Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 12th September

Can you identify the subject and verbs in each sentence.

Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.

This week’s spelling are
impossible immature immortal imperfect impatient unkind unhappy unwind unusual unknown
Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 18th September.

Autumn 1 Extra-Curricular Opportunities

Welcome back to school. We have put together menu of opportunities for the children to get involved in beyond the school day. Sport is the first things that always starts as fixtures against other clubs takes place. Choir and art will take place during Autumn 2. I have written a short blurb on each club so you can decide whether you would like your child to take part or not. Please complete the form for each club.

Read more

Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 5th September

Science - Skeletons Reading Comprehension

In science this week we will be looking at the human skeleton. Please complete the reading comprehension activity in your homework books - this will give you a head start.

Maths IXL

Can you practise the roman numerals we have learned in class?

C.Names of numbers

9 Roman numerals I, V, X


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s will be updated this week.

This week’s spelling are

invisible disagree incomplete disapprove dislike dishonest incapable disappear independent incorrect

Welcome to Year 1

We hope you have enjoyed your summer holidays. We have been busy changing our classroom and we are excited to welcome you back on Monday. We are looking forward to starting our journey together in Year 1.

Important reminders:

  • Our PE days are Mondays and Fridays please come in PE kit on Monday 4th September as we will start our first PE session with Mr Nay.

  • Art is on Tuesday, I have your T-shirts from reception.

  • A reminder that all uniform should be clearly labelled, as well as your water bottle.

  • Our snack tray will be stocked each day with a choice of two fruits or vegetables, however you are most welcome to bring your own healthy snack for our morning breaktimes.

  • We kindly ask that you bring in sun cream (labelled) for your child to apply themselves.

    You are all invited to our Induction evening on Wednesday 13th September. This will start at 3:30 and finishing at 5:00. We would love for your child to show you around their new classroom, and for you to become more familiar with our school. You will also be able discover more about the exciting opportunities and topics that they will be learning during their time in Year 1. We will be in the classroom to answer any questions you may have! More information, such as important forms that will need completing will be available soon so please do keep checking the Year 1 page.

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at:

    Have a lovely weekend

    Miss Drummond, Mrs Carragher and Mrs Davis

Welcome to Year 5 2023!

A big hello from the Year 5 team. We hope you have had the most wonderful summer and we can’t wait to welcome you back into school on Monday.

What will I need to bring?

  • Your own pencil case including a pencil, biro pen, sharpener, rubber and glue stick. Please can children stick to using regular equipment to limit distractions in lessons.

  • Make sure your school uniforms and water bottles are labelled incase they go missing.

  • A healthy snack for break times.

PE days

  • Outdoor- Wednesday afternoon

  • Indoor- Thursday morning


Will be taught on Thursdays


Will be on Monday afternoons. The children’s clarinets are already in school but they will need to remember on the weekend to bring them in regularly ready for Mondays.


Will go out on Friday afternoons, the same time as the weekly blog, and will be due in the following Thursday.

You are all invited to our Induction evening on Wednesday 13th September. This will be much different to last year, starting at 3:30 and finishing at 5:00. We would love for your child to show you around their new classroom, and for you to become more familiar with our school. You will also be able discover more about the exciting opportunities and topics that they will be learning during their time in Year 5. We will be in the classroom to answer any questions you may have! More information, such as important forms that will need completing will be available soon so please do keep checking the Year 5 page.

We can’t wait to see you all on Monday, and we hope that you all have a wonderful weekend.

Your Year 5 team,

Mr Cornwell and Mrs Mather

Welcome to Year 2!

And just like that the summer is drawing to a close and it’s time to begin to get ready for a new school year!

We hope you have all had had a wonderful summer together, making memories and recharging those batteries ready for the adventure ahead. Your classroom is ready, and we can’t wait to welcome you back on Monday as we begin our journey together in Year 2!

What do I need to bring to school with me?

  • Your trays are already filled with your brand new pencil case and writing tools, so there is no need for you to bring any of your own stationary.

  • A reminder that all uniform should be clearly labelled, as well as your water bottle.

  • Our snack tray will be stocked each day with a choice of two fruits or vegetables, however you are most welcome to bring your own healthy snack for our morning breaktimes.

  • We kindly ask that you bring in sun cream (labelled) for your child to apply themselves.

PE Days

  • Outdoor - Tuesday afternoon

  • Indoor - Thursday morning


  • Art will be taught on a Wednesday afternoon. Don’t forget to bring your art shirts with you.


  • New homework will be set on a Tuesday, to be handed in the following Monday (starting 12th September).

  • Weekly blog’s will be published on a Friday.

You are always welcome to email us, should you have any concerns or questions:

You are all invited to our Induction evening on Wednesday 13th September. This will be much different to last year, starting at 3:30 and finishing at 5:00. We would love for your child to show you around their new classroom, and for you to become more familiar with our school. You will also be able discover more about the exciting opportunities and topics that they will be learning during their time in Year 2. We will be in the classroom to answer any questions you may have! More information, such as important forms that will need completing will be available soon so please do keep checking the Year 2 page.

We can’t wait to see you all on Monday, and we hope that you all have a wonderful weekend.

Your Year 2 team,

Mrs Hotchkiss, Miss Bassett, Mrs Maano and Mrs Johnson

Welcome to Year 6 2023!

