Happy Half-Term Year One

I can hardly believe I am writing my final blog of this half term. The past six weeks have certainly been different and have challenged us all in different ways. I could not be prouder of the children; they have all thrown themselves into their learning and so much learning has happened.

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This week...

It’s hard to believe we have already reached half term, time has just flown by. The children have had a very busy half term and we are now in need of a rest, we have seen them start to flag towards the end of the week.

It has been extremely cold this week but we have not been put off from going outside. We have wrapped up warm and embraced the chill factor. Have a look at the photos to see our outside learning!

We also carried on with our shape learning by finding ice shapes!! I must say we found some odd looking shapes too!

We have continued learning about number five and have drawn and decorated some ‘high five’ pictures. Clare also made a math’s game, it was great fun! I think we will be able to move on after the holidays…I can’t wait! Here are our high five photos. Click here for a math’s counting game and see if you can get your gold star from Miss Grizzlesniff.

On Wednesday we had a building afternoon. We made a long long road for the cars and then built bridges and tunnels. It was a team effort, the road even went underneath the table, it was sooooo long!

Also on Wednesday we made our own percussion orchestra and Colette played the guitar. We sang and played all our favourite songs and learnt a new one called ‘We’re going to the zoo’. You can watch it here.

During our P.E. session the children have been finding their calm by doing yoga. Why don’t you try at home Click here to ‘squish the fish’!

On Friday we all listened to a poem called Tiger tiger burning bright. It wasn’t very long but it did have some new words for us to think about. Click here to listen.

Here are the photos of all the other learning we have been doing this week. It’s no wonder we are all tired!

Finally, if you have any free time over the half term holiday click here for interactive games to play. Oh, and there is always Purple Mash, keep an eye out for ‘to do’s’!

I hope you all have a lovely week and that the weather is kind to us all. Remember to keep yourselves safe and well and we will see you all on the 22nd.
