Reception Home Learning - Friday 15th May

Everyday activities:

1. Phonics: Today I would like you to watch the set 1 and set 2 speed sounds, by clicking on the link:                                                

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm

2. Oxford Owl: Login to Oxford Owl and read your next book. Remember to discuss the story throughout, checking your child’s understanding. Please make a note of any sounds or tricky words that your child struggles with and focus on these throughout the next few days/until they know them.

3. PE: Keep going with this weeks Lancashire school games activities (Week 2).

Today’s specific activities:

1. English: Please have a look at the PDF below.

2. Sum Dog: Keep going with this week’s challenges!

3. Purple mash: If you haven’t yet completed this weeks challenge, today is your final chance..

Miss Bassett.

Year 4 Home learning Friday 15th May


Well - are you ready for the final chapter? Lets see what happens.. Who will triumph at the Firework competition? Will Lalchand have to be killed? Will Lila become a firework maker?

I have put the last chapter below. (I was tempted to read it to you so I could put on my silly Italian voice for Signor Scorchini but I changed my mind!)

I would like YOU to read this together with an adult - maybe take in turns to read. Read actively - picture the beautiful scenes on display. The names of the firework makers are very funny!

  1. Take an accelerated reader quiz on this book - click on the how to help your child link to get straight to our ‘Accelerated Reader Quizzes’ page.

2. You also have a book review to do some time over the next week - in Purple mash.

Maybe consider which book YOU would like to read next. How about reading some more Phillip Pullman? How could you begin to challenge yourself with your choices of books so that you are reading books with vivid language and marvellous characters like this?


Today we will be finding fractions of quantities/amounts. This will need a lot of focus, effort and practice. You can do it Year 4! Grow your brain.

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Friday 15th May

It’s Friday Year 2! Just one more day of learning and then you can enjoy the weekend with your families!


I understand that the phonics videos are now repeating themselves because all of the sounds have been taught. If you feel that revisiting these sounds is worthwhile for your child, please do keep accessing the videos using the link below:


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading and Epic Reading resources. Help can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section of my page if you need it.

Remember, you should be reading for at least half an hour each day. Also try to read both a range of fiction and non-fiction books.

It also isn’t too late to sign up for the Epic Reading resource. If you would like access to a huge range of books, some with quizzes, please send an email to This will enable me to send you an invite to create an account.


Day 5

Read together the opening extract from Horrid Henry Peeks at Peter’s Diary from Horrid Henry and the Football Fiend by clicking the front cover opposite.

Discuss why people choose to write a diary – i) to retell key events that have happened to them that day and ii) to make comments on these events or talk about their thoughts and feelings.

Re-read Perfect Peter’s diary entries on pp10-11 of the extract. Ask whether these are good diary entries or not. How could they be improved?

Imagine you are Perfect Peter. Your challenge is to rewrite the diary entry for one of the days. You could imagine that you are writing the entry after one of Henry’s troublesome antics that you’ve read about this week. Remember to i) retell the key events from the day and ii) make some comments, or write about your thoughts or feelings in response to what happened.

Check all sentences for spelling and punctuation together.


Verbs - Progressive Tense

Oxford Owl Spelling

Choose a spelling rule to work on today.


Click the link and access ‘Summer Term, Week 4’.

Complete ‘Friday’s maths challenge’. You might have to think a little deeper for this one - don’t give up!


Skip Counting


Which sections do you have left to complete? Have a look and see how many you can get through.

Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for more learning!

Have a wonderful weekend with your families!

Stay Safe and God Bless,

Miss Woodend

Year 3 Thursday 14th May photos from home learning

How is everyone today? We have loved seeing your photos this week, some of you look to have grown! See below the photos for some amazing Powerpoints and a video that have been created by your classmates.


Well done young man, you’re correct! ‘You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.’ is a quote from Dr Seuss.

Reception Home Learning - Thursday 14th May

Everyday activities:

1. Phonics: Today I would like you to watch the set 1 and set 2 speed sounds, by clicking on the link:                                                

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm

2. Oxford Owl: Login to Oxford Owl and read your next book. Remember to discuss the story throughout, checking your child’s understanding. Please make a note of any sounds or tricky words that your child struggles with and focus on these throughout the next few days/until they know them.

3. PE: Keep going with this weeks Lancashire school games activities (Week 2).

Today’s specific activities:

1. Maths: White Rose: Please access Summer 1 Week 3—Day 2  Watch the short video/ presentation and have a go at the activity.

2. Sum Dog: Keep going with this weeks challenge!

3. English: Please have a look at the PDF below.

Miss Bassett.

Year 2 Home Learning Challenges - Thursday 14th May

Good morning Year 2.

We’re nearing the end of the week. Who’s enjoying Horrid Henry and his antics? I know I am!

Keep up the brilliant work Year 2. Only two more days until the weekend!


I understand that the phonics videos are now repeating themselves because all of the sounds have been taught. If you feel that revisiting these sounds is worthwhile for your child, please do keep accessing the videos using the link below:


Continue reading and quizzing on books using the Accelerated Reading and Epic Reading resources. Help can be found in the ‘How to help your child’ section of my page if you need it.

Remember, you should be reading for at least half an hour each day. Also try to read both a range of fiction and non-fiction books.

It also isn’t too late to sign up for the Epic Reading resource. If you would like access to a huge range of books, some with quizzes, please send an email to This will enable me to send you an invite to create an account.


Day 4

Read together the opening extract from Horrid Henry Robs the Bank from the Tricky Tricks Collection by clicking the front cover opposite.

Discuss the game Gotcha that Horrid Henry and Moody Margaret are playing. Does Gotcha remind you of any board games you like to play? What are the similarities or differences? It sounds like Henry likes to cheat! Do any of your family members cheat when playing board games?!

Whilst we have been in lockdown and socially distancing, you may have been playing some board games with your family. Use the opportunity to dig out some old favourites and play again! Talk about your favourites and why. Do you have a board game that you think Henry would like to play?

Your challenge is to introduce Henry to a board game and write a review. You would need to include:
name of the game
number of players
a basic summary of how to play
why the game is one of your favourites and why you think Henry would like it
a star rating.


Good luck in today’s spelling competition!

Oxford Owl Spelling

Choose a spelling rule to work on today.


Click the link and access ‘Summer Term, Week 4’.

Watch the video - Lesson 4 - Bonds to 100 (tens and ones)


Good luck in today’s maths competition!


Which sections do you have left to complete? Have a look and see how many you can get through.

Don’t forget to check the weekly challenges for more learning!

Have fun playing those board games!

Miss Woodend

Reception Home Learning - Wednesday 13th May

Everyday activities:

1. Phonics: Today I would like you to watch the set 1 and set 2 speed sounds, by clicking on the link:                                                

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm

2. Oxford Owl: Login to Oxford Owl and read your next book. Remember to discuss the story throughout, checking your child’s understanding. Please make a note of any sounds or tricky words that your child struggles with and focus on these throughout the next few days/until they know them.

3. PE: Keep going with this weeks Lancashire school games activities (Week 2).

Today’s specific activities:

1. Art: Please go onto Mrs Curtis’ Art page to find out this week’s Art activity for Reception.

2. English: Please have a look at the PDF below.

3. Sum Dog: Today you have a new challenge which is all about finding more or less using numbers to 10. Enjoy!

4. Purple mash: This week I would like you to create your own spring chicken just like this weeks story character, Hattie Peck.

Miss Bassett.