that your handwriting is carefully joined up. We will definitely be giving some pen points out when we get back to school!