We can’t wait to welcome you all back to school for a VERY exciting year, full of challenges, fun learning and service. The classroom is ready for you all to step in to and I know as soon as you come through the door, you are going to make such wonderful leaders of the school. This is your final year at Our Lady’s- let’s make it the best one yet, where we achieve everything we are capable of, love and celebrate one another and serve the school through inspiring all of our younger pupils. Don’t forget to send all of your House Captain Speeches in, your deadline is next Thursday- I have already had a few sent which are wonderful!

Next week we will be focusing on our leadership roles within school and how our two new virtues (curious and active) will be at the centre of these roles. We will be applying for the jobs we would like, looking at how WE can make a difference in our school and looking at some inspirational leaders of the past.

Don’t forget to come equipped with your own pencil cases, making sure you have all you need in there.

Indoor PE days will be on a Monday. On these days you need to make sure you wear tracksuits but also have a pair of shorts either under your trousers or in your bag to get changed in to.

We will not be starting Indoor PE the first week back.

Outdoor PE is on a Wednesday, our first one is on Wednesday 6th September.

Art in on a Friday- please remember to bring in your art tops to stop your uniform from getting paint on- we will keep this in our trays.

Homework- will go out on Friday afternoons, the same time as the weekly blog, and will be due in the following Thursday.

You are all invited to our Induction evening on Wednesday 13th September. This will be much different to last year, starting at 3:30 and finishing at 5:00. We would love for your child to show you around their new classroom, and for you to become more familiar with our school. You will also be able discover more about the exciting opportunities and topics that they will be learning during their time in Year 5. We will be in the classroom to answer any questions you may have! More information, such as important forms that will need completing will be available soon so please do keep checking the Year 5 page.

Important Notices:

Please make sure all coats and school uniform is labelled- let’s get off to a good start.

Don’t forget to keep those house captain speeches coming in!

We can’t wait to see you all on Monday and hear about your holidays!

We will welcome Marsden (Kenilworth Road entrance) and Harcourt (St Patrick’s Road entrance) at 8:45am and Bamber (Kenilworth Road entrance) and Plessington (St Patrick’s Road entrance) at 8:50am.
Enjoy your weekend,
Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker

Homework for the holidays

Use this summer to prepare and film your House Captain speeches …The children are to film a House Captain speech ready to show the younger children in the second week back in September. On one of our transition days we watched great examples of effective speeches all made by previous Year 6 children. We were very inspired! We recognised that the speech needs to be inspirational, directed at the younger children, unique to us and enjoyable to watch, but must give us/ show us the reasons why they should be voted to be the next leader of their house! So remember to share your qualities, talents and the reasons why you would make a great House Captain! Could all videos please be emailed to Mrs Harrison the first week back in Year 6.

Have a wonderful summer and see you in Year 6!

Have a wonderful summer!

I can not believe we have come to the end of the year! No truer word has been said in jest, when they say time flies when you’re having fun. We have watched the children grow so much this year, not only in size but in love and compassion too. As a staff we have been humble by the little acts of kindness shown to others. We are so proud of you all!

Year 6, it has been an absolute pleasure to share so many memories with you. You are now ready to continue your adventure and meet new people to make memories with. We will miss you all so very much.

Have a wonderful holiday

Good Bless

The Lunchtime Team

It's always hard to say goodbye....

Our final blog is always the hardest. We have cared for your children all year and it is now time for us to let them continue on their journey.

Most of our children will be moving on to Reception in September and I just know they will have the most wonderful adventures with Mrs Hartley and the Reception team. Others will be staying in nursery for another year. We too have lots planned and can’t wait to get going!!

On behalf of all the nursery ladies I would like to say a HUGE ‘thank you’ to you, our fabulous parents. You entrusted your children to us, to nurture and help them grow, and this has been a privilege and an honour.

This year has been an exceptional year and we will miss everyone enormously. I feel so proud of everyone’s achievements, especially that the children aspire to be more like Jesus each day.

Luckily for us we will get to see the children as they progress through the school and we will have a feeling of deep pleasure and satisfaction that we were there when it all began!

Party photos

The Wizard of Oz

Everyone enjoyed this years panto. It was soooo much fun!! There are photos on the school blog but here is one from us to you!

Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue and the dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true!

Lastly, I would like to say another heartfelt thank you for all your kind words and generosity they are very much appreciated. We couldn’t have done it without your belief in us and your continued support.

We hope that you all have a lovely summer holiday wherever or whatever you may be doing and remember you all will have a special place in our hearts.

Take care of each other, I am sure I will see you in September.

God Bless and stay safe

Barbara and the Nursery Team

"There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people"- Vincent Van Gogh

Just like that a whole year of school as come to an end…

What a busy term we all had.

During this term we have started our Food Tech and we had a blast of smells and flavours in our art room and around school.

I think it is safe to say that we all had fun and although sometimes a little bit fearful of trying new flavours we all had a go and the results of our makings were super tasty.

Thank you to you all for supporting us and for your patient too, it is a learning curve for the children but for staff too.

Click on your chef’s year groups to see what they have been up to this term.

Have the most amazing summer and enjoy some family time in the sunshine.

" I don't say everything but i paint everything"- Pablo Picasso

In year 1 this term we have started our food tech. We looked at the difference of fruit and vegetables and we watch some fast growth videos of some vegetable and some fruits, from seeds to their ripe state, where we can then eat them.

The children were truly amazing to watach the video of a strawberry and a carrot.

We had a taster session of some fruit and vegetables and from that we made up some smoothies, some look rather green but we didn’t let that stop us and still had a try and it actually wasn’t that bad!