What a special week it has been. The children were very proud of themselves for their class assembly - didn’t they do well. It was their first one in a very long time! We also were lucky enough to watch the Year 6 assembly about The Resurrection of Jesus on Thursday . In RE children have done some beautiful reflections about the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus and what it means to them.
In English this week, we have become poets as we wrote our own Limericks about characters from our novel. These were very funny and children soon got the knack of them. We have also invented our own Firework display becoming Firework Makers ourselves!
History has been a bit gruesome this week - as we discussed Anglo-Saxon forms of justice and children had to rate them for how well they would actually control crime!
In maths, we have learned about multiplying using a formal method - long multiplication. We are just coming to grips with this method but some of us need to learn our times tables more securely!
In Science, children enjoyed looking at the composition of soil and we carried out some investigations - which was the best draining soil and which was the best absorbing soil. We also did the ‘soil shake off’ to look at the different layers. Who would have thought soil was so interesting!
As a bit of a giggle, the children strut their stuff in their new Tie Dye t-shirts made in Art class - welcome to the Year 4 fashion show!
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, our certificate winners are:
The whole class! We have been so proud of you for so many reasons. We decided on a Tommy Turtle certificate for a class of Brave learners - I know you felt some nerves about the assembly but you ‘felt the fear and did it anyway.’ You are all children who ‘have a go’ and your confidence in everything has grown so much! I love teaching you and look forward to the Summer Term when we will GO FOR IT!
School trip Friday 22nd April - (first week back) to Tatton Park. Please come in Anglo-Saxon Viking costume. If your child is normally a school dinner on Friday you are entitled to a packed lunch, which Jackie will make for them to take- unless you let me know that you are preparing one. Please do this over the holidays so I have numbers for Jackie when we return on Tuesday.
CHILDREN NEED TO BE AT SCHOOL ON FRIDAY 22ND APRIL at 8:30am. Please pick them up at 3:45pm.
SWIMMING IS NOW FINISHED until Friday 10th June after the Spring bank 2 week holiday; f
3. Food Technology starting after half term. Children will be cooking/baking two different things. Please carefully read the list below (given also as a paper copy in bag) so you know which weeks they are cooking on - there are 2 different groups.
All that is left to say is - thank you for your continuing support over the last few weeks. The children are all doing so well.
Have a lovely Easter break everyone.
God bless,
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Woodrow.